What others think

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Since Emília could not lie to him, she told him that she had nothing to do. He insisted for her to go to his house to see the Phantom of the Opera. Emília tried to escape saying that it was late but he always had an answer for everything. It was not that she did not want to go. Trouble is, she wanted to go.

She finally gave in and went to Mika's house.

As soon as he opened the door they were attacked with four-legged love.

Emília: Mel!

Emília got down to pet Mel and Mika got through.

Mika: She really likes you!

Emília: Do you think so?

Mika: She just ignored me to get your attention! Which is great! All my friends have to pass the Mel test.

Emília: What is Mel's test ?!

Mika: Mel is the first one to evaluate all my relationships.

Emília began to laugh as Mika was preparing the television for the movie session.

Mika: Do not laugh! It is true! Do not you know that dogs feel if people are good or bad people?

Emília: You are the one who knows "dog whisper".

Mika laughed and sat on the sofa calling Emília to sit beside him. She sat down and he put the film on. Mika was watching the movie with big attention, and Emília was not even close to that. It was late, and although the film was interesting, she had her mind preoccupied with other thoughts. From time to time she saw Mika from her corner of her eye and noticed that his expressions changed according to the feelings he was experiencing in the film. In the most cheerful parts he smiled and in the most melancholy parts he almost made a pout. It seemed like it was the first time he was seeing that. But what Emília loved the most was to notice that he made a playback of all the music that began to play. In one of the songs he even whispered. Emília could not resist and let go a low and simple giggle. Mika realized it and looked at her seeing that she instead of looking at the television was staring at him.

Mika: What is it?

Emília: Nothing. (Cross her arms and turns to the front)

Mika: Were you making fun of me?

Emília: No, I was just noticing how you know the lyrics. You must have seen this five hundred times already.

Mika: Not really. I know the lyrics because before being Mika with "K" I went to a music school where I learned opera. Even though it's not what I most love to sing, I still sing and enjoy it so I easily memorize it. Any other questions?

Emília: I did not ask anything!

Mika: But I answered it.

They continued to watch the movie. Sleep, however, was stronger and Emília's head began getting too heavy. The last thing Emília remembers was her head being propped up by something as her eyes closed at a dramatic moment on television. From there, just dreams.

Emília was awakened by a smell of tea invading the air. She was opening her  eyes when something wet passed in her face. After her vision became normal she saw Mel in front of her.

Emília: (smiles) Good morning.

Mika: (shouts from the kitchen) Good morning. Come eat something.

Suddenly Emília realized what had happened. Once again, she had fallen asleep at Mika's house! On top of that he was making breakfast for her! And now?! What was she supposed to say or do? Emília went to the kitchen and on the table was tea, bread, cookies and crackers of all shapes and tastes. Emília sat down and Mika sat down in front of her.

Mika: (serving the tea) Did you sleep well?

Emília wondered if the question had double meaning, but only replied that it did. There was an awkward silence and Mika finally noticed that and broke the silence.

Mika: Is everything okay?

Emília: Uhmm ... yes ... I think so. Why?

Mika: You're so quiet. I bet you're thinking of something.

Emília: I always am.

Mika: And what are you thinking?

Emília: I do not know if I should tell you.

Mika: Why ?!

Emília: I do not want to look rude or want to be invasive.

Mika: Try it.

Emília: (takes a deep breath) Okay. Think with me. I'm leaving now, in the morning, for the second time almost in a row. You do not see them but you know there's papparazzi out there. Are not you afraid of what they can invent?

Mika: About us?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: No! They can not invent much.

Emília: Can not they?

Mika: Look. First, everybody already knows you and knows that you are my friend. Second, they might even say that you spend the night here, but you can not draw conclusions from that. Unless you are a man and I have not noticed. (laughs)

Emília: (punches Mika's arm) Sorry.

Mika: Why ?!

Emília: I do not want to get into your life. Even less on this topic.

Mika: You mean my homosexuality ?! You can talk. I have no problem talking about it, and most of all, I trust you.

Emília: (rests her hand on Mika's hand) I trust you, too. And I really don't care of what they say.

Mika grabbed Emília's hand, lifted her and kissed her. They were smiling as they looked into each other's eyes. The moment was broken with Mel's bark.


Hi cutie pies :P I tried to make there freidship the most cute as possible. Hope you think it's cute and funny.

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