I am your boyfriend!

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The next morning, Emília woke up with her cell phone ringing. She opened her eyes and saw Mika lying next to her still asleep. She tried to run over his body without touching him but she gave him a small kick that woke him.

Emília: (whispers) Sorry.

Mika sat on the couch while rubbing his eyes and Emília grabbed the cell phone from the coffee table. When she looked at the screen she saw Romeu's contact and answered.

Emília: (weak voice) Hello? (clears throat) Hello?

Romeu: Emília, were you sleeping?

Emília: Yes.

Romeu: I'm sorry for waking you up.

Emília: No, you did well. I have to get up.

Romeu: Is everything okay?

Emília: Yes. Now, yes. Yesterday it was a bit hectic here but today is better.

Romeu: Emília, I need to talk to you. Do you think we can meet for coffee?

Emília: Yes, whenever you want.

Romeu: Okay. I'll be there in about twenty minutes to pick you up, ok?

Emília: Ok. Kisses.

Romeu: Kisses. See you later love.

Emília hung up and ran into the bedroom to get dressed. In the room Lola was already ready to leave.

Emília: Good morning.

Lola: Good morning ma chère. Did you get any sleep?

Emília: In fact I slept very well.

Lola: Maybe you missed sleeping with Mika.

Emília: (laughs) Yes, maybe. Or I was exhausted by all that had happened.

A few minutes later a horn was heard followed by a shout from Mika.

Mika: Em! Romeu has arrived!

Emília and Lola left the room. In the kitchen Mika was eating, and though he looked better than the night before, her sad, tired look was still visible. Her unkempt hair did not help the image either. Emília kissed the two of them and left the house door. Romeu was inside the car waiting for her. As was his habit, he left the car to greet Emília and open the door for her.

Emília: You could have gone in.

Romeu: Let it be. I just want to go and have some coffee with you. I did not want to waste time.

The trip was made in silence. Luckily it was also short because the atmosphere was a bit strange. As it was good weather they sat on a terrace and ordered two coffees.

Romeu: So? Now can you explain to me what happened yesterday to leave me alone in the movies?

Emília: I'm sorry for that, but Mika and Richard break up, and, as you can guess, Mika was very down and needed me.

Romeu: Really ?! But why?

Emília: Well, making a long story short, Richard does not accept himself as homosexual and so he was always inventing stories, especially for his father.

Romeu: Does not his father accept him?

Emília: That's what he says but the truth is that he never told the truthto his father either.

Romeu: And what did you do?

Emilia: Me ?! Nothing! What do you mean?

Romeu: You left me to go to Mika so you did something with him.

Emília: I just talked to him, hugged him ... You know. The kind of things we do when our friends are sad.

Romeu: Did you sleep with him?

Emília: (looks serious in Romeu's eyes) Why the question again?

Romeu: It's a question like the others and I want you to answer me honestly.

Emília: I slept, yes. I slept with him on the couch.

Romeu: Do ​​you think that was necessary?

Emília: Romeu, you did not see how he was. I've never seen him so low.

Romeu: So if I have a very sad friend I can always comfort her by sleeping together.

Emília: It's different! Mika is gay and he's my best friend! But have not we settled this yet? When we started dating Mika and I already had the relationship we have.

Romeu: And I've been letting go but I'm getting tired Emília! You do not realize that I invite you to come to sleep with me in my hotel and you deny but soon after that you are going to run to sleep with another man ?!

Emília: It's not another man! It's Mika!

Romeu: That's the problem! It's always Mika! I'm sick of him. I'm sick of anything I say or do remind you of him and I'm sick of being left standing because of Mika.

Emília: You're being very unfair. The last time I went to him was because you allowed it. What happened yesterday was an exception because he was super bad and I would never leave him in that state alone.

Romeu: Of course you wouldn't. You woould left me more quickly than you would left him!

Emília: Stop comparing yourself to him! These are completely different situations! You're my boyfriend and he's my best friend.

Romeu: So what if I made you choose?

Emília: (freezes in shock) Do you love me?

Romeu: Yes. I've told you many times.

Emilia: So you do not want to go in there.

Romeu: (frown) You would choose Mika, would not you?

Emília: I told you not to go there.

Romeu: (opens his mouth) I can not believe! You would really choose! You are very lucky because I will not make you choose or you would be in trouble!

Emília: I would not say that "being in trouble" would be the best way to say it, but it certainly would made me sad.

Romeu looked at Emília with a smile and soon began to laugh. Emília was very confused by his reaction.

Emília: What's so funny?

Romeu: You. Your naivete in finding that without me you would be well.

Emília: I did not say that I would be well but I had to recover from that.

Romeu: For a woman as intelligent as you it's hard for me to believe that you think choosing the gay rather than boyfriend was the best option.

Emília frowned and Romeu continued to laugh, which made her even more confused and now also angry.

Emília: Excuse me?


A/N: Sorry for this short chapter but decided to put all the discussion that follows in the next chapter. And the bubble will bustmy friends! Do you think Emília should not sleep with Mika for having a boyfriend or the fact that there is no sexual tension between them doen't makes this a problem? If you were Emília, would you choose Romeu or Mika to stay in your lives?

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