Are you shore about this?

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Romeu: Emíia, answer only one question. Do you feel the same for me?

Emília swallowed. At times she put her feelings into question. Was she really in love with Romeu? Still a few minutes ago she would have said without hesitation that yes, but now someone jumped to her mind. Mika. However, her rational side told her that this was a lost case. He would never be able to fall in love with her. The truth is, she did not even know if she wanted it to happen. The friendship with Mika was getting better and she did not want to destroy it. And Romeu. Romeo was a spectacular man who made her feel like a princess. She had feelings for him. It was not worth denying. Besides, she needed a man. He could be, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what she had been looking for for years. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not even realize that Romeu was still waiting for an answer.

Romeu: Emília?

Emília: Yes ... I'm in love with you too.

Romeu smiled and squeezed Emília's hand harder.

Romeu: For some moments you frightened me.

Emília: Sorry, it's a flaw I have.

Romeu: What?

Emília: I think too much.

Romeu: I do not think that's a flaw. I'm sick of women who think nothing.

Emília smiled and the meal continued this time with a much lighter environment. They talked about their lives. Romeu spoke of all the places in the world where he had already passed and Emília spoke of Portugal and of those who she had left there. At the end of dinner they left the restaurant and it was a very pleasant evening. Romeu grabbed Emília's hands and stepped in front of her.

Romeu: Do ​​you want to go for a walk?

Emília: Thank you but I can not. I really loved it but ... when I left the house I realized that something was wrong with Mika and i would like to talk to him. Sorry, do not get me wrong.

Romeu: (grabs Emília's face) Emília, it does not matter. He is your friend and needs you.

Romeu approached, grabbed Emília by the waist and kissed her. She grabbed him by the neck to pull him closer to her. When there lips parted, Romeu pressed his forehead to Emília's forehead.

Romeu: Can I take you home?

Emília: You can not. You must

They both smiled, Romeu gave Emília a quick kiss and led her back to the car. When they arrived at the hotel Romeu got out of the car to open Emília's door. He took her by the hand to the entrance of the building and said goodbye with one more kiss this time more in love. The moment Emília entered the hotel she received a message.


"First stop: my room. I'm waiting ;)"

Sometimes it even seemed that Lola had put a GPS on her.

Emília went upstairs and went to Lola's room. She barely knocked on the door. Lola came to open it, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her full speed into the room.

Lola: You can start.

Emília: It went well.

Lola: That's a forbidden answer! Especially when you were kissing down here.

Emília: (eyes wide) WHAT ?! HOW DO YOU KNOW?!

Lola: I saw through the window.


Lola: Yes, so do not try to fool me. Tell me everything.

Emília ran a hand through her hair, took a deep breath, and began to speak. She tried to count briefly and quickly because she wanted to go to Mika.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now