Love yourself first

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Mika and Lola went home and were drinking tea to keep Mika calm. There was a knock at the door, and Lola went into the room. Mika opened the door and Richard entered.

Richard: Good evening.

Mika closed the door and said nothing. Richard set down his things and went back to Mika.

Richard: So? How was your day?

Mika: Normal. And your's?

Richard: Also. I'm tired. I worked hard today.

Mika: Do you want some tea?

Richard: That seems very good, thank you.

Richard sat on the couch and Mika filled a mug with tea and took it to him.

Richard: (grabs the mug) Thank you.

Mika sat down beside Richard and set down his empty mug on the coffee table opposite.

Richard: Mika, is everything okay?

Mika: Why should not be?

Richard: I do not know. You look sad.

Mika: I'm really a little sad.

Richard: (rests his hand on Mika's face) Do you want a few kisses to make you feel better?

Mika made a sad smile and bit her bottom lip. How could anyone be so much shameless?

Mika: (looks Richard in the eyes) Do you love me?

Richard: What question is that ?! Of course yes!

Mika: Just me?

Richard: Of course! What are you talking about?

Mika: Who's Anne?

Richard: Anne ??? I Do not know.

Mika: (gets up) Do not lie to me! Who's your girlfriend Anne ?!

Richard: (puts the mug down and gets up) You talk to my dad?

Mika: That does not matter now! Who is she?!

Richard: It's nobody!

Mika: Bullshit!

Richard: I'm telling the truth! She does not exist! I invented it!

Mika: You what ?!

Richard: It's a girlfriend I made up for my dad. I do not have anyone else. I love you.

Mika: (puts his hands to his head and starts to cry) And you say that as if that make it all right !? Are you gay or are not you ?!

Richard: I ... I think so.

Mika: You think so ?! You do not know?!

Richard: No ... I mean ... Yes, I'm gay. I told you I love you!

Mika: You did not tell your father that we dated because you also never told him you were gay!

Richard: Yes, I never told him because...

Mika: Shut up! Everything you say is a lie! Plus I may have been stupid and dumb by now but I'm not anymore! I know VERY well why you never told your father! Now yes. Now it makes a lot of sense. The problem is not your father! The problem is YOU!

Richard: (approaches Mika) No, wait, let me ...

Mika: (walks away) I told you to shut up! Now it's my turn to talk! I was so stupid not to see this before! You did not want anyone to know about our relationship, you did not evenhold my hand when we were with our friends, you hated that dinner with Emília and Romeu and you never insisted I go to dance class so I do not cross with your father. By the way, probably so I would not cross myself with anyone at all. And now it makes sense. This mystery of yours is solved. The problem is not what others will think and say. The problem is what you think! You do not accept yourself and then you want to be accepted! Have you ever said that you were gay to someone?

Richard: I told you.

Mika: It was just, was not it ?! You told me because you were interested.

Richard: I told you because you're someone I trust. It was not easy to tell you that whole story of my life. I only did it because I love you.

Mika: (shakes his head) No, no, stop. Do not say that again.

Richard: I really love you, Mika.

Mika: I told you that if you loved me you would tell the truth to your father and you did not.

Richard: (starts to cry) Sorry, I-I was not able to.

Mika: You know why you were not able to? Because you'll only be able when you accept it. When you say with full trsut that you're homosexual. As you did not say, you already know what awaits you. We had a deal.

Richard: (cries harder) Mika, please. I'm going to change.

Mika: Look Richard, I sure hope so. For your well being I hope so. But one thing I know. It will not be overnight. It will be hard work and it will be difficult so ...

Richard: No Mika! Do not do this to me! I love you!

Mika: I'M TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT! Do not you realize that you do not love anyone !? You will only be able to truly love someone when you first love yourself! Get out of my house.

Richard: Please do not give up on me.

Mika: I'm not giving up. Quite the contrary. One day you'll realize that but now it's over. Get out of my house.

Mika passed Richard without looking and opened the front door. Richard slowly grabbed his things and went to the door. He looked at Mika, who was staring at the floor and sobbing from crying. Richard still waited for him to look at him but he did not. He just waited for him to leave without saying anything else. Richard lowered his head and left the house. Mika slammed the door and went to the piano in the living room. He sat down and wept with immense force. Lola, who had heard all the screams, left the room and went to Mika. She put her hand on his shoulder and called for him but he had his head in his arms and did not react. He continued to cry in such a way that if he continued, he would stop having strength to cry. Lola went to get the cell phone and sent a message to Emília. Then she sat down next to Mika but being there or not being there would be the same thing. Then she got up and started pacing to try to clear her nerves and prayed that Emília would appear as soon as possible.


A/N: Again this is still shorter but it has to be this way. If someone cried tell me in the comment. I want to read your opinion on this. Is it really the end between them? Do you support Mika's decision or would you do otherwise? Thank you for reading. Do not forget to vote.

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