Mika of wax

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Lola left and went to the surveillance room where there were already more people from the team and where they could see everything happening. In addition to the cameras already installed in the building, others had been installed so that in the end they had a video to put on social networks.

Emília had a practically invisible headset from where she could hear Guido's voice giving her directions.

Guido: The first fans will get in.

Emília grabbed the headset and nodded to Mika to see that it was about to start and Guido realized that she had heard. Mika got into her position, which was not very comfortable, and stood still. A little later two teenagers appeared.

Emília: Bonjour! What are your names?

The taller girl was Fiona and the smaller was Linda.

Fiona: Are you Emília?

Emília: Yes.

Linda: We came because we knew about a contest on instagram.

Emília: Yes, it is true. Have you seen the statue?

They approached the statue and smiled as they whispered something between them in French.

Emília: Ready for the photo?

They nodded and stood on either side of the statue smiling at the camera.

Emília: Say "Je t'aime Mika".

Fans: Je t'aime Mikaaa!

The moment they said this, Mika said the same to them. They turned back and Mika remained motionless.

Fiona: Il a parlé *! (*he talked )

Linda: Je entendu*! (*I also heard)

While they were looking at Mika trying to figure out what had happened, he did what he had done to Emília.

He hugged them and they jumped in fright. Linda still managed to escape by taking a few quick steps to the side as she screamed. Fiona, after the first scream, hugged Mika. Mika opened one of her arms to call Linda to the hug. She, with her hands over her mouth, slowly moved toward him, hugging him as well.

Emília, however, could only laugh. Mika was right. That was funny. Then one of them took out her cell phone and gave it to Emília to take a picture with Mika. They left with the expression of who just won the Lottery.

A little later, a mother appeared with a child with five years old. The child was wearing a Mika's t-shirt.

Emília: Bonjour. Je sui Emília.

Emília got down and gave ahandshake to the little fan that her mother introduced her as Simone because she could not speak English. Simone remained clinging to her mother while Emília explained what she was doing there. Simone's mother said she knew her because of her daughter who was a big fan. Emília grabbed Simone's hand and led her to the "statue." The mother stayed with Emília for Simone to take a photo alone with the "statue". In the moment Emília lifted the camera Simone showed a big smile and Emília smiled contagious for so much sweetness.

Emília: Dit "je t'aime Mika"!

Simone: Je t'aime Mika!

The moment she says this, Mika slowly lowered herself without Simone's noticing. Her mother's eyes widened and she covered her mouth to try not to ruin the surprise as Simone kept her eyes on the camera and smiled at the supposed photograph.

Mika: (to Simone's ear) Je t'aime aussi*. (* I love you too)

Simone turned around and came face to face with Mika. She was half frightened  so ran to her mother and hid behind her mother's legs. Mika got up and called Simone but the little girl still clung to her mother's pants.

Mother: Il est Mika ma chère! (* Is Mika my dear)

Mika: Venir ici*. (*come here)

Simone eventually gained the courage to move away from her mother and went to Mika. He got down and grabbed Simone from under his arms and lifted her up. She clung to Mika's neck and gave him a hug.

Mika: Vous voulez prendre une photo avec moi*?( You want to take a picture with me?)

Simone: Oui.

They smiled, this time at Simone's mother camera.

Simone's mother: Simone, nous devons aller*. (* We have to leave)

Simone: No! Je veux rester avec Mika*! (* I want to stay with Mika)

She huggedto Mika even harder  to keep from being pulled from his lap.

Simone's mother:Vous le verrez en concert.(* You'll see him in the concert)

The mother came and stretched out her arms to grab the daughter, but she turned her pouting face and pressed it to Mika's shoulder.

Mika: Simone, je ai une idée. Maintenant vous partez et le jour du concert(points to Emília) cette fille vous emmène à moi. Peut-il être*? (* I have an idea. You're going now and on the day of the concert this girl takes you to me. It's ok?)

Simone: Oui.

Mika: Dernière étreinte*. (* Last hug)

They hugged each other tightly and Simone went to her mother's arms. They left waving.

Emília: Okay. What did you say that involves me?

Mika smiled and explained all this conversation to Emília. She had already found it cute after realizing what was said she even found it more cutter.

After that, more fans came and Mika always tried to change the way he  would "came to life" to have different reactions to the video. And he did it. There were those who laughed, who cried, who screamed and who just could not react. Surely Guido got a spectacular video.


Yap. The cute little girl moment :P

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