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They left the studio, and Emília remembered the reporters at the door when she came in and stood behind Mika clinging to the back of her coat.

Mika: What is it?

Emília: When I came in, there were journalists at the door asking me questions.

Mika: And then you're hiding behind me because ...?

Emília: Because I do not understand anything they say.

Mika: And am I the Google Translator ?!

Emília: Basically.

(A/N: I really use Google Translate to do this: D)

They were going forward and when they looked at the street there were the same journalists. As soon as they left they were soon "attacked" with questions. The only thing understandableto Emília was the first sentence Mika said and she realized that he was saying that she could not speak Italian. The Italian has things similar to Portuguese, so she understood something. The problem is that they usually spoke very fast and she could not keep up. They went to the car with Mika answering questions.

(In the car)

Emília: What were they saying?

Mika: They really know you!

Emília: I already knew that, but what did they ask?

Mika: They asked us what our relationship was, how we had met and things like that.

Emília: And what did you say?

Mika: I said it was the fate that brought us together and that our marriage was in a month.

Emília: (laughs) You're so silly.

Mika: Ya, but they apparently believed it.

Emília: Oh! You did not!

Mika: I said it!

Emília: Mika !!

Emília punched him in the arm and he laughed, wrinkling his nose.

Mika: You think I was going to say that ?!

Emília: Yes! You were quite capable! They would not believe it!

Mika: You're right. But do not worry. Did not say it.

The conversation was over but Mika was still laughing like an idiot.

Emília: But what's so funny now?!

Mika: I'm imagining your parents opening a magazine and saying "oh look! Mika's getting married! And his bride really looks like our daughter!"

Emília: Yes, yes ... I can see happiness in their faces. It would be very pretty.

They got the TV station and Mika went backstage to get makeup done. After a little makeup in the face so the lights did not reflect on his skin, the girl went to fix his hair. Emília was paying attention to everything because she had never seen that preparation.

Mika: I'm getting awsome, right?

Emília: Mika, she put you makeup, she did not do a miracle.

Mika: If I had no respect for the work of this young woman you already had hair gel in your face.

As soon as he was ready they called him to the stage where he was greeted with loud applause. He greeted the presenter and sat down in front of him. Emília watched everything from the backstage. Shee did not understood much of the interview. She realized that he did not like it very much when they said something about his father and realized that they said her name, which caught her eye. Suddenly Mika pointed at Emília and the presenter turned to her which made her even more confused. Then the presenter started speaking in English.

Presenter: Emília, come here.

She did not move. She was static in shock. It was not supposed to happen. She was only there for Mika not to go alone.

Mika: Em! (He gestures with his hand to call her)

Emília saw that she had no choice and eventually entered and was also received with applause.

Mika touched the couch and motioned for her to sit down, which she obeyed.

Presenter: Emília, welcome!

Emília: Thank you. I guess.

Presenter: I called you here because you have become a phenomenon in social media. In a few days there are already fans who recognize you, there is already news about your relationship. How do you explain that?

Emília: Aaaaa .... I do not explain. The truth is, I have no idea how this happened.

Mika: I think what caught the attention of fans was the fact that Emília came out of nowhere and is an ordinary person. We usually say it's the "girl next door". And I think the fans have identified with her. Apart from that she is a very easy way to get to me.

Presenter: The videos and pictures you share show that you have a very close relationship. His this realationship real?

Emília: Of course not! This is just to look good!


From there the interview was passed with jokes, which meant that when the presenter asked Mika something more personal, Emília would respond with a joke so that he did not have to respond.

Presenter: Thank you so much for coming. Grazie.

The audience applauded and they waited for them to stop recording to leave the studio.

Emília: So? It went well, do not you think?

Mika: It went VERY well! Thank you. You saved my life. (Embraces Emília)

Emília: You better start to think in raising my salary.

Mika: Increasing your salary I do not say but... do you have something to do?

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now