The step

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Emília: Well, I'll prepare to go to bed.

Emília went to her suitcase and Mika sat on the bed watching her.

Emília: I do not believe it!

Mika: What's wrong?

Emília: I forgot my pajamas. I'm really disoriented.

Mika: That's one of the things that I fall in love with you.

Emília: (turns serious to Mika) Seriously Mika.

Mika: Do not worry.

Mika got up and went to his closet. He pulled out a colorful striped t-shirt.

Mika: Use this. It is long and wide. (Extend T-Shirt)

Emília: (claws t-shirt) Thank you. It might work. I'm going to the bathroom.

Mika: Okay.

Emília went to the bathroom and noticed that Mika stood in the room with a smile. Usually he would argue with Emília for her to get dressed in the bedroom while he leaves to do anything but not this time.

Emília wore the "gift" of her friends and before dressing the t-shirt she looked at herself in the mirror. There was no doubt that Bianca had good taste. That color suited her dark hair and blue eyes. However, would Emília be doing the right thing? She did not want Mika to feel pressured. On the other hand, that could be a way for Mika to feel more motivated. Anyway, now it was late to think about it. Emília was determined to go ahead with that. She could always abort the mission if Mika did not show up ready for it.

Emília wore Mika's T-shirt and looked at herself in the mirror one more time. She laughed with her figure in a t-shirt so colorful and huge for her that it stood just above her knees. The sweater was a typical Mika sweater. Colorful and cheerful, just like him. Long, just like him. The best part of the t-shirt was its scent. It smelled of Mika. And it did not smell like perfume or any cologne or even an after shave. It smelled like him that was much better. Emília realized that although she liked the lingerie her friends offered her, she liked to look at herself like that.

She was awakened from her thoughts by someone knocking on the door.

Mika: (on the other side of the door) Em, are you okay?

Emília: Yes, I'm leaving.

She looked at the mirror one last time to straighten her hair, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Who was on the other side was Mika that made her go against his naked chest, since he was already wearing his pajama bottoms.

Emília: God! You scared me!

Mika: (without leaving the front of Emília) Did you miss me for that?

Emília: Maybe a little. (smells) What is this smell? It looks like vanilla. (tries to see behind Mika) And why is it so dark in there? What are you up to?

Mika finally let Emília pass and she saw the room full of candles. The candles had vanilla scent, so she could smell it. Emília began pacing the room to appreciate the situation from every angle.

Emília: M, what's going on?

Emilia turned to look at the place where Mika was but in fact he was right behind her and she was against him once again. Emília was going to apologize and laugh at the situation but before she reacted he raised a box with a very cute look and heart-shaped.

Emília: What is this?

Mika: It's for you.

Emília: (grabs the box) Are we celebrating something?

Mika: Not yet. Maybe later.

Emília: (opens the box and sees that they are chocolates) Chocolates ?! Wait. Were these your purchases that I could not see?

Mika: Not only but also. There is one more thing.

Emília: What?

Mika: (embarrassed) I still can not say. Then you will see.

Emília: But ... why all this?

Mika: I do not know. I think that's what they do in movies ... to create a romanticenvironment.

Emília: (takes a chocolate to her mouth)  Create a romanticenvironment? (puts the box on the table and puts her arms around Mika's neck) Environment for what?

Mika: (grabs Emília's waist and looks at the floor) You know.  Environment to get to use the other thing I bought.

Emília: (she almost laughs but she's closed her lips to not laugh) You're trying to tell me that you bought ...

Mika: Yes, that's what you're thinking.

Emília: But you did not had it here at home? Not one?

Mika: (smiles) Does that shock you?

Emília: A little bit because that's one of those things you usually have at home. Like thermometers.

Mika: (laughs) What a fantastic comparison. Em, you're ruining the environment.

Emília: No, I'm not! I'm trying to relax you. You're nervous.

Mika looked into Emília's eyes and smiled. It was not worth it to hide from her. She always read it as if he was a book. Besides, that joke had really made him more calm.

Emília: I'll tell you something funny.

Mika: What?

Emília: We did not match anything but what I bought today is also, in part, a gift for you.

Mika: Really?

Emília: Yes. It was my friends who offered me. You want to see?

Mika: Of course.

Emília: (stretches to speak in Mika's ear and whispers in a sensual voice) To see it you'll have to take my shirt away.

From there Mika lost his insecurity and, that night, the room had only space for love.


A/N: Sorry for my late update but i have things to do. Did you like the ending with the stringy phrase? I did not want it to be a sexual so that came out. Leave your wonderful opinions. Thanksfor keepping reading

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