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The next day Mika woke up with Emília talking on her cell phone. She spoke with great happiness and laughed softly. Mika sat on the bed and Emília, seeing that he had woken up, said goodbye to whoever was on the other end of the line and hung up.

Emília: Good morning. I woke you up?

Mika: No. Were you talking to Romeo?

Emília: Yes. He's going to Rio de Janeiro this afternoon.

Mika: We're going tomorrow.

Emília: Yes, and the little boy does not have an rehearsal to go?

Mika got up, grabbed his clothes, and set it down on the bed. In an instant he dressed his shirt and then grabbed the pajama's pants he was using .

Emília: Mika?!?! What do you think you're doing?!?!

Mika: Dressing the rest of the clothes.

Emília: Mika, I'm here !!!

Mika: Em, I will not be naked! You will not see anything you would not see on the beach.

Mika started to take off her pants and Emília turned her back to him very quickly while covering her eyes.

Emília: MIKA !! PLEASE!!

Mika: There you go.

Emília: Really? If you're fooling me I'll throw the first thing I grab.

Mika: You can turn around!

Emília turned slowly to Mika and peered between her fingers. She took a deep breath when she saw that he was not lying.

Emília: You're disgusting!

Mika: You did well. Romeu could have been very upset.

Emília grabbed an empty glass beside her and made the gesture as if she were going to shoot Mika. He shrank back into a reflection and she put the glass back down.

Emília: Come and have it down there. I'm leaving so I will not shoot you with anything.

Emilia left the room and went to the reception room to sit on the couch. Suddenly, a hand covered her eyes. She ran her hands over the hands that were on her face to see if she could identify the person but it was not easy. At last the person dropped her face and stood before her.

Emília: Richard! Do not be sad but I would not guess.

Richard: I wanted to congratulate you and Romeu.

Emília: How do you..? Never mind. Thanks.

Richard: I think you look good together.

Emília: (to herself) Of course you do. Where are you going? Gymnasium?

Richard: I'd like to go, but they invited me to give a class at a dance school.

Emília: Really ?! Good!

Richard: It's usual.

Mika: Good morning.

Richard: Good morning Mika. Well, I've got to get going.

Mika: Already?

Richard: Yes, I have a class to give.

Mika: Okay. I'm happy for you. I know it's something you like. Good luck then.

Richard: Thank you.

Richard said goodbye with a quick kiss on Emília's face and a hug to Mika. Emília stared at Mika as she folded her arms.

Mika: What is it now?

Emília: "I'm happy for you. I know it's something you like."

Mika: What's wrong? It is true.

Emília: Yes, but was that what you wanted to say?

Mika: What did you want me to say ?!

Emília: "Are you going to give a dance lesson? I would really love..."

Mika: Em! I will not say that !!

Emília: What ?! I'm not done yet!

Mika: That I would like him to give me a private lesson.

Emília: I WOULD NOT SAY THAT !! I was going to say that you would like to watch !! (Starts laughing a lot) You are so perverse!

Mika: Well, why ... Why are you laughing so hard?

Emília: Because now that I think, that was very good!

Mika: No, it was not.

Emília: I'm imagining you saying "you could give me a private lesson" and he asks of what and you answer with all your charm ...

Mika: You better be quiet.

Emília: (makes a lower voice) "To teach me your hip moves." (Blinks the eye)

Mika wanted to be serious about such silly things, but with Emília laughing so enthusiastically he could not contain himself and he started laughing too. After taking a deep breath and being able to calm down, Mika put on her sunglasses and rested his arm on Emília's shoulders. As soon as they left the door of the hotel, the journalists appeared to take pictures.

Mika: I'd better let you go now that you're not single.

Mika started to take the arm off Emília but she grabbed him quickly by the hand and returned it to land where it was.

Emília: Do not be silly.

Mika: Then I want to see the explanations you give him from the photos.

Emília: Do not tell me anything. I do not know how but our news has reached Portugal and, consequently, my parents.

Mika: And what did they say?

Emília: They have freaked out. They say I have to be more careful with the image I'm passing.

Mika: And you? What did you say?

Emília: "Humhum."

Mika: What?

Emília: That's what I said! I always responded with "humhum" until they realized that I was not listening and disconnecting.

Mika: Em! You are so bad! I was unable to do this to my mother!

Emília: Are you Mom's boy? Are you? (Makes pout)

Mika: No ... maybe. You are jealouse.

They arrived at the rehearsal, as always, Emília sat on the piano while they played. However, this time she was not dancing or singing because she was too focused on the phone. Mika began to notice that she was worrying about something she was seeing on the screen.

Mika: Em, what's wrong?

Emília: Romeu is currently going to the airport.

Mika: And what are you doing here?

Emília: What ?!

Mika: Guys, let's take a break while I take this lady to the airport.

Mika rose from the piano as Emília jumped from it and hugged Mika tightly as she thanked him.

Mika: Thank me later. Now we have to go and get your man.

Mika grabbed Emília's hand and pulled her out of the building. Until they got to the car they were chased by paparazzi who took lots of pictures of that moment that gave to so many different histories.


A/N: Who wants to have a private lesson with Mika? A music lesson, of course! :P

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