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Shortly after Mika and Emília had already fallen asleep they were awakened by Lola screaming.

Lola: MIKA, EMÍLIA,  WAKE UP !!! We arrived !!

Emília: (rises rapidly frightened) I'm awake!

Mika: (covers his ears) Do not scream.

Lola: (talking in Mika's ear) Le cul si vous ne voulez pas que je me lève autrement *.

* Lift up your ass if you do not want me to raise otherwise.

Mika: (slightly opens his eyes angry) Oui, ma mère *.

*Yes my mother.

They got up and the two left the plane as if they were two zombies. In Milan they had a car that Lola led to the first stop, the home of Mika. During the trip, Mika and Emília went in the back and each time their heads began to fall asleep, Lola spoke almost screaming and they raised their heads at a great speed.

Lola: I do not understand why you are so tired! I slept well! At least until i had Pailles dans la bouche! *

* Straws in my mouth.

Richard smiled but Mika and Emília were to tired to react.

When they reached Mika's house, Lola had to get some things and eventually they all got in.

Mika: Go get what you want. (Yawns)

While Lola climbed the stairs of the great mansion, Richard watched the pictures and Mika and Emília sat on the couch. Minutes later when Lola returned and called Emilía to return to the car, she noticed that she and Mika were asleep on the couch. They were both sitting on the couch. Emília had her head on the shoulder of Mika and he had his head over her. Lola was unable to wake them up, so she motioned to Richard and went away without saying anything.

At eight in the morning Mika phone rang making him wake up a little disoriented.

Mika: (with a slow voice) Hello?

Lola: Michael, raise your ass off the couch and go for the interview!

Mika: Good morning.

Lola: I do not want to repeat! Emília to goes with you!

Mika:. Que vous le souhaitez * (turns off)

*As you wish.

Emília: Was it Lola? What does she want? Where are we? Why am I here?

Mika: Hey! Many questions for the morning! Also we have to go. I have to go for an interview.

They left home still sleepy and went to the car where Mika sat down to drive and Emília next to him.

Mika: I'm so sleepy to drive.

Emília: You want me to wake you?

Mika: Yes, please.

Emília calmly grabbed Mika's shoulders and, out of nowhere, shook them with power while shouting "wake up".

Mika: It was horrible. But it worked.

After being more awake they went to the radio where he was going to do an interview. Mika entered in the studio and Emília stood behind the glass to watch and hear everything.

While that, Richard ran to Lola's hotel room and knocked on the door.

Lola: (opens the door) What is thehurry man?

Richard: Mika has begun the interview!

They entered both at Lola's room and turned on the radio to listen to the interview. Mika was talking about the new tour, the flashmob and lots of surprises that were still to come.

Lola: Dieu merci * he putted is feet on the ground for the interview.

*Thank God

Minutes after Lola said those words she began to hear Mika laugh without having happened nothing to laugh about.

Lola: I think i speaked too soon.

(In the radio)

Mika looked at the glass and laughed.

Radio entertainer: Mika, I think we did not catch the joke. We also want to know.

Mika: I'm sorry, is that there on the other side of the glass I have a friend who is falling asleep.

When everyone looked Emília had her head falling and was putting it back in a sudden movement.

Radio animator: She does not look very well.

Mika: We're tired. This night was very busy.

Radio animator: (smiles) That's weird ... said like that.

Mika: No! (Laughs) Because I had the concert and then we catch the plane soon ...

Radio entertainer: I got it. I was just playing with you.

Once the interview is over Mika was already much more awake, the same didn't happened to Emília.

Mika: Emília, I think you need something to wake up.

Emília: Yes, please. Can we go get some coffee?

Mika nodded and reached out to help Emília to rise. He put his arm around her shoulders and went to the nearest cafe.

Mika: I'll call Lola to ask where she is. Hello? ... Where are you? ... We're just taking a coffee and we go there ... We have to organize things for tomorrow ... Okay ... Au revoir. (Disconnects the call)

Once finished eating they went to the hotel where the rest of the team and reunited at the bar.

Lola: So guys? Are you awake?

Emília: I'm fine. Mika?

Mika: (smiling) I'm fine.

Lola: I'm done with this. Well, let's combine what we do here in Milan.

They agreed that in Milan they will just going to program various tourist placesin the city where Mika was able to sign autographs and take pictures. The first place would be in Piazza del Duomo in front of Milan Cathedral after that will be the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and later at the Teatro Alla Scala.

(A/N: I'm sorry. I don't update for a lig time because i've been beesy with university and with the other Mika fanfiction also in english. Execuse mu english, it will get better because i will translate myself and not with google.)

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