Love you when i'm drunk

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At the end of their changing clothes, Emília and Mika left the dressing room at the same time.

Emília: Let's go home?

Mika: Sorry, but I agreed to go to a friend I have not seen for a long time to catch up.

Emília: (smiles and raises an eyebrow) A friend?

Mika: Yes Em. Just a friend. As for you and Fedez, I can not say the same, can I?

Emília: We're just friends!

Mika: And you should continue like this.

Emília: But why ?!

Mika: I already told you! He's not the right person for you!

Emília: So Romeu was. At least you supported our relationship!

Mika: I was supporting it until I realized that he was just a good actor.

Emília: So what is Fedez's problem?

Mika: The problem is not Fedez's. The problem is that you want a serious relationship and you will not get it with Fedez!

Emília: You're wrong, M, I do not think I want a serious relationship anymore. I will stop thinking about the future and live the moment.

Mika: You do not believe what you're saying.

Emília: (lifts his chin) I do believe! I'll live the moment! Fedez can be a good moment. Fedez can be my carpe diem. (blinks the eye)

Mika: Em, that is not Italian! It's Latin!

Emília: It does not matter. Then he teaches me to say something like that in Italian.

Mika: Em, I know Italian!

Emília: Mika, you're pissing me off. I have to go home and you have to go to your boyfriend so we will not make this our first discussion.

Mika: Okay. But he's just my friend.

Emília went home to read the script that had been written for the video and try to represented. It was late and Mika had not come back yet. She was on the couch working on the computer when she heard what appeared to be someone putting the key in the door lock. As the person never opened the door Emília began to be frightened and went slowly to the entrance. She put her ear to the door and heard Mika's giggle. She opened the door and there he was with the key in his hand. When he saw her, he smiled broadly.

Emília: Mika, what's going on?

Mika: Em! I'm so happy to see you!

As soon as he spoke in a drawn way Emília felt the smell of alcohol. He swung and Emília grabbed him inside the house.

Emília: Mika, what did you do ?!

Mika: Nothing. That is the problem.

Emília: (sits Mika on the couch) Oh my God. I'm afraid of what you're going to say.

Mika: I was thinking. Damn! I'm very stupid. I never kissed a woman!

Emília: (rolls her eyes) Well, how sad. Look, neither did I and I'm not in that state because of that.

Mika: I can not die without kissing a woman!

Emília: That's no problem. Tomorrow you go out and get a fan to kiss you.

Mika: No, Em! No! I want to kiss you!

Mika started leaning smiling at Emília and she jumped off the couch.

Emília: Mika, stop it!

Mika: Just a kiss.

Emília: No!

Mika: Little one.

Emília: No way! Just stay there that I'll be back.

Emília ran to the kitchen and called Lola. He was out of control and she needed help.

Lola: Hello?

Emília: Lola, you have to come here to the house. Mika is drunk and I can not control him.

Lola: What is he doing?

Emília: He was asking me to kiss him!

Emilia waited for a response from Lola but she only laugh. Emília, however, felt some arms around her waist followed by a kiss on her cheek. She jumped with fright and when she turned she saw Mika smiling.

Emília: Damn Mika !! (gets away of him) Get out !!

Lola: Is he there?

Emília: He's throwing himself at me! You gotta come help me!

Lola: Are you sure you want me to ruin the mood? Do not you want to enjoy it?

Emília: Lolaaa !!

Lola: I'm going. See you soon.

Emília hung up the call, and when she turned around, Mika put an arm on either side of her body so that she stood between him and the kitchen counter. Emília tried to lean her back against the bench to stay as far away from Mika as possible.

Emília: Mika, let me go.

Mika looked into her eyes. Emilia saw that her eyes were not as beautiful as usual. Their pupils were very dilated due to alcohol. He moved closer to her. Emilia still tried to back away but it was not possible. She could feel Mika's breath and could only smell the alcohol.

Mika: You're the most beautiful woman in the world.

Emília: Mika ...

Mika: I really want to kiss you right now.

Emília: (pushes Mika) But it will not happen!

Mika almost got off balance with Emília's push and she had to grab him. However, the bell rang and Emília had to drop him to open the door for Lola.

Lola: Where is he?

Mika went to them swinging.

Mika: Lola!

Lola: He's going to fall. He better lie down.

Emília: (grabs Mika's shoulders) Mika, let's go to bed?

Mika: (smiles) It's fine with me, but Lola can not see.

Lola laughed and Emília gave him a stern look.

Emília: It's not funny. Help me carry him.

They both grabbed him and sent him into the bedroom.

Mika: Not Lola! I just want Emília!

Emília: Mika, you gotta go to sleep! You're drunk!

Mika: I'm not drunk! I am in love with you!

They finally got him to lie down and, like the typical drunk, as soon as he fell on the bed he fell asleep. Lola and Emília took a deep breath.

Emília: Thank you, Lola. Now I just have to take care of him tomorrow.

Lola: You're welcome, but I think you should have taken advantage of it.

Emília: Lola! He is drunk!

Lola: But if he was not ...

Emília: Thank you Lola, see you tomorrow!

Lola left, and Emília lay down on the bed. Suddenly, despite being asleep, Mika stirred. He reached out an arm, grabbed Emília's waist, and pulled her to him. She thought about going away but decided not to do it and eventually fell asleep.



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