Diner on the balcony

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In the morning Mika left Emília's embrace very carefully to see if she did not wake up but it did not work out. She woke but did not move from the bed. He went to the bathroom to get dressed quickly.

Mika: I have to go Emília.

Emília sat up in bed to receive a kiss from Mika. He kissed her quickly and had a pet Mel's head. He was already leaving when Emília jumped out of bed to hug him.

Emília: Be careful. Keep sending me messages just so I can know you are ok.

Mika: Okay. When I get the chance I'll say something.

Emília: Good luck. And good luck to your mother.

Mika: It's going to be okay. Do not leave here and if you need anything, call me and I'll come running. Well, not literally. I come by car because running will delay me.

Emília: (smiles) Stay calm. I follow the instruction manual of your own.

Mika: It's not funny. (opens the door)

Emília: Wait! Just one more kiss!

Mika leaned against the door again and kissed Emília. A much better kiss than the one he had given before. Mika left and Emília went back to bed and lay down next to Mel.

Emília: It seems like it's just the two of us now. Did not you miss it? Do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to do something to eat and I'll give you a lot, although I know Mika will not let me give you anything.

Emília spent the day playing with Mel. From time to time she would get messages from Mika saying that everything was fine or to say where he was or what he was doing. Emília was more calmed with that but never fully rested. Aside from that it was impossible not to think about Mika. She was in a hotel room alone. All she could think about was where he was, what he was doing, whether he was okay, how his mother was. Emília looked at the window and decided to open it and go to the balcony. The view was fantastic and, as an attempt to abstract herself, she sat on the porch with a mug of coffee and Mel lying at her feet. It was getting dark and Mika had not sent a message for a long time. Emília called him worried but he did not answer. She started to get very worried. She was going to call Joannine but before pressing the "call" button Mika opened the bedroom door. Emília ran to him and hugged him.

Emília: You scared me! Where have you been? Your last message was like an hour ago!

Mika: Sorry, I did not get the chance.

Emília: And why did not you answer me ?!

Mika: I was already at the hotel. It was not worth it.

Emília: Do you have understand how scared I was because of you?! (runs her hands over Mika's face) How are you? Was everything okay?

Mika: I can not tell you that I'm fine. This is not easy to digest. But it is calm and there is something that is very important and difficult to resist in that place. Hope. And hope gives joy. It seems impossible but they can make you laugh and they can laugh with you despite all the disgrace.

Emília: But is everything relatively safe?

Mika: You could say it is.

Emília: So I'll go with you tomorrow. Come on! I do not want to be locked up here.

Mika: We will see about that. (Looks behind Emília) Were you on the porch?

Emília: Yes. Can not I also enjoy the view? Is it a danger, too?

Mika: No. I think we could have dinner on the porch.

Emília: Really? And your mom?

Mika: I invited her to dinner with us, but she told us to be alone, that she did not feel like eating dinner. Let's do this way. Let's pick up the little table and the chairs and put it outside and ask for dinner. Ok?

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