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On that day they returned to dinner with Emília's parents and to everyone's astonishment, Alfredo apologized for the way he had treated Mika. He admitted that he was still a bit apprehensive about that relationship but he was not going to object. Paula was always as nice as possible about everything but Emília knew she felt the same as her father, just did not show it.

Emília: I know this is not something that will let you comfortable, but we'll prove you can be comfortable. With time. At least with your support, I'm more motivated to face Mika's family. Thanks.

After dinner they went to Emília's house and spent time with conversations and games. Emília's friends asked Mika many questions but, fortunately, none of their usual nosy questions.

Anabela: How do you write the songs?

Mika: At the piano ... When I'm not on tour.

Júlia: What did you study?

Mika: Well I ... I did not study something especific. I only dedicated myself to music.

Bianca: You never thought this would not go well and you'd have to do something else?

Mika: It could not go wrong. I can not do anything else. I'm dyslexic, so ...

Júlia: Oh, sorry. I did not remember that.

Mika: It's okay. It's a way for Emília to know whenever I write letters or cards ...

Emília: Or songs.

Mika: That leaves no doubt that it was me. Now that I think about it, I'm sorry, Emília.

Emília: Are you sorry ?! Sorry for what ?! I spent days laughing when you called "Sam Swith" to Sam Smith and I love that you use lots of watches and you do not even know how to see the time in that. It's those little things that make you special and not a man like the others.

Mika: And I love how you make me feel special.

Emília: Yes, because no one else does. You do not have thousands of girls who show you this.

Mika: But you're the best of them all to do it.

Mika and Emília stared at each other with a smile on their lips.

Bianca: Well, check it out if we're not interrupting.

They laughed and since it was late and the next day they had to travel to America they went to bed. As usual, Emília clung to Mika for sleep.

Emília: What are you thinking about?

Mika: I do not think I'll tell my family right away that we're together. It is better to go slowly. Show that we are closer than ever and when the time is right I say it.

Emília: (deep breath) It may be but ... do not delay it. If you do it will become more difficult.

Mika: Okay.

Mika squeezed Emília and kissed her head.

Emília: Good night, M.

Mika: Good night, my love.

The next morning they got up very early to have breakfast at Emília's parents' house before catching the plane. Emília's parents wished them the best of luck in the world and warned them five hundred times to watch out for the paparazzi.

They took the plane to America and arrived there at the end of the day. Mika grabbed Emília's suitcases and put them in the trunk of the car. He drove up to his house and went on all trips trying to liven up the spirit to fight the nerves.

They arrived at Mika's house and the first one to appear was Zuleika. She hugged her brother quickly and then embraced Emília.

Zuleika: You really came!

Emília: It was promised.

Then the rest of the family began to appear.

Joannine: Mika and Emília! (Hugs them) It's so good to have both of you here again.

The next to embrace them would be Paloma but was overtaken by Mel and Amira who came running shaking their tails.

Emília: (caresses the dogs) Mel! Amira! I missed you, too!

Paloma had to push the dogs to embrace her brother and Emília. Next it was Yasmine who hugged Mika tightly and gave Emília two forced kisses. Finally Fortuné came, who also hugged Mika and gave him a few taps on the back and then hugged Emília.

They all sat down on the couch and Emília had to control herself not to grab Mika's hand. As Mika's family did not know they were dating Joannine asked innocently where Emília preferred to sleep. If in a guest room if in the room of Zuleika. Emília looked at Zuleika and saw her begging with her eyes to stay with her so she chose Zuleika's room.

Joannine: Emília, I knew right away when it happened that you and Romeu broke up.

Emília: Yes ... it's true.

Joannine: Do not worry, honey. I'm sure you'll find someone who deserves you in no time.

Emília: (swallows) I also believe in that.

Joannine: Well ... I'll let you unpack things up and get some rest. We're doing suits, me and Paloma. Anybody can joinme.

Mika: I'll get there. I'm going to help Emília set up.

Zuleika: I can do that.

Mika: No, I will.

Mika sent Emília to Zuleika's room and showed her which bed she was going to stay.

Emília: Mika, tell them quickly because I hate lying on your mother's face.

Mika: I'll do it. Calm down.

Mika grabbed Emília by the waist and held her to him with a smirk on his lips.

Emília: Mika, someone might show up.

Mika: But I want a little kiss. Only one.

Emília: (turns away from Mika) Then tell them the truth.

Mika: Really, you're not going to kiss me until I say?

Emília: (unpacking and not looking at Mika) Yeah.

Mika: You will not be able to do that.

Emília: Be careful, I'm starting to take this as a challenge!

Mika grabbed Emília again and began to kiss her cheek. Suddenly the door opened and they moved away at the speed of light.

Zuleika: Mika, Mom's calling you.

Mika left the room a little abashed, and Emília could not resist laughing softly at his embarrassment.

Zuleika: Do you need anything?

Emília: No, thank you.

Zuleika: What happened to him. It was strange.

Emília: Please, Zuleika. It's Mika, your brother. I've never met anyone as strange as him.

Zuleika: You're right.

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