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Mika: (frown) You want me to call Fedez and ask him to go buy the test ?!

Emília: What's wrong?

Mika: Think about me. I call him and say, "Look, Fedez, I know this is strange but I'm in Milan with Emília but no one can know and it's possible she's pregnant, so I wanted to ask you if you could buy a pregnancy test for us. "

Emília: Mika, do you want to know if I'm pregnant or not? I see no other hypothesis.

Mika: (takes a deep breath) Okay, okay. I'll call him because I will not let you pass without taking the test.

They left the bathroom and sat down on the bed to call Fedez.

Mika: Hello ... Good morning Fedez, are you okay? ... Are you in Milan? ... Are you alone? It's just that I have to tell you something but no one can know ... No, it's okay, but I need your help. It turns out that Emília and I are in Milan in secret. Long story. I'm calling you because we need you to buy us a pregnancy test and bring it to the hotel where I was last time. Can it be? ... I do not know, that's why we need the test! (Rolls his eyes) ... Fedez, stop asking questions and get the test, please ... (expression of despair) What do you want Fedez ? ... (looks at Emília and shrugs his shoulders) No! We will not call him Federico!

Emília: Is he enjoying himself ?! I still do not know if I'm pregnant!

Mika: Why not ?! Because that name is horrible! ... (deep breath) Ok, sorry. Yes, the name is very beautiful. Go get the test for God's sake ... Thank you. See you soon. (turns off the call) What a brilliant idea.

Emília: Do not be like that. He will bring the test that is what matters.

Emilia lay down on the bed to relieve her dizziness as she waited for Fedez. Mika could not stand still. He paced from one side to the other side of the four and touched in everything that appeared to him.

Mika: Why is he taking so long?!

Emília: Calm down. He must be coming.

The room phone rang and Mika answered. They were asked if Fedez could go upstairs and he said yes. Emília sat on the bed and Mika was soon opening the bedroom door. A few minutes later Fedez came in.

Mika: Thanks God! (closes the door behind Fedez) Where is the test?

Fedez: Buongiorno for you too!

Mika: Buongiorno.

Mika reached out and Fedez took the pregnancy test box from the bottom pocket of his pants and laid it on Mika's hand.

Fedez: Emília, how are you? (greets Emília with two kisses)

Emília: Okay... within the possibilities.

Emília got up and Mika offered her the test. They stared at each other in silence.

Emília: Thank you, Fedez.

Fedez: You're welcome! Friends are for that!

It was silent again.

Fedez: I'll ... I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, just say so.

Mika went to open the door for Fedez and thanked him.

Fedez: Look, I want to know later!

Mika and Emilia: All right!

Fedez: Okay, I'm leaving.

Fedez left and Mika closed the bedroom door and looked back at Emília who was reading the test box.

Mika: Em...

Emília: I know. I'm going.

Mika: I can not stand this wait anymore!

Emília got up, went to the bathroom door, and turned back to Mika.

Emília: What's going to happen? What will happen if I am or if I am not?

Mika: (grabs Emília by the shoulders) Em, it's not worth thinking about it before we know the result. Either way it's going to be okay.

Emília looked into Mika's eyes and smiled at him. She felt more confident and went to the bathroom. Mika stood outside with his back against the door and his hands on his head.

A few minutes later Mika began to hear Emília sniffing and thought she was crying.

Mika: (knocks on the door) Em? Are you okay?

Emília: You can come in now.

Mika came in and Emília was once again sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with her knees close to her face, and once again Mika sat down beside her. He was right. She was crying. Not much, but it seemed like she'd been crying more.

Mika: (nervous) So?

Emília: (looks serious in Mika's eyes) No.

Mika did not say anything. Just nodded, got up and went into the bedroom. Emília followed him and saw him facing the window, rubbing his hands in his face.

Emília: (approaching Mika) Are you crying?

Mika: (Turns quickly to Emília) I'm sorry. I do not want you to feel bad.

Emília: What do you mean?

Mika: I was really hoping the test was positive and I was a little disappointed but I do not want you to feel bad or guilty because it's not your fault.

Emília began to cry compulsively and Mika ran to embrace her.

Mika: Emília, do not be like this!

Emília: I'm sorry.

Mika: I told you it's not your fault. We have time.

Emília: No Mika. (She walks away from Mika to look him in the eyes) I wanted to know how much you were willing to be a father. I lied, sorry.

Mika: What?!

Emília: The test ... was positive.

Mika: Em... You're not kidding me, are you?

Emília: No.

Emilia smiled even though the tears continued to flow down her face and Mika also ended up smiling.

Emília: It really did. I'm Pregnant.

Mika: (incredulous) Am I going to be a father?

Emília: (laughs) You're going, you're going to be a father.

Mika paused for a moment to absorb the information until he looked into Emília's eyes and they both started laughing and crying at the same time. Suddenly, Mika grabbed Emília and lifted her off the floor as he kissed her lips, cheeks, forehead, and head.

Mika: (enthusiastic) I do not believe it! This is the best news I've ever had! What are we going to do ?! We have to go to the doctor! No, we can not be discovered! But we have to know if he's okay! What about our family ?! We have to tell them! But we can not tell them by mobile phone!

Emília: Mika.

Mika: (grabs Emília's face) Sorry my love, I'm being so selfish! What do you want to do ?!

Emília: Mika.

Mika: Are you okay ?! Are you sick ?!

Emília: Mika.

Mika: Do you need anything ?! You have not had breakfast yet, you have to eat something!

Emília: Miiikaaaa! Calm down! I'm Pregnant! I do not have a terminal illness! Let's eat and we decide what to do next.


A/N: I want to read your thoughts about this. Sorry for the delate.

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