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(A/N: This chapter is a way to talk about an important topic. The bullying. This is why I wanted to dedicate this chapter to everyone who is or has ever suffered from bullying.
If you suffer from bullying or know someone who is a victim talk to an adult that you trust and/or go to the police. To know more go to: https://www.nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk/)

Emília and Mika were strolling around London to enjoy the snow that fell and the short time together before Emília went to Portugal and Mika went to Hong Kong.

Emília: It still hurts me to believe we're not going to spend Christmas together.

Mika: Do not be sad. You know what my life is like. I promise we'll talk on Skype.

Emília: (indignantly) Mika, do not play with me! Skype sucks! And no, I do not know what your life is like because if you think I can handle a relationship for Skypes you're very wrong! I want to hug you in front of the fireplace, feel your fluffy Christmas sweater and I want to kiss you under a mistletoe! Now tell me how I do it through Skype!

Mika: My love, I'm sorry! (embraces Emília) I promise I'll make it up to you! Do not screem at me!

Emília: Excuse me. I freaked out! It's just that I know it's going to be difficult and I do not want our life to always be like this.

Mika: It will not be, Em. I promise. What if we were going to get some hot chocolate?

Emília: That sounds good.

They went into a café and immediately had to remove their coats. Mika ordered two hot chocolates while Emília sat down. A few minutes later they brought the drinks. Emília looked at the mug with hot chocolate, cream and three mini marshmallows. She looked at Mika's mug and saw that he had four marshmallows. She was envious because she loved marshmallows, but of course she was not old enough to make a scene because of that, nor did she want to.

However, Mika must have read her thoughts, because without saying anything he took out his marshmallows with the spoon and took them to Emília's mug.

Emília: What are you doing ?!

Mika: Do not complain. I wanted.

Mika smiled his friendly smile and Emília smiled at him. Suddenly he looked behind her and left his smile to make a very serious expression.

Emília: What is it?

Mika looked tense but did not respond. Emília turned and at that moment a man approached their table.

- Mika ?! It is really you?!

Mika: (not looking too much into the man's eyes) Hello Brian.

Brian: I do not believe it! Mika with "c" and now with "k"! I have not seen you for a long time!

Mika: This is Emília, my girlfriend. Emília, it's Brian. We were classmates from school.

Emília: Hello.

Brian held out his hand to Emília. She felt obliged to hold it.

Brian: I've heard a lot about you at the time of Grace Kelly and I do not know what else, but then I stopped listening about you. Are you still singing?

Mika: (nodded) All over the world.

Brian: You really are different! With girlfriend and everything! I always thought you played on the opposing team, if you understand me.

Mika smirked and Emília was starting to get worried. Especially since Mika never looked directly at Brian.

Emília: That's not very nice.

Brian: Do not worry. Mika already knows me. We were friends.

Mika: (says softly) "Friends" is not the right word.

Brian: What did you say Micha? Remember? That's what we called you.

Mika: I remember.

Brian: You must have changed a lot to get a woman so beautiful.

Emília: What do you mean?

Brian: Mika was the strangest person in school. He could not write or read, and he lived in a world entirely apart. He did not talk to anyone and spent his classes doing odd drawings in his notebook. He was caught once putting a letter in a locker of another boy. When we saw it was a love letter.

Emília: How do you know that?

Mika: He took the letter from me and read it to everyone at lunch time.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: Emília, let's go.

Brian: Already?

Mika got up and Emília got up too.

Emília: You were not friends! After all nobody changed. Mika was a love and still is. (points to Brian) You were a jerk and you still are.

Brian: Calm down princess, it was all a joke.

Mika: (looks for the first time in Brian's eyes) Who do you think you're calling princess?

Brian: It's not you for a change.

Mika swallowed hard and Emília gave Brian a bump.

Emilia: Bullying is not a joke. It's cruelty. If you talk to Mika again, you're done with me. I hope your children will never find someone like you at school.

Emília grabbed Mika's hand and headed for the door.

Brian: (screams) Once freaks forever freaks!

Emília: (shouts without looking back) We are golden!

Emília and Mika went to the car.

Emília: Why did not you defend yourself?

Mika: I can not. There are things that remain of those times. In my case it is the difficulty of knowing how to defend myself. Sorry. If he had attacked you again, I might have been able to kick him in that place.

Emília: Do not apologize. I saw how uncomfortable you were when you barely saw him.

Mika: He was the worst.

Emília: But he can not hurt you anymore. Did you see the size of him? He is as tall as your shoulder! Besides, you're no longer the little, weak Mika who puts love letters in the lockers. You're huge and strong. Very romantic that story, let me tell you.

Mika: (smiles) He did not say but the letter was all poorly written. Even the boy's name I could write badly. You know what it is. I'm more dyslexic if I'm nervous.

Emília: I know. And I think it's very romantic.

Mika: Right now, that scream at the end ... Very good. Thanks for defending me when it should be the other way around.

Emília: It should not be the other way around. We defend each other. That is how it should be.


A/N: Mika has already said that he had difficulties in defending himself just because of bullying that suffered. Do not forget. "Nothing is only words, that's how hearts get hurt." Bullying leaves marks for life.

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