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Richard: Is it something wrong?

Mika: Yeah ... no ... look, I just wanted to apologize.

Richard: Why?

Mika: I was stupid with you because of that interview thing.

Richard: It's ok, I just do not want you to be upset with me.

Mika: I have no reason to be.

Richard: So everything's okay?

Mika: Of course.

Richard reached out his hand and Mika squeezed it. Outside, Lola and Emília, when they heard the silence returned to the team and they went there too.

Lola: Oh! You are here! I was looking for you! Let's go?

Mika: Yes.

They went to the airport for a 1 hour and a half trip. As they entered the plane Mika and Emília sat next to each other.

Lola: What ?! Are they going to be together !?

Emília and Mika watched Lola frown as they tightened their belts.

Guido: What's wrong?

Lola: I want you to exterminate all the straws on this plane.

Guido shook his head and sat down while Emília and Mika started laughing like two fools.

Mika: En, plans for tonight ...

Lola: Osez-vous * Michael!

*Dare you

Mika: I promise we will not do anything.

Emília: I'll take care of him.

Lola: That does not make me any calmer.

They continued to laugh and Lola finally sat down next to Guido. Although it was a relatively short trip, they fell asleep in an instant. Once again, Emília was awakened, but this time it was not for Mika. To her amazement, it was Lola!

Emília: Are we there yet?

Lola: No but we should be almost so wake up.

Emília: What for?

Lola raised her hand and held up a cell phone.

Emília: What's wrong?

Lola: It's Mika's.

Emília: (straightens) What's the idea?

Lola: People do not know me but they know you. He has the Periscope on.

Lola gave the cell phone to Emília and she started the video and, despite being two o'clock in the morning, the number of people watching increased in a flash.

Emília: (in a low voice) And now, ladies and gentlemen, the Sleeping Beauty.

She turned the camera over to Mika and the comments filled with hearts and emoji with a lovely face.

Lola: Explain where we are.

Emília: (back to the camera again) Okay. We're on the plane from Milan to Paris. That is it, French, be aware that cause are coming! Mika, do you want to say something? (Records Mika sleeping) It seems like you don't. Something tells me that he will starting to check if the Periscope is closed. Well, kisses to all the freaks who are awake at this hour. (Turns off)

They laughed to themselves and turned to put the phone in Mika's pocket. They did not fall asleep because the trip was over. Mika went to her house and they went to the hotel. This time, Lola and Emília shared a room so they still laughed a lot with what had happened and only later fell asleep.

They were awakened by Emília's phone ringing.

Emília: Hello?

Mika: Em, do you want to explain to me why there is a thing to circulating on the Internet called #SleepingMika?

Emília: Really ?! What a scene!

Lola: What is he saying?

Mika: And why are there pictures of me sleeping that are print screans from my Periscope?

Emília: Look, good question! Does the Periscope have a life of its own?

Mika: Maybe! I just do not understand why I read things like "kkkk Emília is awesome".

Emília: But what does that have to do with anything? I thought you already knew I was awesome!?

Mika: Em, you're gonna pay for all of this.

Emília: All right. Then we negotiated that. Kisses. (Disconnect the call)

Lola: Did he find out?!

Emília: You will not believe it! It's all over the Internet!

Lola: Typical.

Emília: Yea, right! I forgot that you are the girl of social media.

Lola: Well, the "social media girl" has to leave.

They dressed and Lola after about fifteen minutes in the bathroom came out of there all produced.

Emília: Wow! Where are you going?!

Lola: (smiling) I'm going to meet Pascal. And you?

Emília: I do not know. I think I'll go to the rehearsals to see if everything is working, and then I'll take a walk and make a video call on a beautiful site in the city.

Lola: Okay. If you need anything ...

Emília: I'm not calling you.

Lola: Exactement*.



They left together but separated with a kiss.

When Emília was about to arrive at the rehearsal room, a journalist appeared and approached Emília.

Journalist: Bonjour Emília, il est vrai que passé la nuit dans la maison de Mika en Italie?

* It is true that you spent the night at Mika's house in Italy

Emília: (surprised) I understood that! And my answer is "yes". Is there a problem with that?

Journalist: Pas peur?

*Are you not afraid?

Emília: See! I did not catch that! But what I have to say about it is that I do not advise anyone to do the same because he snores a lot.

The journalist recorded everything but did not understood anything she said and she entered the building. Inside, Mika was at the piano playing Stuck in the Middle. Emília began to dance to the beat and he saw her begin to dance a little too. The music stopped and the question followed.

Mika: Did you like Periscope?

Emília: It's Lola's fault!

Mika: (smiles as he lowers his head) Speaking of her. Where is she?

Emília: She went to see Pascal.

Mika: To where?

Emília: I do not know!

Mika: You should have asked.

Emília: I should not!

Mika: And you? What are you going to do?

Emília: I would like to take a little tour to make a Skype call with my friends and my family and show them the city.

Mika: Okay. (Gets up) So let's go. Unless you do not want my company.

Emília: I do not want it but what can i do? Ok, lets go.


I laughed reading this :D

I'm stupid.

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