Emília's letter

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The days went by and no matter how hard I tried to get out, meet people and have fun, I could not. I went out a few times with my friends at their insistence, but I did not enjoy myself nor did I have the patience to react to men who messed with me.
The truth is that the last time I had fun it had been with Mika and I was beginning to think I was going to be single forever and happy that way. After some research I discovered that the soul mate thing, for those who believe, is a bit different from what some say. There are believers of the soul mate's history who say that this person whom we are supposed to know from other lives can be anyone. That is, our soul mate can be a brother, a cousin, a friend ... Now, as we know, our soul mate is supposed to be someone who completes us which means that when we find her we do not need anyone else. We are happy if we have only that person in our life.

And it was exactly that what I told Mika during a Skype call. He laughed a lot but eventually admitted that maybe I was right but did not seem very convinced. That explained why we could not keep a boyfriend and why we did not feel alone with each other. We should be soul mates!

And it was also this last sentence that I told my mother when she bought tea just like Mika's. Although it was exactly the same tea I tasted it and did not like it. She insisted taht teh diference it was in my head and that I only liked Mika's tea for being his. That's when the phrase came out of my mouth: "I discovered that Mika and I are soul mates, so I think I'm going to be single forever." Needless to say she was furious. I explained all my research but she was not happier and finished with her best shot.

"And how do you intend to give me grandchildren?"

This matter was good for everything. This time, instead of answering the typical "that is with me" I decided I would irritate her even more to see if she learned to stop asking those things. With a great effort to be serious, I told her that Mika, as a good soul mate he was, could also handle it. She was confused at first, but after explaining myself she was shocked. I said that if I was even willing to have a child Mika would not mind donating sperm to me for an artificial insemination. She called me crazy and as she knows me, she started wondering if this was some kind of joke. As she was getting very nervous I ended up admitting it was a joke because Mika would never put a child in the world without assuming his fatherhood. My mother gave me her typical menacing look and I felt compelled to show that I was playing and apologizing. However, I warned her to stop meddling in my love life. She nodded but I knew it was going to be temporary.

It was over a month and I began to think that maybe my mother had a point. Maybe the taste of tea was the same. The way to drink it was that it was different. It needed to be silly. Tea to be spit from laughing so much, whipped in the air, my plate with a tower of fruit that I would never be able to eat ... I was missing him. Sitting in the chair with my legs crossed and destroing an entire meal with his silly and contagious laughter.

More than a month and I was going crazy. Skype calls were getting harder to finish. That enthusiasm of being back home had completely disappeared and was turning into melancholy. Until an unexpected message changed everything.

"I hope that at 4 pm you will be at the airport because I do not know Porto and I am afraid of getting lost. Ly M "

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