Cinema with Romeu

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As soon as they got to the rehearsal Mika was already there as if nothing had happened. He was very strong there was no doubt. They made a gesture to call him and he stopped the rehearsal for a moment to go to a room with them.

Emília: What happened ?!

Mika: He was not honest with his father and was not honest with me either. His father told me about a certain Anne who is his girlfriend.

Lola: Quelle * ?! (*What)

Mika: That's what you heard.

Emília: I'm afraid to ask but ... What now?

Mika: Now I want to know the whole story. I'll pretend I do not know anything and see how much he lies he tells me. You do not know anything either!

Emília: Of course not! But ... when are you going to talk to him?

Mika: Now I should only be with him at home at night.

Emília: (blows) I'll be at the cinema with Romeu.

Mika: And then? I do not need you there.

Lola: No, no, no! I'll stay there. I stay in the room like I'm not there but I stay at home because this is a very delicate moment and you need someone to help you if you need anything.

Mika: Lola ...

Emília: No Mika! There is no discussion possible! Lola is right!

Mika finally accepted the idea of ​​Lola and before returning to the rehearsal they gave a group hug to give him strength to continue playing and singing as if nothing had happened. And that's what he did. He played and sang as he does on the days when he is happy. The only thing that denounced him was his eyes. He had a sad look that when he met Emília's gaze made her swallow. Nobody said anything about it. Maybe because not everyone could see that look.

At the end of the rehearsal Emília hugged Mika strongly. At times Emília thought that he would start crying with only that hug but he did not. They were released and while he and Lola went home Emília went to the cinema where she was going to meet Romeu.

When Emília arrived at the cinema Romeu was already as elegant as ever and with a bouquet of roses. Emília approached with a smile. She hugged him and kissed him. Then he gave her the branch for the hand.

Emília: They're so beautiful, Romeu. Thank you.

Romeu: Do ​​not you think all women should get a bouquet of red roses?

Emília: Maybe.

They stood for a few seconds just looking at each other and smiling. Romeu grabbed Emília's hand and led her into the cinema. Romeu said that he accepted to see everything but not "girly romances" and Emília said that she preferred to see a comedy. They went into the room and sat in the back seats. The movie was even funny. The room was very empty but when something funny happened the laughter of the people made the room look full. Romeu and Emília passed the film hand in hand and very attentive to the film. That is to say, Emília was struggling to pay attention to the film because Mika's situation was constantly assaulting her memory. Romeu was always alternating between the film and Emília. He thought she had not noticed, but she could see it from her peripheral vision. They only spoke when the break came.

Romeu: Are you enjoying the movie?

Emília: I'm having a great time.

Romeu: Me too. It was a good choice. When are you going to Portugal?

Emília: Two days from now.

Romeu: Excited?

Emília: Of course!

Romeu: Are not you sad to leave me?

Emília: What a question! I'm sad to leave all people I like here.

Romeu: (brings his face closer to Emília's face) But especially of me.

Emília: (smiles) Yes, especially of you.

They kissed and Romeu was running his hand over Emília's leg as the movie continued. Emília tried to move away from Romeu but he did not let her go.

Emília: Romeu, watch the movie.

Romeo: (smiles cheeky) But I have now lost interest in the film.

Emília: Then find it. Let's see the movie.

Emília pushed Romeu to his seat and straightened up in the chair facing forward to watch the second part of the film. However, this time, she had much more difficulty concentrating on the film. Romeu spent all his time sticking with her. Or he would grab her leg and she had to take his hand to the side, or began to kiss her ear that made her shrink from tickling.

Romeu: (whispers in Emília's ear) Emília, at the end of the movie, come with me to the hotel.

Emília's first reaction was to open her mouth. For a moment she remembered Fortuné and smiled.

Romeu: So? What do you say?

Emília turned her face to the side and her nose touched Romeu's nose. She smiled and was about to answer when her cell phone vibrated in the pocket of her pants.

Emília: Wait a little.

Romeo took a deep breath and leaned back. Emília took the phone from her pocket and when she looked at the screen she saw that she had a message from Lola. Her heart began to beat a faster, and her hands began to sweat. She took a deep breath and opened the message.

"Mika needs you."

Emília put the phone back in her pocket and was silent as she fisted her nervous leg.

Romeu: So? (gets closer to Emília) Will you give me the pleasure of your company?

Romeu went to kiss her neck but she pulled away and rose.

Emília: I'm sorry, Romeu, but I have to go.

Romeu: What ?! If you do not want to come with me just tell me you do not want to. You do not have to leave!

Emília: It's not about that Romeu. Sorry, I really have to go.

Emília grabbed her things, kissed Romeu in a hurry, and left the cinema running.


A/N: This chapter is a little shorter because I thought it would be better to divide by situations. That is, here we accompanied Emília and in the next chapter we will walk back in time and find out what happened to Mika.

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