Almost Romantic Dinner

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On the night of the concert Romeu and Emília went together to the backstage.

Mika: Em, how are things out there?

Emília: Good. They are not like France or Italy but not bad. At least this time I could come here without being recognized.

Richard: See, I told you. (massages Mika's shoulder) Relax.

Mika gave Emília two kisses on the cheek as she wished him "good luck." Then he walked over to Richard and leaned over to kiss him, but he put his hands on his chest and stopped him. Mika kept his eyes closed and his lips streched, but when he saw that Richard was not going to kiss him, he opened his eyes.

Mika: What is it?

Richard: Not here.

Mika: We're among friends.

Richard: Still.

Mika put a hand on his neck and turned away from Richard.

Richard: I'm sorry.

Mika: Guys, let's do this.

Although the concert was not as full as usual Mika and the band gave a show with the same energy and joy as usual. Who could not hide his amusement was Romeu. He clapped his hands with great enthusiasm and danced with Emília some songs. At the end of the concert Romeu thanked the invitation. He said goodbye to Emília with a tight embrace and a big kiss and spoke to her with theis noses tuching.

Romeu: You'll talk, ok?

Emília: Of course.

Romeu: Do ​​not get another one in Washington.

Emília: (laughs) Don't worry about that.

Romeu caught Emília's hair behind her ear, bent and kissed her in a soft but long way.

Mika: I do not want to interrupt, but we have a plane to catch.

Emília and Romeu separated. Romeu slowly let go of Emília's hand and after waving everyone else went.

Mika: (puts his arm on Emília's shoulders) Let's go. Do not worry. I'll take care of you now.

Emília: If you take care of yourself, it's already very good.

They went to the plane where Mika sat between Richard and Emília. She instantly rested her head on Mika's shoulder and fell asleep. Mika looked at Emília and kissed her forehead. Then he looked away and, as usual, Richard had his head back to sleep. Mika looked down and saw Richard's hand. He reached out and took his hand, wrapping his fingers together. A few minutes later, he was already asleep.

They arrived at Washington and went to the hotel where they had some time to rest. After resting, the rehearsals began and then the meeting for the team to organize the event that was going to take place there.

Mika: I do not know what you have in mind but I'm full of interviews. We don't have a tot of time.

Lola: Emília and I thought about it and we thought it would be best if you did a live Q & A session as you already did.

Mika: That sounds good.

After all they left the studio to return to the hotel and if in Brazil they were expected by journalists, in America even more. In addition to the journalists were also always surrounded by fans.

- Mika! Mika!

He was smiling and waving. He stopped for some photos and autographs until he got to the car.

Already at the hotel, each went to their rooms.

Mika: Do you want me to order dinner?

Emília: Ok ... No, wait. You and Richard have not had a date alone yet.

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