"5 para a meia noite"

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Emília and Mika arrived at the RTP1 studios a half hour before the show started. An employee led them directly into the dressing room for Emília's grief that was the whole way to turn her head like an owl hoping to find someone famous. They came to the dressing room which, although small, had a sofa, a table in front of a mirror where it had all the hair material and immense makeup. Mika sat down in front of the mirror with the cell phone in his hand and Emília paced the small room.

Mika: Em, come here and take a picture to let know that we've arrived.

Emília took a deep breath, brought her face close to Mika's over his shoulder and smiled at the photo. He took the picture and she walked away and continued her walk from side to side.

Mika: Em, take it easy. Everything will work out.

Emília: I'm calm. Why do you think I'm not calm ?!

Mika: I felt your breath on my neck when we took the picture and I'm not even talking about your run in the dressing room.

Emília: Who is going to interview us?

Mika: I do not know. You should know.

Emília: It's because the presenter varies according to the day of the week and I do not know who it is today.

Mika: Do you want it to be someone specific?

Emília: I like everyone but ... (smiles) I think if I was a specific one it made me happier.

Mika: I think if it's him I'll realize without you telling me anything.

There was a knock on the door and girls came in to make-up and make their hair. They sat side by side in front of the mirror while they were being arranged.

Emília: So that's what you feel when you're putting on makeup?

Mika: Keep this magical moment in your memory.

The makeup artists and hairdressers were chatting and laughing with them. They were very nice and the conversation with them ended up calming Emília. After they were ready they left the dressing room behind the scenes and were putting a headset on Mika for him to hear the translation of the conversation when Pedro Fernandes approached. Emília, seeing him coming toward them, elbowed Mika to make him look ahead and smiled.

(A/N: Pedro Fernandes is the guy in the picyure, he is a portugues comedian and the presenter of the tv show.)

Pedro: Good evening. Welcome.

Emília: O-obrigada*.

*Thank you

Mika: (shakes Pedro's hand) Thank you for the invitation.

Pedro: Thanks for having accepted. Well, I have to go in and see you inside.

Pedro smiled at Mika and then at Emília who also smiled at him before he turned and disappeared into the studio with the sound of many applause.

Mika: I've noticed the enthusiasm.

Emília was staring at the small television screen where it was showing the program. She looked away at Mika and he raised his eyebrows as he smiled.

Emília: Excuse me?

Mika: He has beautiful eyes.

Emília: Yes, yes ... the eyes. That's what I was thinking.

Mika gave Emília a small jerk and they both watched the television to see when it was time to get inside. After some typical jokes, Pedro introduced them.

Pedro: Today we have two very special guests. He is Lebanese, but speaks French, Italian, English and other languages. He was known with the single "Grace Kelly" but there are still some people calling him "Freddie Mercury's descendant". She is Portuguese, went to England because of work, crossed with him and now rages in social networks and is responsible for a new concert of him in Lisbon. A huge applause for Mika and Emília!

The door to the studio opened and from there Emília smiled and waved, then Mika appeared and closed the door behind her, held Emília's hand and led her to the sofa. Before they sat down, Pedro gave Emília two kisses and shake Mika's hand. Emília sat down in the nearest place to Pedro and Mika sat down beside her.

Pedro: Before we start. Mika, (points to his ear) Are you listening to the translation well?

Mika took a moment to look at Pedro and then smiled and nodded.

Pedro: To explain home. Mika knows many languages ​​but Portuguese is not one of them, so he has a headset where they are translating everything we say.

Mika: I know a few things but not enough to have a conversation.

Pedro: Emília, let's start with you. Is this your first interview?

Emília: I've been in an interview but it was a maximum of five minutes.

Pedro: And it was not the "5"!

Emília: Yes, I love this show so I'm very excited to be here.

Pedro: It's an honor ...

Mika: Actually she's excited to be Pedro doing the interview.

Emília: Mika!

Pedro: Thanks for the compliment. How did your story begin?

Emília told how she joined Mika's team in a very general way but with some funny stories in the middle.

Pedro: You have become very popular in social media. I think the question everyone is asking is: do you guys really get on so well?

Emília and Mika responded at the same time, and Emília responded positively and Mika negatively. They looked at each other and laughed.

Pedro: No, Mika?

Mika: We get a lot better than the pictures show. But other things are very private.

Emília laughed and Pedro raised an eyebrow.

Pedro: As we have already seen a lot of videos of you laughing at everything and nothing, we have a game for you to do.

Three men brought two benches, a bucket, two towels, and a table full of glasses of water.

Pedro: The game is called "Duel of Water in the Mouth". You will sit face to face and fill your mouth with water. I'm going to read in English, not to get information to Mika late, very silly anecdotes. The goal is to endure without spitting the water.

Emília and Mika sat on the benches facing each other with a glass of water in hand and the bucket between them.

Emília: M, do not spit on me!

Mika: I promise nothing!

Pedro: You can fill your mouth.

Emília and Mika filled their mouths with water and Pedro began to tell jokes. He was right, they were really silly. What was most funny was not the jokes but their faces with cheeks full of water.

Pedro: "Did you know about the accident?


My brother was hit by a bus and had to amputate both legs.

And now? Now do you have a half-brother?"

Emília and Mika began to laugh and Mika was the first to spit everything around him but as soon as he did Emília also spat the water. They finished the game drenched and with pain in the muscles of the belly of so much laughter.


A/N:This game really existed but I modified it a bit. I hope you're enjoying yourself. Do not stop commenting and voting.

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