X Factor

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The next day Mika left soon after breakfast for X Factor recordings. Emília took some time to rest at home, but when she finally got bored, she decided to go with Mika to the program. He had left her a pass if she wanted to go there and she decided to use it.

When she arrived she was surprised by the amount of people who wanted to show her talent for singing. The room that preceded the stage entrance was full and was a very spacious room. She tried to pass a little unknown but it was impossible. Some Mika fans eventually recognized her and delayed her a bit. At the same time as she was entering the backstage next to the stage was the next contestant. Emília saw the girl with dark skin and very bulky hair and had the sensation that she knew her. As soon as their eyes met, she was sure she knew her. It was Sharon! The very funny girl that months ago had stuck a crowd of fans to take Emília to Mika!

Emília: Sharon !?

Sharon: Hello Emília!

Emília: I did not know you sang!

Sharon: And I do not sing.

Emília: So what are you doing here? Are not you contestant?

Sharon: I am but I'm a bad singer.

Emília: (confused) Then why...

One of the staff told Sharon it was her time and she went to the hosts. They wished her good luck and she stepped onto the stage. Emilia decided that she was not going anywhere before seeing her performance.

Mika: Buon pomeriggio. Io ti conosco! (Good afternoon. I know you!)

Sharon: Sono Sharon, ci ha visto al momento della firma a teatro. (I'm Sharon, we saw each other at the autograph session at the theater.)

Mika: Sì, mi ricordo. (Yes, I remember.)

Skin: E che cosa hai intenzione di cantare per noi? (And what are you going to sing for us?)

Sharon: "Hello", Adele.

Elio: Buona fortuna. (Good luck)

Emília had only understood the name of the song and was very anxious to hear what came from there. Sharon began to sing initially neither good nor bad but when it arrived at the chours Emília felt that its eardrums had burst. From the jurors' faces they felt the same. Fortunately, it was not long before Mika stopped her and there was a long silence. It was noticeable that none of the jurors were able to comment, and eventually left for Mika.

Mika: Pensi di sapere cantare?( Do you think you can sing?)

Sharon: Non. (No.)

Mika: Hai cantare come un gatto per dare alla luce. (You sang like a cat giving birth.)

The whole audience laughed. Even Emília, though she was not sure she'd understand. Fortunately, Sharon did not seem affected at all, and she smiled.

Fedez: Ma se sai che non cantare perché sei venuto qui? (But if you can not sing why did you come here?)

Sharon: Perché... volevo vederti a voi e Mika. Voi siete gli uomini più affascinanti del mondo. (Because ... I wanted to see you and Mika. You're the most charming men in the world.)

Everyone started laughing and Mika and Fedez had a confused expression so big that Emília had to ask for a quick translation from a staff person. When she realized the situation she laughed a lot. On the stage, Mika eventually called Sharon and she had a hug and a kiss from them. Of course, she left as if she had won the program.

After a few more contestants Emília went to the jury room to wait for Mika. She began to hear the jurors come into the room and hid behind the door. As soon as the door opened she jumped forward and screamed. She was hoping to see Mika's face, but instead she was almost against Fedez.

Emília: I'm sorry.

Emília retreated so that they had room to enter and, unlucky enough, Mika was the last to enter.

Mika: Em!

Emília: You just lost me making a big silly figure.

Mika: It does not matter. There are more opportunities. Guys, this is Emília.

Fedez: Mika ha parlato molto di te, ma non ha detto quanto sei bella.

Mika: He said "welcome."

Emília: M, I'm not fluent in Italian but I'm not stupid.

Fedez: I said Mika did not say you were so pretty.

Emília: Thank you.  On the other hand, I was not warned of your presence, otherwise I had not done that stupid figure.

Mika: Emília, these are Fedez, Skin and Elio. Okay, everybody is presented. Em, do not you want to eat anything? Go to the table and eat.

Emília smiled and went to the table to get a snack. The jurors sat on the couches and Fedez grabbed his viola. In the moment Emília heard the chords turned and was surprised to see that it was Fedez playing. She knew he was a rapper, that's all. Emília eventually sat next to him while he played an Italian song that Mika and Elio sang. In the end she and Skin, who probably had never heard it either, applauded.

Emília: You play very well.

Fedez: Grazie. You play?

Emília: A little.

Mika: No! Emília plays very well!

Emília: Mika!

Fedez handed the viola to Emília, and she gave him a nervous smile, but finally grabbed it.

Emília: I can play something but you all have to sing!

Everyone agreed and Emília made the first chords that were enough for everyone to know Tracy Chapman's "Fast car" theme. Everyone sang and Emília stopped being nervous to be happy with that moment of four beautiful voices in one song. In the end, more applause.

Fedez: (quietly to Mika)  Bella, divertente e suona la viola! Dove l'avete trovata? (Pretty, funny and plays viola! Where did you find her?)

Mika: (quietly)Ho dovuto ordinare dal Portogallo. (I had to order from Portugal.)

Emília did not realize most of what they had said. Not for the intensity of their voices but for being in Italian. However, she was almost certain of one thing: they were talking about her. And she was anxious to know what.


A/N: New character!What do you think will get out of here? Do not you love Italian !? It's a beautiful language! Vote it and comment it!

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