Too Pregnant

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(Seven months later)
Emília: (peeking out of the building) Oh my God Mika. So many people.
Mika: Shouldn't you be used to it?
Emília: Yes, but I have to admit that I didn't think you had so many fans in Korea.
Mika: But they are really too many and they are spectacular.
Emília: Yes, I believe they are, but they do not have a sense of personal space. They don't and not even any fan has. I think they forget that I need double the space. It seems that the more my belly grows the more they spread against me.
Mika: (laughs) That's because they all want to touch your beautiful belly, love.
Emília: (looks at Mika seriously) Yeah, I understand, but this is just weird and I don't want them to touch it. I love them but I'm hot, you know? I have hormones, too many hormones.
Mika: I know you do. To many.
Emília: What do you mean by that ?!
Mika: Forget it. Just don't treat them badly. They don't mean it.
Emília: You're talking like i do that.
The security guard at the building opened the door of the building where Mika had been doing an interview and they passed outside and were, as usual, "swallowed" by excited fans. Also not to change, Mika was taking small steps and signing autographs and taking photographs.
Emília rolled her eyes because she knew she was going to get bored with him clinging to the fans while she was supporting the weight of a child.
Emília: Mika!
Mika turned to Emília and she was clinging to her belly.
Mika: What's going on?
Emília: We have to go! I'm having contractions! It's going to born!
Mika: MY GOD!
Mika dropped everything and grabbed Emília's arm to help her get to the car.
Emília: Oh it hurts! Quick Mika! Oh, I can't take it!
Mika was super confused. He put Emília in the car and went around to get behind the wheel. As soon as he got into the car he put on his security belt and tried to put the key in the ignition but he was shaking and the task still took some time. He didn't even notice that Emília was no longer screaming but looking at him with a frown. Until finally, the car started to move and Mika was quick to accelerate like crazy.
Emília: Hey! Slower!
Mika: No way! We have to go to the hospital!
Emília: No, let's go to the hotel, please.
Mika: Are you crazy ?! (looks away from the road a little to look at Emília) Hey! What happened to the contractions? Have they disappeared?
Emília: (tightens her lips to avoid laughing) Mika, they never existed.
Mika: WHAT ?!
Emília: I'm sorry, but the truth is that if you stayed there waiting for everyone to get an autograph, it would be born. I couldn't take it anymore.
Mika: I can't believe you did this to me ?! Now we have to explain to the world that it was a false alarm!
Emília: See this on the positive side. It was like a simulation. Next time you won't be so nervous.
Mika: I really hope that the next one is it really borning!
Emília couldn't take it anymore and had to laugh quietly at the nervousness she had caused her husband.
Mika: (alternating his gaze between Emília and the road) Don't laugh! If you didn't have a child of mine in your belly, you were already out of the car!
Emília stopped laughing and looked at Mika a little scared. She stopped being scared when she saw that he was smiling too and looked at her smiling even more.
Mika: That and if I didn't love you so much. You would be already outside the door.
Emília: (smiles) I love you too.
Three days later, Emília and Mika arrived in London and went to Mika's house, now from the two of them because Emília had already sold hers.
Emília: MIIKAA !!
Mika was playing the piano in the room and stopped to roll his eyes and get up slowly.
Mika: (speaks to himself in a low tone) It's just another month Mika. You can do it. It will be worth it and you love her very much.
Mika: I'M GOING!
Emília was in the corridor waiting for him, arms crossed over her big belly.
Mika: (smiling) How can I help you, my love?
Emília: Why is the office door locked? (points to the door besides her)
Mika: Because I'm preparing something in there that I don't want you to see.
Emília: And where am I going to put...?
Mika: What ?! I heard you right ?! Did you say your moving stuff ?!
Emília: N-No, (scratches her arm) I mean ...
Mika: What did we agree on? (grabs Emília by the shoulders) Don't work on the house! You're eight months pregnant! You're too pregnant! Come listen to a song. (grabs Emília's hand and starts to pull)
Emília: (rolls her eyes) Mika, you're changing the subject.
Mika: Come with me.
Emília finally gave in and Mika took her to the piano and pulled out a chair so that she could sit next to him, as now there is no way to sit on the piano as usual.
Mika: Look, now I don't know what to sing. (runs his hand through his hair)
Emília: Anything, love. (waves her hand in front of her face) I'm so hot.
Mika immediately pressed a key on the piano to prevent her from continuing to complain. He then sang "It Feels Like Love", for obvious reasons. In the chorus, Emília interrupted him.
Emília: Mika! Sorry but (grabs Mika's hand and places it on her belly) make the high notes again.He responded to her request and took an interior leap when he realized that the baby had responded to his high notes by kicking his hand. They looked at each other. Emília with a smile and Mika with her jaw dropped.
Mika: Did it do it on purpose?
Emília: The baby still has no intention in what he does but you can believe that he did.
Mika got down on his knees in front of Emília and kissed her belly. They stayed like that for a few beautiful minutes that were interrupted by Emília.
Emília: My God! Do you know what I want?
Mika: Get me in trouble?
Emília: A black pudding!
Mika: (raises an eyebrow) What ?!
Emília: (with a sad expression) In Portugal we have many.
Mika: Em, we are not in Portugal.
Emília: You're right, forget it. In that case I want chips with chocolate!
Mika looked shocked at Emília.
Emília: Júlia showed me that it is good!
Mika said nothing. He went to his cell phone and fiddled with it in silence for a few minutes.
Mika: I'll be right back. (heads for the exit door)
Emília: Where are you going?
Mika: I've been researching and the black pudding is made with blood, Em, blood!
Emília: Yes, I know, so what?
Mika: So ... I'll get you the chips and the chocolate.
Emília smiled, Mika gave her a quick kiss and left.


(A.N: All a woman needs is a man with the patience to deal with us at these times, right? I laughed at writing this, I have to admit. This fanfiction is near the end. If you haven't voted for the name yet of their baby vote on the previous chapter. Thank you.)

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