What kind of joke is this?

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At the end of the meal they returned to the sofa. They ended up watching a comedy. By the end of the movie, Emília was still laughing.

Emília: And that scene in the car ?! When she got her clothes caught ...

Emília wanted to talk, but she was laughing so hard she could not do it any more.

Mika: Emília! Breathe!

Emília: I think this is already tiredness.

Mika: Do you want to go to bed?

Emília looked sideways at Mika and smiled.

Mika: (nervous) Sleep! I meant to sleep!

Emília: (laughs) I understood! Relax! But you're not going to leave me in bed alone, are you?

Mika shook his head and rose from the couch to grab Emília's hand. They went to the bedroom and each took their pajamas out.

Emília: I'm going to the bathroom to dress my pajamas.

Mika: If you want I'll go and you stay here.

Emília: No, it's ok.

Emília went to the bathroom where she dressed her pajama with hearts, as usual. Before leaving she asked Mika if she could open the door and only did it when he gave permission. When she came in he was in his pajamas sitting on the bed.

Emília: Are you suddenly cold?

Emília sat behind Mika and hugged him.

Mika: What do you mean?

Emília: I already believed that your pajamas did not even have a shirt.

Mika: Ad it does not. This is a simple t-shirt.

Emília: Do not tell me you're afraid that I'll tickle you or something?

Mika: (turns to Emília) Sorry, it's just ... we're dating and I do not want to make you uncomfortable.

Emília: Mika, I do not want our relationship to become weird because of it. If you slept with me without a sweater when we were just friends now that we are dating, you should feel more comfortable doing it. In other words. You should go to sleep without your pants too.

Mika's eyes widened and she smiled sheepishly.

Emília: I'm playing with you. Do not do it.

Emília kissed Mika's face, lifted the blankets, and lay down. Mika took off her shirt and lay down next to her. Emília turned to Mika and smiled at him to see that he had taken off the t-shirt. She walked over to him, put an arm around his waist and rested her head on his chest. He also put his arm around Emília to catch her. She noticed that Mika's heart was racing too fast.

Emília: M, are you okay?

Mika: Great. Why do you ask?

Emília: It seems that your heart will jump through the mouth.

Mika: (whispers to himself) It's for you to see the effect you have on me.

Emília: Tell me.

Mika: Do not worry. I am fine. Maybe a little disbelieving you're here, clinging to me.

Emília: I hope your heart gets used to this before I do give you a heart attack.

Mika smiled and kissed Emília's head. She squeezed him harder and fell asleep.

Just as they fell asleep, they woke up. Emília woke up with Mika's deep breath. He opened his eyes, looked down, and saw Emília's blue eyes. She smiled and he smiled too.

Emília: Good morning.

Mika: (with a big smile) My God! Good Morning.

Emília: What is it?

Mika: It's so good.

Emília: What?

Mika: Wake up and the first thing I see is your eyes and your smile. It is one of the best sensations ever.

Emília: I know. I'm also having that feeling when I wake up and see your eyes and your smile ... and your hair is very cute already.

Mika ran his hands through his hair but he was still more unkempt.

Emília: Forget Mika. (sits on the bed and kisses Mika) I'll get you breakfast.

Emília went to the kitchen and Mika ended up following her and had breakfast. In the end, they packed their bags and went to the airport where they made a long trip to Porto.

(On the train to Emília's house)

Emília was rubbing her hands nervously with having to tell her parents everything. Mika noticed and grabbed her hands.

Emília: (whispers) Mika, we're in public.

Mika: (whispers) I've already given you my hands before.

They had finally arrived at the door of the house of Emília's parents. They stopped at the door and Emília took a few deep breaths. Mika grabbed Emília's hands and pulled her to him. She got calmer and he kissed her forehead. She grew more confident and opened the door.

Emília: Mom! Dad!

Nobody showed up. They went in and saw that the table was already set. Not for four people but many more. Suddenly there was a hurried footstep. When Emília turned, she saw her parents, her friends, her uncles, her aunts and cousins. In an instant the room was filled.

Paula: Emília, daughter! (looks at Mika) I did not know he was coming.

Emília: Is anyone's birthday or Christmas has arrived earlier?

Paula: We wanted to surprise you.

Emília introduced the family to Mika and he greeted everyone with a very friendly smile but she saw that he was getting nervous about that story.

Paula: I did not know you were coming Mika. I'll put one more plate on the table.

Emília: I do not know but ... I do not think you need to. I think you were counting on him.

Paula: No. I was just counting on Romeu. By the way ... where is he?

Emília: I told you I was going to bring my boyfriend. I did not say it was Romeu!

Alfredo: So who is he and where is he?

Emília: It's here. (grabs Mika's hand) It's Mika.

Paula: (with a forced smile) What the kind of joke is this?

Emília: It's no joke. Me and Mika are together.

Emília's friends would nudge each other and share giggles.

Alfredo: Please Emília! He is gay!

Mika: I can explain.

Emília: He thought he was gay but we're in love.

Paula: Are you saying that he's actually bisexual?

Emília: Yes, as you wish.

Alfredo: I want him out of my house.

Emília: If he does it I will do it too.

Paula: No! Let's all have dinner as it was already prepared and act like civilized people.

Alfredo: I'm civilized. It was not me who got a gay boyfriend when I'm old enough to have already a family made.

Alfredo sat at the table, and the other people did the same. Emília and Mika sat next to each other, and Emília grabbed Mika's hand from under the table.


A/N: I want to see those cross fingers to give this couple the strength to overcome Emília's family. Who would not like to wake up and see Mika's beautiful eyes!?

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