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Mika was back in costume drawings as someone knocked on the bedroom door. Mika went to open the door and on the other side was Richard.

Richard: Can I?

Mika said nothing and walked away so he could come in. Richard came in and Mika closed the door.

Richard: Can I sit down?

Mika pointed to the couch giving his permission. Richard sat down and Mika sat down beside him.

Richard: I wanted to apologize for this morning. You did not deserve to be treated for me like this. I really enjoyed spending the night with you.

Mika: I also apologize for the way I talked to you. I had no such right. I was upset because I was not expecting such a morning. I was hoping for something more ... how shall I say ... more romantic.

Richard: I also wanted something more romantic, but I was afraid to get you in trouble.

Mika: With Emília?

Richard: Of course not! With the world!

Mika: Richard, I do not want to know what they say. I'm willing to risk my sanity to the media to get a kiss from you in the morning. The question is: and you? Are you in love with me or not?

Richard: (looks into Mika's eyes) I am. I've been for over a year.

Mika: What ?! Why did not you ever tell me ?!

Richard: I was scared! We work together, we're friends and you're famous. I was afraid to do something I should not do.

Mika: But now I tell you that you don't need to be afraid. (Grabbing Richard's hand) I want to be with you.

Richard: (shakes Mika's hand) I want to be with you too. But can we keep this as discreet as possible?

Mika: You don't want our friends to know?

Richard: I do not mean friends. I am referring to journalists. I do not want to see my private life in magazines.

Mika: Okay. (He grabs Richard's face and runs his thumb gently) That's simple. Do not worry. On the street you're just my choreographer.

They stood looking at each other for a moment, smiling as if they were meditating.

Mika: (wakes up) I have to go rehearse. (gets up)

Richard: I'll go with you. (gets up)

Mika went ahead and opened the door for Richard to leave. They went the two to the elevator where this time, instead of silence, was a song coming out of the speakers. They laughed at that sound a little silly and came up to hold hands. As they reached the exit floor, Richard left Mika and headed for the elevator door to await its opening. Before it opened Mika pulled him back again.

Richard: What?

Mika: Since I will not be able to do it in the street I thought it was better to take advantage now.

Mika put a hand on the back of Richard's neck to pull him toward him and kissed him.

Richard: (speaking between the kisses) Mika ... the ... door ... opened.

Mika smiled and released him so they could get out of the elevator. They went to the car to ignore the journalists and with some distance between them.

They came to the studio laughing and Mika looked around for Emília.

Mika: Does anyone know about Emília?

Max: She has not been here yet but Lola is in the meating room. She should know.

Mika: So, I'll be right back.

Mika went to the next room and opened the door to see Lola sitting in front of the computer.

Lola: Good afternoon ma chère.

Mika: Is Emília here?

Lola: No. She's with Romeu. She agreed to spend the whole afternoon with him without interruption. And you and Richard?

Mika: What do you mean?

Lola: (crosses her arms) Are you going to pretend you do not know what I'm talking about?

Mika: I've already seen that Emília has spoken to you.Don't you feel bad, but I'd rather talk to Emília first. (smiles ashamed)

Lola: (stands up) Mika!

Mika: What is it?

Lola: You do not have to tell me anything. I'm happy for you.

Mika: How did ...?

Lola: You have the typical silly face of when you're in love.

Mika stuck his tongue out at Lola and left smiling. Before entering the studio he called Emília but she did not answer, so he went to continue the rehearsal and instead of Emília sitting on the piano, was Richard next to it.

(A few minutes ago on a terrace)

Emília: The weather is so pleasant that I feel like staying here forever.

Romeu: How is it in Portugal?

Emília: Rain.

Romeu: I did not mind staying here forever. But only if I stay with you.

Emília: I can not believe that tomorrow is already the concert and we are leaving.

Romeu: Washington, right?

Emília: Yes.

Romeu: Do ​​not worry. (grabs Emília's hand) We wil talk.

Emília's cell phone started ringing and when Emília looked at the screen she saw that it was Mika. She did not answer and put it back in her pocket.

Romuo: Was it Mika?

Emília: Yes but ... now it's just us, right? Promise is promise.

After having lunch they went for a walk around the city, because they were fed up with the beach. They went to a mall to see clothes.

Emília: Romeu, look at this hat.

Romeu: Yes, it's cool.

Emília: Mika would love it.

Romeu: Emília, why do not you ask him what he wanted. It's just that I realized that it does not get out of your head.

Emília: Can I?

Romeo: You must! I'm sick of hearing his name!

Emília: I'm sorry. (Kissed Romeu and called Mika) Hello... Yes but I could not answer ... Really?! ... (enthusiastic) My God !! This is fantastic !!! ... All right. We talk later. Kisses. (Turns off)

Romeu: What happened?

Emília leapt at Romeo and hugged him tightly. He ended up hugging her, too.

Emília: I still do not know if I can tell you what's going on but it's very good, so be happy with me.


A/N: Are you happy about Mika and Richard?

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