Drinking straws

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At the end of the concert Mika did an interview and the rest of the staff began to go to the airport. There was no time to lose. They had a three-hour journey to make because the next morning Mika had a busy schedule with interviews.

Lola: Emília, Richard and Mika will go in the same car to the airport. You want to take our ride?

Emília: Shore.

Lola: (gives her some car keys) Take this. Will move your stuff to my car and if you want you can go there. Richard went to the bathroom and there will already have. I wait for Mika.

Emilia: Okay.

She grabbed the keys and went to the car and took out a single suitcase and a backpack. Then he opened the trunk of Lola and put your stuff. There were already two suitcases she joined as a Lola and the other Mika. Richard should bring your suitcase when he came. Richard appeared then with a suitcase that was also in the car trunk.

Emilia: After all the bags are who? Lola and Mika?

Richard: Of Lola and Lola.

Emilia: What about Mika?

Richard: Mika has a home at every point. I mean, one in Milan and one in Paris, which is the next concert.

A little later came Lola and Mika laughed. Lola went to the driver's seat and Mika went to the place next door.

Lola: The man! This guy does not exist!

Richard: What did he do now?

Mika: Do not tell! I'll be ashamed!

Lola: Yes, you are very embarrassed.

Mika only made them wanted to know more.

Emilía: So what happened?

Lola: Well, the journalist asked him how it was to step on the stage after the Daft Punk, which was the last band before this performance. And what does he respond? "Oh, I love that new one from them .. that ... Dream para-para-paradise ..."

Emília: But that is from Coldplay!

Lola: Exactly!


Mika: I apologized because I was very tired but I knew perfectly well who were the Daft Punk, with Pharrell Williams.

Lola: It just makes me feel embaresed.

Mika: Get ready for the next news, "Mika confuses Daft Punk with Coldplay."

They reached the airport.

Lola: Emília, the rest of your stuff?

Emília: These are all the stuff.

Lola: My God! How can you ?!

Mika: You're very chic.

Lola: I can let go of a lot but never my clothes. And look who's talking! If you had not already house there you had sent yourbags alone first.

The flight was at the two-forty in the morning. They arrived just in time to catch the plane. In the plane, the place where they were was completely occupied by Mika team. Emília and Lola sat side by side. Lola next to the window.Emília was separated by a corridor to Mika and at his side was Richard.

Lola: (puts a blindfold on her head) Well, three hours of sleep sounds very well. (Covers his eyes with the blindfold)

Emília: I think it's a good idea. Good night. Richard, good ...

When she and Mika looked he was already asleep. How was it possible?!

Mika: When he sits he becomes unconscious.

Emília: So, sleep well Mika.

Mika: Good night.

Emília closed her eyes and the hours passed like minutes. The place was not at all the most comfortable to sleep but she was to tires too think in that.

Suddenly she began to feel a breath in her ear. Then she began to realize that was not a breath but someone whisper your name. When she opened a little the eyes interlocked with the low light on the plane saw Mika to his knees beside her.

Emília: (half asleep) Have we arrived?

Mika: Ssshhh.

Emília looked at the clock and still had an hour to finish the trip.

Emília: Mika! It's five in the morning!

Mika: (whispers) I know but you have to see this.

Emília: What ?! I hope it's worth it!

Mika points to Lola and when Emília looked Lola was the with the blindfold with two eyes drawing a little cross-eyed and with her mouth open so she looked like a fish. Emília wanted to stay angry with Mika to wake her to that but the truth is that was very funny so she began to laugh.

Mika: (takes phone) This has to be photographed. (Take photo)

Emília: Mika, this is wrong.

Mika stopped laughing and looked at the serious expression of Emília.

Emília: (crumbles to laugh) We have to take selfies!

Mika laughed even harder to realize that Emília entered the play and he went to  sit on the other side of Lola as slowly as possible to not wake her. They started taking selfies. In the first they were smiling, but they went silly. They began to make all kinds of faces, especially trying to imitate Lola's face. They no longer laughed, they cried laughing.

Mika: You know what's missing here? Accessories. (Calls stewardess) Sorry, do you have straws? Bring me a hand full of them, please.

The stewardess brought a good amount of drinking straws and gave them to Mika. He put one in  Lola's mouth and was going to put another but Emília grabed his arm.

Emília: She can wake up!!

Mika: Let's see how many we can put.

They were already going on the six straw when Lola jumped am made them jump too. She took the straw from her mouth and in time she taking the blindfold off Mika arrived at his place. When she looked around they were already both quiet in their seats. However, unable to disguise and laughed up silently without ever opening there eyes.

Lola: (with big French accent) Let's see if you do not want to me to put the stick straws somewhere else!

Emília and Mika laughed even more without ever opening ther eyes.

Lola: What a group you two!! Dieu aidez-moi. *

*God help me.

(A/N: This english sucks, i'm sorry.)

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