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Emília and Mika went back inside the tent, where the music was already very lively. The children were dancing and jumping. As soon as they saw Mika and Emília they grabbed their hands, took them to the center of the tent and infected them with the rhythm of the Arabic sounds. All the children wanted attention and Emília ended up dancing with one in her lap, another by the hand and had to keep changing because they all wanted to dance with her. It was the same with Mika. The only difference is that the children eventually gave up on him in return for Emília. When she noticed, Mika was no longer dancing but talking to volunteers and looking at Emília with a big smile. Without know how, some of the kids had even learned her name. They called for her and showed their dance steps. They were so funny and lovely that Emília could not stand it without laughing. Emília returned to look at Mika and this time he was next to his mother. Joannine nodded and she smiled. She could not wave because her hands were holding hands with the children.

Mika: Is not she amazing?

Joannine: Absolutely. Look how the kids adored her. They created a connection without even speaking the same language.

Mika: Yeah. Emília is really unique.

Joannine: I bet she's going to be a great mom.

Mika: Mother ...

Joannine: And a great wife too.

Mika: It's too early to talk about it.

Joannine: That's what you say. Do you remember what she told you about the soul mates? She was right.

They stopped the music and the children and Emília stopped dancing a little disillusioned. Lajja shouted something in Arabic and the children began to run out of the tent. Some grabbed Emília's hands and began to pull her out of the tent while they said "outside."

Emília: Is it to go outside?

Lajja: Yes, it's time to play around outside the tent.

Emília, now realizing what was happening, let herself be pulled into the street. Mika and Joannine followed. The children began to move farther and farther from the tent, and Emília went with them.

Mika: Emília! Where do you think you're going without me ?!

Emília: Come on!

The children all went to a field that was between that neighborhood and another. They spread out into the open space, splitting into smaller groups along with other children who joined and each group played with what they liked the most. Emília, Mika, Joannine and a few volunteers stood around to watch.

Mika: Looks like they decided to give you a break.

Emília: You're jealous because they preferred to play with me.

Mika decided to take a walk in the open air so he could appreciate that scene from every angle. It was really nice to see a large group of children playing as if they were the happiest children in the world. Deep down, they were happy. It was their world, the only reality they knew. For them, that was the only way to be happy. They had so little but at the same time they had so much. And above all, they had each other. Emília had noticed how they treated each other as if they were brothers, and this was not the case with the children on the other side of the world. In this sense, these were much richer.

Suddenly, Emília stared into the background and seemed to see some confusion in the closest neighborhood. She furrowed her eyebrows and tried to pay attention to what was going on. Until she began to see the inhabitants of this neighborhood running toward her. They came in panic as if they were running away. They stopped being one or two people to be a crowd. There were shots and the children started to get disoriented. Emília was confused and Lajja shouted something in Arabic and then the translation.


Emília had her heart pounding at a speed she did not even know it was possible. In the midst of the confusion some children were pushed by adults and dropped to the floor. Emília, instead of running away, lifted them trying to get them to the tent as quickly as possible.

Emília: RUN!

Mika grabbed a child in each hand and ran to the tent with her mother. At the entrance of the tent he looked around, looked into the tent and did not see Emília.

Mika: Em ?! Mom, where's Emília ?!

Joannine: I do not know.

Mika ran back to the open which was a very complicated task because everyone was running the other way.


Emília, still out in the open, looked around to see if it was any child left. In the center of the open space, covered by many hurried legs that passed, was Shahrazad clinging to his knees weeping in fear. Emília took a deep breath and began to pierce the crowd toward the child.

Meanwhile, Mika had finally reached that sapace and was already weeping with despair.

Mika: EEEMM !!

He looked back and forth until he saw her. There she was running between people. He did not realize where she was going or did not want to know. He ran to her.

There were more shots and shouts of people as Emília reached Shahrazad and grabbed her in her lap.

Emília: Sssshhh. It's all right.

Emília was about to start heading for the tent when she felt someone grip her tightly. She tried to let go but the person was stronger.

-Calm down! It's me!

Emília looked back and saw Mika.

Mika: Let's go! Fast!

Mika hugged Emília with one arm and ran as quickly as possible to the tent. They went in and crossed it to go to Joannine who was on the other side. The tent had never been so full. Most were women and children. They came to Joannine who hugged Mika and then Emília, which was more difficult because Shahrazad was still in her lap, clinging to her neck and with tears in her eyes. There were noises in the street. Emília leaned against Mika's chest and he hugged her, keeping the little child between them. You could hear their hearts beating like thunder.


A/N: You decide this, but I would say this is the best chapter so far. I had to hear "Esse olhar que era só teu" and "Ouvi o texto muito ao longe" of Dead Combo to be able to write this. I want to read your guesses for the next chapter and I want to know how you reacted to this.Thanks :)

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