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They left the studio and more journalists, more questions, less patience.

"Mika, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend after all?"

"What happened yesterday at the pool?"

"What happened at the gym?"

Mika and Emília got into Mika's car.

Mika: I'm getting fed up with these questions.

Emília: Do not listen to tem and drive.

Mika did so and along the way he could explain the whole situation of the gym to Emília who could not stop laughing.

Mika: At least someone laughs.

Emília: Excuse me, but it's really funny.

They arrived at the hotel, left the red car of Mika and again, journalists and the same questions. He was so sick of journalists he could not ignore it.

Mika: Get a life and leave mine alone.

Emília was shocked by that reaction and without saying anything, just followed Mika into the hotel.

Emília: Mika ... you savage!

Mika: I'm sorry. I was a bit tired and could not stand it.

Also at the entrance was Richard.

Mika: Richard, I did not see you at the meeting.

Richard: Lola called me to say that my presence was not necessary so I did not go. Are you going up?

Emília: Yes.

Richard: So, I'll take the lift from your elevator.

They went to the elevator and as soon as the door closed was the typical awkward elevator silence.

Emília: Oh, speak up! For God's sake! Speak!

Mika: Richard ... would you like to ... come by my room after dinner? Emília's going out with Romeo and we could ... talk or see a series.

Richard: Well I ...

(The elevator door opens)

Emília: I think you do very well, Richard. Mika hates being alone. Come on Mika.

(Leave the elevator)

Mika: See you later.

Richard: See you later.

(Enter the room)

Mika: Did you see ?! He was going to say no!

Emília: That's why I spoke.

Mika: But I do not want him to be upset here.

Emília: But he will not be! He wants to be here but he has afraid. You have to talk to him and try to figure out what's going on in his blond head.

A little after the room service was bringing dinner and soon after dinner, Emília prepared to leave.

Emília: I'm leaving. Do you want me to call Richard?

Mika: It may be.

Emília: Mika, promise me you'll tell him how you feel.

Mika: I'll do that.

Emília: It was a weak response but I accept it. If you need anything, call.

Mika: And ruin your romantic date?

Emília: Yes. I do not care about that at all Mika. Just call.

Mika: All right.

Emília: When I come back, everything has to be tidy.

Mika: (rolls his eyes) Em ...

Emília: And I hope I do not see anyone naked!


Emília: Someone has to take care of you! Okay ... I'm gone.

Emília left and knocked on Richard's door saying she was already leaving. Richard left his room and went straight to the front dor. He knocked, the dor was open and he peered.

Richard: Can I?

Mika: Of course.

He walked in, closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch beside Mika.

Mika: Do you want something to drink?

Richard: No thanks. I am fine.

Mika: Do you want to see something specific?

Richard: You can choose.

Mika began zapping and stoped in an English channel where the news.

Mika: I hate to see news about my country outside of my country. I worry about who I left there.

Richard: I feel the same.

Mika: I've never met your family.

Richard: It's the opposite of yours. It's just my dad.

Mika: Mine is everything except my father. Do you miss your father?

Richard: It's ... complicated. I miss him, but we better not see each other.

Mika: Almost the same with mine. But I do not intend to see it at all.

Richard: Yeah ... The family is sometimes complicated.

Mika: Do you want to ... talk about it?

Richard: I do not want to bother you with my problems.

Mika: You're my friend! You do not bother!

Richard: My father has always been the stern side of my upbringing and my mother has been the tenderest side. I've always felt my mother's support for my sexuality, but I can not say the same about my father. When it became clear that I was homosexual my colleagues called me names and beat me up. My father always said that it was my fault and that I had to stop being that way or else they were going to continue.

Mika: That's ridiculous! So, what did you do?

Richard: I changed. I moved to someone who was not me. I changed the clothes, ways of acting, ways of thinking, I got girlfriends that I never loved ... (a tear drops)

Mika: (lowers his head sadly) Richard ... You should not have done that. How could you handle yourself?

Richard: I've changed everything but I've never changed a thing. The dance. I continued to dance, at first, in secret. Then I became big in the dance and I did not have to hide it anymore. They could no longer make jokes about it because I was very good. So, despite having some homesickness, I like to be here. Here I can be myself.

Mika: I never thought to hear a story like this coming from you. I'm so sorry. I hope your father

is more open-minded.

Richard: Not really. It makes me wish to be heterosexual.

Mika: NO! I mean ... You have to be who you are. I know sometimes it's really hard but ... (he grabs Richard's hand and looks into his eyes) I do not want you to change. I like you just the way you are. Sensitive, hard-working, mysterious ... and most of all ... I love that you're gay.

Mika approached Richard, getting their faces less than a foot away. They were so close they could feel each other's breath. So close that they whispered.

Richard: That's kind of weird to say.

Mika: I know. I'm not good at this. You better kiss me before I say anything silly.


A/N: What do you thing about these two? It's really sad what Richard had to go trough.

Hope you like it. Thanks for reading :)

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