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Emília and Mika went to his house. Emília entered the door and took a deep breath.

Emília: It feels so good to be back. Can I go put my stuff in your room?

Mika: You don't even need to ask.

Emília grabbed her suitcase and ran to the bedroom. She opened the closet door and put her things there. Before turning around, she felt some arms around her waist. She turned and saw Mika with a big smile.

Mika: I'm so glad you're here.

Emília: So am I. You know what would be perfect? A tea and a couch.

Mika: That sounds great. I will deal with that.

Mika left Emília and left the room. Emília looked around her with a smile on her lips. She went downstairs to the living room and sat down on the couch. It was not long before Mika showed up with two cups of tea. He gave Emília one and sat down beside her.

Emília: (drinks a sip of tea) So good. That's what I needed. And this.

Emília approached Mika and leaned against his chest.

Mika: (puts an arm around Emília) I needed this too, and I did not want to ruin the environment but ... we need to decide what we're going to do ... about our families.

Emília: We have to tell them.

Mika: I think it's best if we go as soon as possible to our families and tell them because... we may not even expose our relationship but they will eventually find out and I do not think it's right for our families to know this through other people and probably with a lot of lies.

Emília: I agree. Where do you want to go first?

Mika: It will be a quick trip but I would say ... Portugal.

Emília: Why does mine family have to know first ?!

Mika: Because it will be easier for them.

Emília: What ?! Do not believe in that! My parents will disown me!

Mika: Do not be like that.

Emília: Start getting ready for that! What matters is that I live with my friends and I know they will be happy. And your family? How do you think they are gonna react?

Mika: I have hope that it will not be bad.

Emília: In general I agree but we have a exception of one person.

Mika: We should be thinking about the same person. It's Fortuné, is not it?

Emília: (frowns) Fortuné ?! Of course not! I meant Yasmine!

Mika: To Yasmine? Do you still think she does not like you?

Emília: I do not think Mika. I know she hates me and I still have not figured out why.

Mika: Anyway, she'd better get used to it because if she wants to support or not I will not let you.

Emília: Ow ... How sweet! But why did you think of Fortuné? He was always very nice to me.

Mika: (softly) That's the problem.

Emília: What?

Mika: Em, I have to be honest with you and I do not like the way Fortuné looks at you.

Emília: What are you saying?!

Mika: When he first met you he just did not fell on your feet because you were dating Romeu.

Emília: And now I have you that is much better. I can not believe you're jealous of your brother!

Mika: They're not jealous. They are pre-jealous. I'm preventing becoming jealous. Fedez was enough to annoy me.

Emília: Did he upset you a lot?

Mika: He almost kissed you. Remember? I stopped him.

Emília: (shakes her head) No, no, no. You're wrong. You did not stop anything.

Mika: Did not I?

Emília: No. I was not going to kiss him.

Mika: Are you saying that I spilled coffee for nothing ?!

Emília: No, you spilled the coffee because you were stupid.

Mika: But you told me you were going to kiss him.

Emília: I lied. The truth is that after kissing you, I knew exactly what I would feel if I kissed Fedez. Anything. Just a big void. I never told you but after kissing you, the kisses I gave to Romeu seemed insignificant. It was also there that I realized that I would never be happy in that story of the adventure with Fedez.

Mika: Did you find out all that in the kiss?

Emília: I even thought about asking you if you ever kissed a girl in a video because he did not seem to me to be represented.

Mika: That's because it was not represented.

Emília: It's kinda stupid to think our first kiss was for a video, which was something forced.

Mika: For me it was not forced but we can make up for it.

Emília: My God! Mika is being cheeky!

Mika: Was it bad?

Emília: No, it was great but it can not be just words.

Emília got down on her knees on the couch to stand up to Mika who was seated and kissed him. She grabbed Mika by the hair to kiss him harder. They stopped to breathe but did not leave.

Mika: What do you say we make dinner to celebrate?

Emília: I support.

Mika: Then I'll start to prepare it. However, you can call your parents to tell them that tomorrow you are going to Portugal.

Emília: Okay.

Emília turned away from Mika so he could leave and go into the kitchen. She stayed on the couch and called her mother.

Emília: Hello? Hi! Is everything all right? Here too. Look, I'm calling to tell you that tomorrow I'm going back to Portugal ... I'm not going alone. I'll take my boyfriend ... I figured you'd be happy to know that ... Okay, see you tomorrow. Kisses. (Disconnects the call)

Emília went to the kitchen where Mika already had things being cooked.

Emília: I told her I was going to take my boyfriend and she was excited. Let's hope she does not lose this happiness when she knows it's you.

Mika: What if she loses?

Emília: If she loses I'll tell her: "taste his pumpkin soup and then I want to see if you do not accept him" because it smells so good already. (kisses Mika's cheek)

Mika: So she will not have a chance!


They made dinner with the usual party atmosphere. The only difference was that they shared kisses. At the end they sat down to enjoy the magnificent meal and, above all, the company of each other.


A/N: Who is shipping? How do you think her parents will react? Vote and comment :-)

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