Make up

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Mika took Emília to his house. When they entered the house it was empty.

Emília: Where is everybody?

Mika: I do not know.

They heard the footsteps approaching. When they looked in the direction of the sound, they saw Yasmine coming looking like she had spent the night in white. As soon as their eyes met, she smiled a little, and Emília returned.

Yasmine: I'm alone. Mika, do you mind if I take Emília with me for a little while.

Mika: Of course not!

Yasmine: Come with me to the sewing room, please.

Emília nodded. She went after Yasmine and when she passed Mika he made to her the look of "if-you-need-something-screams".

When they arrived at the room Emília noticed that it was relatively disorganized. Someone had been there working. It had scattered lines and bits of cloth.

Yasmine sat down on the sofa and invited Emília to do the same. They ended up sitting next to each other. There was silence and Emília felt her heart beat in her hands.

Yasmine: Emília, you do not have to be nervous. It's all right.

Emília: Sorry but this is all very strange to me.

Yasmine: I understand, that's why I called you. (takes a deep breath) I wanted to apologize.

Emília's eyes widened. She was not expecting that. She was expecting an argument sooner.

Yasmine: I really want to apologize. I was very stupid to you and you do not deserve it. If you do not want to forgive me, I understand. Maybe I did not either.

Emília: Can I ask you a question?

Yasmine: Of course.

Emília: Your mother told me that you never reacted like that to any of your brother's boyfriends. Everyone told me they did not understand your attitude and that it had nothing to do with what you used to be. The only thing I want to know is ... Why? Why do you hate me?

Yasmine: (eyes wide) Hate ?! No! I do not hate you!

Emília: Do not you hate me? So why did you always treat me so badly ?!

Yasmine: It was not hate! (looks down) It was envy. Jealous.

Emília: Jealous ?! Of me?! But why?!

Yasmine: Because of my brother. (takes a deep breath and looks into Emília's eyes) I'll explain. You have seen that in our family we are all very close. I really like all my brothers. I do not want to give you the wrong impression. However, the truth is that Mika has always been with whom I had a closer relationship. He was the first baby I remember seeing growing up and I loved helping my mother deal with it. He was always my little brother. I think it's also because we have several interests in common, so we've always done a lot of things together. You saw the house painted by both of us, you're wearing a watch made by both of us ... It was always like that. But then, you turned up and turned my world upside down.

Emília: But you no longer liked me when he and I were just friends.

Yasmine: Yes, because it has nothing to do with it. You were friends but it was such a strong friendship that I felt I was losing him for you. Even when you were not here he was constantly talking about you.

Emília: But why did not you ever act like that to Richard, for example? Is it because I'm a woman like you?

Yasmine: No. It's simply because of you. It does not matter if you're a woman or not. The way my brother talked about you, how he looked at you, how he played with you ... It reminded me of us. (drops a tear) When you assumed your relationship was a confirmation for what I felt. I was really losing my little brother.

Emília: You're not.

Yasmine: (smiles) I know. I already realized that. My Mika has grown. My Mika is not your Mika. I still have my Mika once in a while. However, I have to realize that part of this Mika left to make room for another Mika. The Mika who is completely in love with you. The Mika that I want to be happy and that I've been keeping him from being. (covers her face with her hands) I'm a terrible big sister.

Emília: No. Do not say that. Mika loves you very much. I do not want you to think I'm stealing your brother. I never meant for you to think that. I would never be able to steal Mika.

Yasmine: I know. What he said on the day I founded you up in his room made me realize that you did not steal him from me. He is the one who went by himself. And I was childish. I ought to have been supporting your relationship right away because ... you do so well to him. I was very stupid. Excuse me.

Emília: You're excused.

Yasmine: Like this? So quickly?

Emília: Do you want me to apologize you or not ?!

Yasmine: I want but... (laughs a little) Forget it. I do not know why I was surprised. Coming from you I should be waiting.

Emília: You are my boyfriend's sister, you gave me a convincing excuse and, above all, I do not want wars between your family.

Yasmine: Ours.

Emília: (smiles) To our family.

Yasmine: I have something for you. (stands up) It is an peaceoffer.

Emília: Really ?! It was not needed. Your words and our make up are more than enough.

Yasmine: (grabs a box and sits down again) But I insist. (delivers the box to Emília) Come on! Accept it!

Emília grabbed the cardboard box with a cloth bow. She slowly pulled the loop and opened the box. When she saw what was inside, she did not even want to believe it.

Yasmine: I hope you like it. I've been working on it all night. I have to say that I have had good help from my mother.

Emília looked at Yasmine and back at the box. She pulled out the dark blue dress with a few stars and her name on her shoulder.

Emília: It's ... magnificent.

Yasmine: Because you loved Mika's suit, I thought you were going to like that dress. So you can go to the awards dressed in the same theme.

Emília: (stops smiling, turns to face Yasmine and frowns) Awards?! What awards?!

Yasmine: Forget it. I've already said too much. Do you like it?

Emília: I love it! Can I hug you?

Yasmine: Of course!

They got up and gave each other a strong hug. Their first hug. Maybe the first of many more.

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