Feels Like Love

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Emília went home and when she arrived she called Lola.

Lola: Oui ma chère?

Emília: Hello. Are you busy?

Lola: No.

Emília: Great because I need to talk to someone.

Lola: What happened to Mika?

Emília: How do you know?

Lola: Usually that someone you talk to is him. If you choose me, something happened.

Emília: You're right. It happened. I mean, it's been happening for some time, but now it was too much.

Lola: What happened?

Emília: As you know, he does not agree with my possible relationship with Fedez. Today Fedez was going to kiss me and Mika spilled the coffee just before it happened and prevented us from kissing. Of course I did not want to know about the kiss and went to see if he was all right or if he had burned himself. The problem is that after Fedez left he admitted he had it on purpose to stop us from kissing!

Lola: Quoi? Ce pas possible! (What? It's not possible!)

Emília: I also couldn't believe! How could he have put himself in danger just to control my life ?!

Lola: It's not really typical of him. Something must being happen.

Emília: Of course it does, but he will not tell me! Wait ... Do you know anything?

Lola: Je ?!

Emília: He's been acting strange for some time. I'm not sure but maybe since the last day of video footage. I think it has to do with relationships. He does not agree that I date Fedez, he did not react when Zac Efron flierted with him and he says he does not want a relationship now but then reacts like he's in love.

Lola: Yeah ... I do not know.

Emília: Do not you know or do not want to tell me?

Lola: Right...

Emília: Lola! I'm getting worried about him and now you also keep me secrets!

Lola: Emília, take it easy. I think if you think something's wrong, you should talk to him. Sometimes there are things that are hard to share but your relationship is so open that I believe that if he has something to tell you, he will end up talking.

Emília: You may be right but...

Lola: Or are you afraid of what he might tell you?

Emília: Afraid?

Lola: Or do you also have things that you do not tell him?

Emília: I'm getting scared of you. (A door is heard) Look, I'm going to have to hang up. I think he just got here.

Lola: Calm down and if you need anything appelez-moi. (Call me)

Emília: Deal. See you tomorrow. (Disconnects the call)

Emília went downstairs and met Mika with a sad and tired look and a sunflower in his hand.

Emília: What is that?

Mika: It's a sunflower.

Emília: I know it's a sunflower but ...

Mika: It's for you.

Mika held out the flower and Emília grabbed her a little suspiciously.

Emília: Why?

Mika: To apologize.

Emília: I do not want your apologies. I want to know what's going on because I'm already worried about you.

Mika: If it's what you want I'll tell you the whole truth. But, please, promise me you will not hate me.

Emília: "Hate" is something very strong. That feeling has no place in my heart. Much less about you.

Mika: (deep breath) Okay. Come with me here to the piano.

Mika sat at the piano and Emília stood beside him and landed the flower on top. Mika took a badly torn paper out of her coat pocket, set it down in front of him, and began to play nervously.

Mika: "Is this how it is
After just one kiss?
Did you really think
That I invented this?
Was it you or me?
All the mess we made
Did we crash too hard?
That's the risk we take
Did I run to you?
Did you run to me?
If we wait too long
Then we'll never see
We could walk away
Just like others would
Or we live our lives
Like we know we should

'Cause it feels like
'Cause it feels like love
Yes it feels like love
To me"

Emília did not know the song and was already in love with it. However, she could not understand what this had to do with their conversation. Had he written it to a man he was in love with? Suddenly, Mika took eyes from the piano and looked into her eyes breaking her thoughts.

Mika: "Baby look at us
Any fool could see
I was made for you
And you were made for me"

If Emília was already a little frightened, that made feel even more. It seemed that he was singing to her but that could not be the case. Finally, the music was ending.

Mika: "This is how it is
After just one kiss
Do you really think
I'm inventing this?
'Cause it feels like love to me"

After the song there was a long silence. Emília did not know what to say because she did not know what he meant by it and Mika was too afraid to say whatever it was.

Emília: It's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my life. But ... I do not understand what it has to do with our conversation. Did you write it for someone special?


A/N: Hellooooo!I hope you are enjoying it! I LOVE this song and I thought it fit well in the fanfiction. Do you think he'll tell her the truth? What if I tells? What is Emília going to do? If you were Emília, how would you react? Vote and comment!

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