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Emília was at home packing her bags while her friends were around to talk to her.

Emília: But if you could see! It is that he got crazy!

Júlia: It's like... I think if I saw a daughter of mine sleeping with a man, I was a little apprehensive too.

Emília: Mika got out of there terrified.

Bianca: And then?

Emília: He ended up apologizing to Mika for being so rough but, as he said, "father is a father". Mika understood and everything went well. Or at least made it look like that.

Anabela: Do you think there's any ... friction between Mika and your parents?

Emília: I think so. I think they're being sympathetic to him for me. Maybe I did not help with that soul mate story but ...

(Little giggles)

Bianca: You think so ?!

Emília: The problem is that I have the feeling that now my parents look at Mika as responsible for me not getting a husband.

Bianca: And is not it?

Bianca was grinning and the rest of her friends reacted with a "uuu" in chorus.

Emília: No ... It's not. Stop it.

Anabela: It's really unfair to he beeing gay because you guys would be so cute together.

Emília: Anabela, please spare me those comments.

Bianca: Yes, Anabela. Cant't you see that she would like that too.

Emília: Those comments too, by the way.

(Sounds a horn)

Emília: I have to go. Mika's here. (raises the suitcase) Do not forget to do not set something for the day of the concert. I want you all there.

Cátia: Do you really think we would miss an opportunity to laugh at you?

Emília: No.

Anabela opened the door and Mika came in to greet everyone. After all the kisses he grabbed Emília's suitcaseand put it in the trunk of the taxi. They continued to wave to Emília's friends who stood at the door waiting for them to leave.

Soon they reached the train station. After a few autographs, they entered the train. It was waiting for them a three hours trip to the capital. Emília put her legs up and crossed them trying to be more comfortable. She went to her suitcase and took out her cell phone and headphones.

Mika: What are you going to do?

Emília: Listening to music.

Emília turned on the heathphones and put it in her ears. Mika could hear some of Emília's music but nothing more than noise because it was not high so he could decode what music was playing.

Since Emília was in her world, it was not long before Mika became annoyed, so he took out his cell phone. When Emília looked forward, she only saw Mika's cell phone and the screen on her face.

Emília: What are you doing?

Mika did not answer. He continued to stare at the screen and laughed. Until messages began to appear and she realized that he was on Periscope.

Emília: Hello everyone.

Mika: This is Emília's being antisocial.

Emília: This is Mika being very mature.

Mika: Do you want to explain where we are?

Emília: No, you can do that I do not bother.

Mika: We are on our way to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. We will do a concert at the Coliseu dos Recreios. Appear. Before we will do interviews. Stay tuned and see. Information is coming out on networks ...

Mika began to hear a ringing sound and when he looked at Emília, he noticed the sound was from her cell phone. Each time she touched on the screen it made a rather annoying sound.

Mika: On social networks ... (looks at Emília who continues to make that sound) There will be many more surprises ... (turns to look at Emília) That I can not now ... Em! Stop writing for your boyfriend!

Emília: (looks up with a slightly shocked air) What ?! I'm changing music!

Mika: For so long!

Emília: I did not know what to choose!

Mika: Liar! You turned the sond on now just to piss me off!

Emília: (raises her head and speaks in palying way) But who are you to call me a liar ?!

Mika: Admit it!

Emília: I put the sound in this thing to see if you would shut up that I'm tired of listening to you.

Mika: (opens his mouth and opens his eyes) Em! Fuc ...

Emília: Ah! Mika! See what you are going to say!

Mika: My fans are used to it.

Emília: I do not care about that at all! You know damn well I do not like swearing! (puts the phones back on)

Mika looked at the screen and shrugged. Reading the screen he noticed that some people asked what Emília was listening to.

Mika: Em, what are you listening to?

Emília: Elton John.

Mika: (turns his face quickly to Emília) Really ?!

Emília: Yes. Do you want a headset? (hands him a handset)

Mika finally grabbed it and put it in his ear. Seconds later he was singing the songs without stopping recording. Sometimes he would not notice and he would start singing too loud. Emília gave him a touch with her elbow or made "sh" and he turned the volume down again. Whthout knowing why, a lot of people were watching Periscope that moment. Maybe they were laughing at them, maybe they were watching it as a mini-concert or maybe they had nothing better to do.

Emília and Mika fell asleep and woke to a murmur. It seemed that a crowd was near them whispering. When they opened their eyes they saw that they were not wrong. The train was much fuller and a group of people ahead of them were, without a shadow of a doubt, commenting on them. They ignored it and as soon as they heard the voice announcing their arrival in Lisbon they got up and headed for the train's exit. Mika went forward at great speed and pulled Emília by the hand. However, as he was still half asleep, he ended up hiting his head on one of the iron poles in the middle of the train, even before he left. As soon as they left the train Mika continued to pull Emília to continue on his way but she resisted. When he looked back she was laughing a lot.

Emília: Wait a little. Let me get it together first.

She shrugged and Mika folded her arms waiting. After a few minutes Emília took a deep breath, gave Mika a hand, and continued walking. She made a great effort to forget what had happened but still on a few occasions she looked at Mika had little bouts of laughter.


A/N: I know ... This has not been anything special but it will get more interesting, I promise. Do not stop reading. Who likes to ride the train? I like it but it's very rare to do it. Who walks on public transport, what do you do to pass the time?

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