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Emília and Mika went to the room where the team was but it was not easy to get there.

Mika: Damn! And now?

Mika paced the corridors to peek through the rooms in which they passed to try to discover the ways.

Emília: Mika!

Mika turned back and saw Emília entering one of the rooms.

Mika: Emília! Where are you going?

Mika followed her. He entered a place where wax cartoons were. It was a room for the children. Emília was in front of the figure of "The Little Prince" or, as it said in the plate, "Le Petit Prince".

Emília: My God! I love "The Little Prince"!

Mika grabbed the camera from Emília's hand and pulled out a selfie with the wax doll. Although Emília wanted to see the rest of that room they had to leave. In the room where the team was, everything was a chaos.

Lola: Emília and Mika, il a été spectaculaire*! (* Was spectacular)

Mika: Merci. Em was very well for some that does not speaks French.

Emília: Thank you. And the movie Guido? It ended up okay?

Guido: I think it's going to be very funny.

Mika: I do not want to be rude, but I'm going home to get some rest for tomorrow. Em, are you coming or are you going to later?

Lola: But will Emília stay with you? Again?

Mika: Of course! (puts his arm around Emília's shoulders) She can not let me go now.

Emília: And I do not want to ruin the romance.

Lola: Then come and have dinner with me and Pascal. It's the last we can do.

Mika: I do not know.

Emília: M, we can make a deal. We ate diner with them if they pay.

Mika: And if they stay together forever.

Emília: It was very beautiful, M.

Lola: Are you coming or not ?!

Mika and Emília: Yes!

Mika: So I go home to prepare myself.

Emília: I'm going with you.

They left sending little kisses in the air. Outside was a crowd of fans who knew Mika was inside. He, as always, walked while he waved and smiled and passed among the fans who asked for autographs and photographs. Emília still gave some autographs and took some photos. After passing the crowd with short steps they finally reached the car. Mika arrived a few minutes before Emília.

Mika: Em, "no"!

Emília: "No" what?

Mika: It's what do you have to learn to say.

Emília: To the fans?

Mika: Of course! You do not have to sign autographs and take photos. You don't have to obey them.

Emília: But I do not want to be mean.

Mika: It's not being mean. They have to respect your will and realize that you can be in a hurry or just do not feel like it. I'm warning you because if you do not do this one day they will "eat you".

Emília nodded. She agreed but it was hard to say no to someone who liked her.

When they arrived at Mika's house he rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. Emília changed clothes for a simple dress and, of course, her sneakers. She went into the living room to wait for Mika with Mel's company. Emília sat on the couch and Mel lay with her snout in her lap while she was petting her. Five, ten, fifteen minutes had passed and Mika had not left the bathroom yet. Emília snorted in despair and went to the door of the bathroom.

Emília: (toc toc toc) Mika! You're worse than women!

Mika: I'm done!

Emília: (to herself) They are always.

Emília looked at the door and then at Mel who was sitting next to her. She raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Emília: (low voice) Mel, do you want to go to Mika?

Mel continued to stare at her with her tongue hanging as if listening with attention.

Emília: (turns the door knob quietly) Go to him.

Mel, barely saw the door openning went into the bathroom and Emília closed the door. It did not take long before Mika found out.


From outside the door Emília could not stop laughing.


Emília could have sted away from the front door but she was laughing so hard she did not even think about moving.

Mika opened the door a short time later and found Emília laughing. He was wearing only his trousers. He had no sweater or shoes and his hair was wet and completely unkempt. Mel appeared from behind him and went into the living room as if nothing had happened.

Mika: How do you want me to be fast with a dog trying to take a bathe with me? Luckily I managed to stop her, you know what would have happened?

Emília: What?

Mika: This.

Mika approached Emília and shook her head with as much force as possible, splashing Emília just like a dog does. Emília took a few steps back to try to escape those drops but did not succeed. Mika started to walk behind her until he grabbed her and ran his hair over Emília's back and head.

Mika: Now you smell good.

Emília: Get dressed!

He went to dress the rest of the clothes and put on his shiny shoes and they went out to dinner at the hotel with Lola and Pascal. It was not a cold night, but the sky looked like it was going rain.

When they arrived at the hotel's restaurant, Lola and Pascal were already side by side at a table waiting for them. Lola was in a black dress that contrasted with her white skin, and Pascal was in suit as if he had to deal with business. He was always dressed like this. Maybe it was the habit of wearing suits for work. The moment Emília and Mika approached them and they stud up to greet them.

Lola: Sit down.

They sat side by side in front of the couple.

Emília: We are sorry for the delay but there are those who have fifty hair products.

Mika: It's not true.

Lola: Of course not. You're being unfair! He has sixty-two!

Mika: You are envy of my beautiful hair.

They ate diner in a good mood. Lola and Pascal were perfect for each other and the love between them was felt by anyone around. They spent all time thanking what Mika and Emília did and they continued to do for them.


Cute, cute, cute... Thank you very much.

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