First rehearsal

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The dancers were contacted by Mika himself, who insisted do that, and they agree a rehearsal in dance studio of the city that was big to be able to cover 20 dancers. Emília looked at the time. Seven minutes for rehearsals and she was still at home. She looked at the street and to help the delay was raining. What in fact was typical. She took her things and ran out the door. It ran about ten minutes to get to the studio. When she reached the dancers were stretching and warming up.

Emília : Sorry for the delay.

Lola: You're not so late. You know why? Mika also not arrived yet.

Emília: How are things here?

Lola: Richard already been organizing the dancers. The idea is to start dancing the old songs and that released Mika in the music industry. But just dance a little of each. Like Grace Kelly, We Are Golden, Love Today, and end with the complete Talk About You music, is the single from the new CD. What do you think?

Emília: I like the idea of showing this evolution. Also, there are people who may have loved these big hits and then may have failed to follow the Mika's career or they can hear the new single and not associate to Mika.

Mika: I'm hear!!

Lola turned to Mika that came with the curlys dripping. They looked leaves with water drops. She went to him in short and slow steps .

Mika: (seeing Lola ) And I think I 'm leaving (turns to the door ) .

Lola: Do not move! What is the explanation this time?

Mika: Rain ... heavy rain ...  Ne me fait pas mal *.

*Do not hurt me .

Lola: Ne me parle pas en français juste pour que je te pardonne*.

*Do not speak to me in French only for me to forgive you .

Emília looked at them as if she had landed in a distant country.

Lola: Sorry Emília. Because I am French, by the way, it is from France that I know Mika, and sometimes he tries to get rid of me with his french.

Emília: Well... I do apologize. I think french is a very beautiful language but i know NOTHING in french.

Mika: I can teach you.

Lola: Yes, learn from him how to do mistakes grammar.

Mika: Not true! It is only in more technical words. I would teach you the basics.

Lola: And if you were train your part?

Mika: I am already go.

Emília laughed with that "war".

Lola: You see what I have to deal with?! That's why I have no children! You laugh now but you will also come to the same conclusion.

Mika came only at the end of the last song in disguise. In the initial idea he danced the last full song but his "talent" to the dance stood out of the remaining dancers that were very good. So they found better he entered disguised in the last steps and in a way that in the midst of such confusion anyone would notice and then he took her disguise. It was not easy to make her entry unnoticeable because, unlike the public, everyone there knew he was going to go and ended up noticing. After a good workout they gave the rehearsal for finished that day, of course. Mika greeted all the dancers as if he'd known them for a lot of time and approached their team all sweaty.

Emília how see him soaked began to inspect the ceiling.

Mika: (frowns) What is it?

Emília: Is it raining in here?

Mika: Not that I know. Why?

Emília: 'Cause i would swear it rained on you.

Mika smiled but did not react more because he was not expecting that Emília made a joke, it was the first time.

Emília: I'm sorry, it was silly it was not?

Mika: No, it was funny.

Emília: I did not mean to disrespect ...

Mika: What?! Are you crazy?! I wasn't expecting.

Emília: So... you'r not angry?

Mika: I am. By the way, you're fired.

They looked serious at each other until Mika fall apart laughing.

Mika: I scared you?!

Emilia: A little.

Mika: I'm sorry. You know what was good after a bath?

Emília: A...

Mika: A...

Emília: Coffee.

Mika: (at the same time that Emilia) Tea ... Coffee?

Emília: I am Portuguese! There are more coffee so never learned to appreciate good tea.

Mika: That's because you not tasted my grandmother's tea!

Lola: (whispers to Emília) Oh no. He'll have an idea.

Mika: I have an idea!

Lola: (whispers to Emília) I said.

Mika: I'm going home to shower and in thirty minutes I want you there to drink tea.

Richard: For me it's settled. But I can not stay long.

Emilia: I have no idea where is your home.

Lola: Do not worry, I discovered that live near you. You do not live near the post office?

Emilia: Yes.

Lola: I'll catch you and we go together.

Emiília: So I can not refuse. It is the his grandmother's tea!

Mika: Exacly. We see you there.

Emília: See you.

Lola: À bientôt *. *See you later.

Richard: Goodbye.

I hope the english is not to bad. Coment and vote please.

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