Ice cream

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They arrived in Bilbao at dawn and went straight to the hotel. This time everyone stayed in a hotel and each had a room for himself. Emília went to her room, put on her pajamas, and lay down. Already in bed she turned to one side and then to the other and it seemed that she was not comfortable in any way. She got up and went for tea, but it did not even seem to make her feel more comfortable. Although it was about four in the morning she left the room in her pajamas and knocked on the bedroom door next to her. Mika came to open in his pajamas, but he did not look like he has sleepping.

Mika: What's going on?

Emília: I think you were right. I can not sleep alone anymore.

Mika smiled as he stepped back to let her in. Mika's room was bigger than her own and not at Mika's request. It had been the management insisting that he stay there. Emília, after enjoying that suite, sat down on the bed. Mika went to her and kissed her good night on the forehead, went to the other side of the bed, took off his shirt and lay down. Emília sat in bed thinking about it for a while. She was used to sleeping with company so she enjoyed his company but was it wrong? It was just sleeping If you think about it, there is NOTHING wrong with that. With Mika being homosexual, Emília did not feel like that was embarrassing or wrong, so she lifted the blankets and lay down next to Mika.

Emília: Mika. (shakes Mika) Wake up.

Mika: (stucks his head in the cushion) Why?

Emília: Because it's a beautiful day and you have to rehearse.

Mika: (with the head on the cushion) I do not want to.

Emília: But tonight you're going to sing in a modeling show. You have to rehearse.

Mika: (raises his head a little) Am I?

Emília: Yes. Guido knows one of the models behind it and you were invited to open the show.

Mika: (irony) I'm so excited.

Emília: It's only male models.

Mika lifted his very disheveled head quickly and gave a faint smile.

Emília: Do you want to go now?

Mika: It motivated me a little.

Emília: Then dress yourself.

He got up and Emília left and went to her bedroom in pajamas because she had not brought clothes the night before. In her bedroom, when she was finishing dressing herself, someone knocked on the door. Emília opened it and it was Lola.

Lola: I saw you entering in pajamas now. Where were you?

Emília: I slept in Mika's room.

Lola: (laughing) Really?

Emília: Yes. What's the joke? You know I do not like sleeping alone. In Portugal I slept with my friends so I like sleeping with him.

Lola: Emília, I did not ask!

Emília: But you were with a strange look! I expected this from the media, not from you!

Lola: Calm down Emília! It must have been your from your eyes! I thought it was a joke, that's all! I do not see anything wrong with sleeping together!

Emília: I'm sorry. Sorry Lola. I think I'm preparing for the criticism.

Lola: He's gay so you might be able to get free of them.

Emília, Lola, and Richard went out together to the rehearsal place where the band was already rehearsing. They took a while to arrive because they went seeing the city and taking their time. They passed a coffee with artisan ice cream and they looked so good and so different flavors that Emília could not resist buying one.

Emília: I want one.

Emília looked at Mika and pointed her eyes at Richard in a way no one would notice.

Mika: I want it too. I owe an ice cream to Richard.

Richard: What?

Mika: You have to accept. I feel bad for telling you no to the last time.

Richard: Okay. It could be.

They all ended up getting in and buying an ice cream, and Richard's was paid for by Mika. They arrived at the studio and everyone had finished the ice cream except Emília.

Max (bass player): I can see why it took so long!

Mika: See! You should have ended up out there because they will get jealous!

Emília: I'm slow to eat. I like to taste.

Mika: But you're annoying me.

Emília licked the ice cream to take even longer as she looked at Mika with a defiant look. Mika smiled and pushed the ice cream into Emília's face. She pushed him aside but her face was already full of ice cream and everyone was laughing. Emíla grabbed the rest of the ice cream and threw it at Mika's face. Now everyone was laughing, even Emília.

Lola: It was very funny but now go clean your face. There is a lot of work to do.

They went the two to the bathroom that had a washbasin that was for men and for women, so they went the two for it to wash his face and his hands full of ice cream. After washing, Mika filled his hands with water and threw it at Emília, who cringed.

Emília: Stop it! (Splashes Mika) Lola will scold us!

They wiped their hands and went to begin rehearsals.

Lola: I knew it should have go one at a time like in school.

When Emília and Mika looked at each other, they noticed their figures. There was no ice cream but their t-shirts and hair were wet as if they had been walking in the rain. They just managed to smile and shrug.

Lola: Michael, travail. (*work)

Mika went to the piano and sat down.

Richard: Wait, Mika.

Richard went to Mika and stared at him.

Richard: You still have a bit of chocolate here. (Indicates his own chin)

Mika ran a hand over his face to try to remove the stain and looked at his fingers to try to see traces of chocolate but nothing appeared. Richard lowered himself a little to the level of Mika who was sitting and cleaned Mika's face. Emília watched everything with a smile on his face but Mika never looked at her. He was too focused on looking into Richard's eyes. Richard ran his thumb over the little ice cream stain and pulled it out. Then he pulled away, but Mika was still in the same position as if he was in a trance. A trance that was interrupted by Emília who sat on top of the piano.

Emília: (whispers) Are you okay?

Mika: (whispers without looking away from the piano) Has time stopped for you or was it just for me? (Smiles embarrassed)


I just wanted to thank you for reading. Do not forget to vote and comment.

Do you think Mika should stay with Richard?

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