I'm tired

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Emília came home and took a shower, worked, watched television, listened to music, all to see if all the thoughts that she had in her head would left. It helped but not totally. She needed to talk to someone but it could not be Mika. She picked up her cell phone and looked for someone in her contacts. It ended up in Lola's name. She did not want to interrupt, but she thought she could be back in Paris. Emília finally called and Lola was quick to answer.

Lola: Good evening, Emília.

Emília: Hello. I already missed hearing your accent.

Lola: I miss you too. You're in England right?

Emília: Yes. How do you know ?!

Lola: Emília, you're famous. It's not hard to figure out where you're going and what you're up to.

Emília: (laughs) That's right. Sometimes I forget that.

Lola: What's going on?

Emília: How do you know that something is wrong? Have you seen any news?

Lola: No, but I know that sad voice.

Emília: It turns out that I've been with Mika all day but Yasmine reacted badly to the idea of ​​sleeping in his house so I've slept in mine. However, last night he invited me to stay there and I could not say no. I was missing him too much.

Lola: And what's the problem?

Emília: The problem is that in the morning Yasmine entered the room and we were ... kissing and so and ... we were in underwear.

Lola: (laughs) I'm sorry, Emília. But it's funny. What did she see exactly?

Emília: Well, Mika was lying on top of me and we were ... Wait a minute! Why is that important to you ?!

Lola: You know I like to know these things. That means your relationship is going good.

Emília: Lola! Concentrate! Yasmine freaked out and I had to leave as if I had committed a crime.

Lola: So what about the rest of Mika's family?

Emília: His mother reacted normally because she had already invited me to stay there. The only problem is really Yasmine.

Lola: And Mika said something?

Emília: He was angry but I do not know what he said because I left.

Lola: I'm sure he's already given her a lesson.

Emília: I have ignored her attacks but I am getting more and more tired. I do not know what to do.

Lola: Stay calm. Maybe what he said to her is enough.

Emília: I hope so. I can not take this anymore.

(Knock on the door and Emília will open)

Emília: Look, I have to disconnect because I have Mika at the door. (opens the door and Mika enters)

Lola: All right. Send him kisses and do not let those little things affect you, okay?

Emília: Okay.

Lola: If you need anything, call me.

Emília: Yes, thank you. Kisses. (hangs up the call)

Mika: Who was it? If I may know.

Emília: You can and you should. It was Lola and she sent you a kiss.

***Mika: How are things with her and Pascal?

Emilia: (holds her hand to her forehead) I'm really insensitive! I just talked about myself and I did not even ask that!

Mika: Do not worry she does not either. (sits on the couch) How are you? I have not heard from you all day.

Emilia: (sits next to Mika) I've been here in the works. And in your house? How did it all go?

Mika: After I said everything I thought to Yasnine I went to the bedroom. Later I learned from Fortuné that she was dressed in the sewing room. Been there all day. But I do not know.

Emilia: Did she cry ?! What did you tell him?

Mika: It does not matter what I said. It was not a big deal. If you're crying, it's because you're silly, you just can.

Emilia: What about the rest of your family?

Mika: It was a little quiet, but otherwise normal. Without being Fortune, no one said more about it.

Emilia: What did Fortune say?

Mika: (looks at his hands) No way.

Emilia: (smiles) Now I was curious.

Mika: He asked how it had been the night, if I did not need to go to sleep, what did Yasmine have seen ... Basically, now it's going to be a good time to piss me off with this story.

Emilia: (laughs) The typical Fortune.

Mika laid her hand on Emilia's face and tucked her hair behind her ear. He had already clutched his eyes closed, ready to kiss Emilia. However, when their lips were almost touching themselves, Emilia's cell phone began to ring and they had to move away.

Emilia: (looks at the screen) I do not know the number.

Mika: Do you want me to pick it up?

Emilia: No! (smiles) You can be my lover!

Mika rolled her eyes and Emilia finally answered.

Emilia: Am I?

On the other side answered a female voice and a little nervous.

-I am. Emilia, it's Yasmine.

Emilia: (opens her eyes and gets up from the couch) Yasmine?

Mika frowned and stood up, too.

Yasmine: I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I'd like to talk to you. Could you come here for a while?

Emilia: (looks at Frightened Mika) There the house? Now?

Yasmine: (with a voice shaking) If you can not or you do not want, there's no problem but I really enjoyed talking to you.

Emilia: Aaaaa ... Yes, it may be. I'll get there.

Yasmine: Okay. Bye.

Emilia: See you later. (turn off the call) This is what I did not expect.

Mika: Between being Yasmine calling you and being your lover I do not know what's worse. What did she say?

Emilia: She wants me to go talk to her.

Mika: Maybe that's good news.

Emilia: Will you take me to your house? (grabs the suitcase)

Mika: Of course! With any luck you do not get out of there.

Mika grabbed Emily's waist and led her out.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now