I need some time

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When EmÍlia reached Lola's room she was washed in tears. She entered without a word and sat down on the couch with her hands in her face. Lola finally sat down next to her.

Lola: Emília? What's up?

Emília: Please. Let me stay here tonight.

Lola: (puts her hand on Emília's back) Of course ma chère. But what happened ?!

Emília: Mika told me he was in love with me!

Lola: (embraces Emília) Well ...

Emília: (turns away from Lola) Wait! ... Did you know that ?!

Lola: Emília ...

Emília: I do not believe it! You really did know!

Lola: Pardonnez-moi (Forgive me). I could not get into it. Try to understand.

Emília: (deep breath) I understand. I do not want to know that now. I just want to go to sleep and rest for tomorrow to take the trip to Paris.

Lola: But do you have any idea what you're going to do?

Emília: I do not know, Lola! He lied to me about something very important! I slept with a man who thought he was gay and after all he was not!

Lola: If you knew that he was not gay would change anything between you two?

Emília: Of course!

Lola: I think nothing wouldchange.

Emília: Maybe I would not get to close to him.

Lola: You did not get close to him because he was gay, but because you like him. None of this would change if you knew he was not gay. Do you know what could change? Probably you would not be best friends but boyfriend and girlfriend, deep down, that's what's pissing you off. You're thinking that you had to fight a feeling that you did not have to do after all. But you're thinking the wrong way! Think of the present!

Emília: He lied to me!

Lola: No. You're being unfair Emília. He did not lie to you. He discovered that recently.

Emília: And why did not you tell me soonner ?!

Lola: Because he was scared! When I spoke to him, he called it "impulses"  to what he felt for you. He was very confused. It was a shock to him. And if we're going to talk about keeping secrets, you've kept a big one for months!

Emília: What ?!

Lola: Yes! The fact that you feel the same for him.

Emília: No! I kept it at first. Then Romeu helped me forget Mika.

Lola: But meanwhile ...?

Emília: But meanwhile, what?

Lola: However, you realized that you were trying to fill the void you felt with Romeu but it was not the same. Admit it Emília! The place that Mika occupies in your heart will never be able to be occupied by anyone else! I was so sorry for you but my prays were heard and, I do not know, maybe "fate" is something real and you were meant for each other.

Emília: (puts her hands in her face and then in her hair) Lola!

Lola: Emília, I've seen many couples and I assure you that I've never seen anyone who was as perfect, as committed to each other as you.

Emília: I do not know Lola. I do not know if what I feel for him is the same thing I felt for the man who hugged me on the night of the storm.

Lola: You know, you do Emília.

Emília: And even if we were together. Have you seen the revolution that this would cause for everyone !?

Lola: And is not it worth it?

Emília: I need some time.

Lola: I understand. I think the lesson we can draw from this is that when we really love a person the gender of it is secondary.

Emília: Maybe. I can not think now. I'm going to sleep. Or at least try.

Emília and Lola rose from the sofa. Lola hugged Emília tightly. After a few minutes Emília went to dress a pajama that Lola borrowed her and lay on the bed next to her.

Lola: Bonsoir. (Good night)

Emília: Good night.

Lola was fast asleep. Emília already had great difficulty in doing the same. She closed her eyes and opened them again in the hope that everything had not passed from a dream and that beside her was not Lola but Mika sleeping like an angel as usual. However, that was not working. She was not in a dream and Mika was not by her side. Emília could not understand how being disillusioned and hurt with Mika still wanted him to be in the place occupied by Lola.

Emília reflected on what Lola had told her. Did she still love him like the time he almost killed a dancer with a simple dance step? She always thought Romeu had made her forget Mika. After the kiss she began to realize that the relationship with Romeu may have helped to separate from Mika but did not break all the feelings. That kiss brought them to the surface. They were always there, they were just hiding. What's worse is that Emília had become accustomed to putting those feelings aside and now that they were appearing she did not know how to deal with them. She did not know how to deal or how others could handle it.

As she could not fall asleep she got up and went to the kitchen area. She looked at her cell phone and saw that it was about three and half in the morning. She sat down at the table to drink something else but without Mika's tea she did not want anything. She just sat and fixed the screen of her cell phone and wondered if she would send a message to Mika.

A few miles away, Mika was sitting at the kitchen table with the tea mug full a half-hour ago, cell phone in hand and struggling with the same thoughts. Her brain told to let Emília take her time to reflect, but his heart already missed her. He had never felt so sad. Worst of all, the shoulder that he usually used to lay his head down and cry, belonged to the person who was making him cry.


A/N: You can not see but ... THIS IS CHAPTER 100 !!! I should not be happy in this sadness, but I am. Give your opinion on what you think Emília and Mika should do. Thank you for reading.

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