Fortuné it's not like Mika

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In the morning, when everyone got up, they caught Mika and Emília sleeping on the living room floor with their computer open on the small table in front of them.

Joannine: Mika, Emília, wake up.

They opened their eyes slowly and rubbed them with their hands.

Joannine: You think this is the way to sleep, dears?

Emília: We fall asleep.

Joannine: I already noticed that. Come eat.

They got up and went to the table almost like two zombies. When they arrived they were all sitting down to eat.

Emília and Mika: Good morning.

All: Good morning.

They sat down and Mika grabbed Emília's plate.

Emília: What are you doing?

Mika: I'll serve you.

He began to fill the plate with everything on the table.

Emília: M, Enough!

Mika: You have to feed yourself well to recover from this horrible night that I put you through.

Emília: Does it mean that the way you thank me is to make me fat?

Mika: (returns the dish to Emília) Well ... I do not know any other way.

Emília: And how about ... do nothing. You're my friend, you do not have to pay me back.

Mika: But it was a horrible night indeed!

Emília: It's gone! When you came to that "how many dates you've had" question, I swear I wanted to send the person to a lightning bolt.


Joannine: You should take these days to rest a little. It's a very pleasant day. Why do not you go to the pool?

Mika: To the pool itself I do not say but I think I'm going to sunbathing.

After they had eaten, they all parted. Emília went to the bedroom to take off her pajamas and to wear comfortable, fresh clothes. She looked out her bedroom window and noticed that she had not yet been able to appreciate the view. She opened the window of the small balcony and left. When she looked down she saw Fortuné and Yasmine sunbathing with the dogs lying on the ground beside them. They were talking and the conversation was quiet so Emília could not hear it. However, it gave the idea that only Yasmine spoke and Fortuné listened. The tone in which she spoke seemed a little angry. Suddenly, Yasmine stopped talking and looked up. Emília stepped back so that she would not see her, and as she moved forward again, Yasmine was already sitting forward and saying nothing. She left the balcony quietly closing it and went downstairs. She ran the glass door to the living room, and as soon as she did, Yasmine turned to see who was coming. Emília smiled at her but she did not smile back. Instead, she got up and went inside. Emília took advantage of it and sat down on the deck chair once occupied by her.

Emília: Is everything okay with Yasmine?

Fortuné: (smiles) Yes, do not worry. That happens to her.

Emilia's cell phone began ringing. When she looked at the screen she saw that it was Romeu and she answerd smiling.

Emília: Hi ... Yes, and with you? ... Are you still in Rio? ... You do not make me jealous because I am also enjoying the sun ... No, I am not with Mika but I am with Fortunéwhich is basically a copy ... Okay, I'll send it ... I miss you too ... Kisses. (turns off)

Fortuné: Let me guess. Romeu?

Emília: Yes ... How do you know?

Fortuné: My brother told me about him.

Emília: Why did Mika tell you about my boyfriend?

Fortuné: Because I wanted to know if what was between you two was enough for me to walk away. And I already realized that you really like him.

Emília: O-K ... Yes ... I really like him.

Fortuné: If for some reason that does not work out, you know where to look.

Emília was shocked by the attitude of Fortuné. On the other hand she also wanted to laugh.

Emília: Remember me saying you were a copy of Mika?

Fortuné: Yes.

Emília: Forget it. You're not.

Emília laughed a little at this situation and got up. She pet on the muzzle of each of the dogs and went back into the house. She was heading toward her room when she remembered that Zuleika had invited her very sympathetically to come and see her work. So instead of stopping at her door she continued and knocked on Zuleika's room. As soon as she hit Zuleika's door, she said to go in without even knowing who was knocking. Emília opened the door and took a small step inside the room.

Emília: It's me Zuleika. Can I come in?

Zuleika: (turns and smiles) Of course. Come here.

Emília approached the desk where she was working. The whole desk was covered with sheetsand all the leaves were full of drawings. Emília looked more closely to try to perceive what the pictures portrayed but did not succeed. They were all different. Some were like abstract symbols, others had a tribal feel and all of them were quite out of the ordinary and quite interesting.

Emília: Wow! It looks amazing but ... What are they?

Zuleika: They are jewels.

Emília: AH! That makes everything even more spectacular!

Zuleika: Thank you.

Emília: (points a little pile of sheets) Can I?

Zuleika: Shore.

Emília grabbed a set of sheetsand defoliated them by watching the drawings carefully. One in particular caught her eye. He looked like an Egyptian beetle.

Emília: This is very interesting. (points the drawing)

Zuleika: You think ?! My idea was that the top half open like wings but I do not know.

Emília: I think it's a great idea.

Zuleika: What colors would you use?

Emília: Me ?! That's your choice!

Zuleika: But I would like to hear your opinion. I know you have a way for art.

Emília: Was it Mika who said that ?! He does not know what he says.

Zuleika: But what colors would you use?

Emília: Maybe ... Golden out and blue inside.

Zuleika: That sounds good.

Emília: Zuleika, is Fortuné ... single?

Zuleika looked at Emília and laughed as she shook her head.


A/N: What was your reaction to Fortuné's speech? Do you think Emília should be with him? What about the relationship with Zuleika?

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