Partying at the Coliseu

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They came home very late and exhausted but very happy with the night they had spent on the show. It was arriving at the hotel and "landing" on the bed to prepare for the day of the concert.

The next day Emília rolled on the bed and to her astonishment did not feel Mika at her side. She got up, went to the kitchen and had his breakfast ready to be eaten. She called for Mika but he did not show up. She ate and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. She noticed a note on the cabinet.

"Good morning, sweetheart, since you were tired, I did not wake you, when you wake up go to the Coliseu dos Recreios. M"

Emília dressed quickly and went to the Coloseu which was a few meters away from the hotel. When she arrived they gave her the V.I.P. pass and she went backstage. When she got to the stage, there was already the band and Mika rehearsing.

Emília: Good morning!

All: Good morning!

Emília: Do not you think  you will get rid of me! I want everyone's kisses!

Emília went to Max and the rest of the band and greeted them with two kisses and gave a high five and a hug to Sasha.

Mika: So what about me? I made you breakfast!

Emília went to Mika, hugged him, and kissed him in the face.

Emília: Thank you. It was very good.

Max: Mika, I want it to!

Mika: If you behave ...

They went on to do a rehearsal. They stopped to eat and rehearsed again. Halfway through the rehearsal, Mika received a message.

Mika: Emília, you have to go to the entrance to allow some people to enter.

Emília: Some people ?!

Mika: Go that we have to rehearse!

Emília, though suspicious, did as he asked. She went through the backstage corridors to the entrance. When she arrived she saw her friends and her parents. When they saw her they smiled big and made a group hug.

Emília: Who warned Mika that you were here ?!

Everyone pointed at Bianca and she smiled and shrugged.

Emília: How do you have his number ?!

Bianca: He asked for the number ofone of us if he needed anything. I don't know why, but none of them wanted to and I said yes. Obviously!

Emília: My God! That man spends his life doing things behind my back. Well, shall we?

Emília guided them to the stage so they could be introduced to the band. After introducing themselves and greeting Mika they went to the public place in front of the stage to watch the rehearsal. Otherwise the stage would be too full for them to move.

Mika: Everyone! "Boum Boum Boum"!

(The band starts playing "Boum Boum Boum")

Emília: Mika! But I want to rehearse what I'm going to play!

Mika ignored her and approached her dancing until he was almost against her. Emília wanted to scold him but could only laugh at Mika's "sexy" moves.

Emília: Are not you going to sing?

Mika turned his back and wagged his butt at Emília who covered her face with her hands and laughed even more. Emília eventually gave up and also started dancing with him. Only when she started jumping did he start singing. Mika looked down from the stage and seeing the family of Emília very stopped he jumped off the stage and put Emília's friends dancing. At the end of the song everyone applauded.

Mika: Ready, Em. Let's rehearse the "We Are Golden" so I can rest.

Emília smiled and Max handed her a viola. Emília tuned the viola and started playing alongside Mika as she looked at the strings of the viola. It got to the part where Mika was supposed to get in but he did not start singing.

Mika: Em.

Emília looked at him and he pointed to her eyes and then his. Emília smiled, realizing he was telling her to meet his eyes. She started playing again from the beginning but looking at Mika and this time he sang to the sound of Emília's viola. At the end of the rehearsal they were all at the backstage to chat and breathe a little before the concert. There was a table with food where everyone served. Of course Mika was already having a lollipop in his mouth. It was time for the concert and Mika gave an high five to Emília and hugged her tightly. After the whole band greet they entered the stage and began to sing "Love Today".

A few minutes later Emília paced the stage as she rubbed her hands and took a deep breath.

Bianca: Emília, do not faint on the stage.

Emília: I'll try. There is two possibilities. Or I get there and I look great or I get there and get in a coma.

Paula: Have fun and you'll see that it will go well.

Alfredo: But behave yourself!

Emília: There is no room for that on that stage.

On stage, Mika stops in front of the microphone with a viola in his hand.

Mika: And now you're thinking, "what the hell is that fool doing with a viola when he can not play?" I'm not the one who will play. Who will play is the person who brought me to you. A huge applause for my favorite Portuguese girl, Emília!

Her friends patted Emília's back, she took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage smiling and a little embarrassed. Everyone clapped harder until she reached Mika and grabbed the viola from his hand. Mika grabbed the microphone and tossed the stand away.

Mika: Em, say hello. (points the microphone to Emília)

Emília: Boa noite Lisboa*!

*Good evening Lisbon!

Everyone clapped and shouted. Mika and Emília turned to each other and Mika motioned for Emília to start playing. If she was nervous she stopped being. Her performance went perfectly, and at the end of playing she received a warm applause from the audience. Emília bowed and waved away, but the band started playing "Boum Boum Boum". She looked at Mika and laughed. She continued to walk off the stage saying no to Mika. Emília tried to run away, but he, with his sly grin, grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the center of the stage. As she was still trying to get away, he put his arms around her with his free arm and held her close to him. Emília ended up having to give in and dance the song with him. When he let her off the stage she really wanted to kill him for putting her dancing like crazy for a whole coliseum and at the same time she wnated to hug him and thank him for the best experience of her life.


A/N: Who would give everything to go to the stage to dance with him? I hope you're enjoying this. I've already wrote the cast in this story, you can go see. Do not miss their trip to Italy, the place where much happens.

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