Lola's new

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The next day Mika and Emília had breakfast together and went to rehearsal. They did not see Lola anywhere.

Mika: Good morning! Where is Lola?

Richard: She came here and said that she wanted to tell us something but wanted to talk to you both first.

Emília: With us?

Richard: Yes.

Guido: You can rehearse a little and then you have to call her.

They were a bit scared by that information but they did what they told them.

Emília was on the internet when she saw the video recorded the day before. Guido was not playing on duty. He was fast and good at what he did. He managed to capture the emotions of the fans so Emília could feel what they felt.

Emília: Richard, did you see the video of yesterday?

Richard: Yes. It's very funny. Are you still at Mika's house?

Emília: Yes. I think I got used to sleeping with him.

Richard: You sleep with him?

Emília: I do not sleep. I slept once or twice. I slept often with my friends so I feel good sleeping with him. I do not feel alone.

Richard: I knew you got along but did not know it was that much.

Emília: Does that ... bother you?

Richard: No! Why should it bother me?!

Emília: I do not know. You could feel that I'm stealing your place.

Richard: Which place?

Emília: Mika talks about you and I realize that you two are great friends and that you used to spent more time together than now. You could feel that i was pulling you guys apart.

Richard: Does he talk about me?

Emília: He really likes you. And your work. I think you're the only person who can get him to dance something not bad.

Mika: Em, lets go?

Emília: Where?

Mika: Lola wants to meet us at a café.

Emília stood up and kissed Richard's face. When they were leaving Richard called for Mika.

Richard: Mika!

Mika: Say it.

Richard: I was thinking ... I'm going to rehearse the dancers for the concert, but I'll have some time before the show and ... I wanted to ask if you would like to go get some ice cream or something.

Mika: Thank you but i can't. I have a lot of work.

Richard: Of course! I understand. Maybe a next one.

Richard made a sad smile and Mika and Emília left the studio. As they left, Emília slapped Mika's head as he cringed and grabbed his head.

Mika: What was that for ?!

Emília: (imitating Mika's voice) "i can't ... oh, I have a lot of work". Do you make an effort to be stupid or t cames naturally?

Mika: What ?!

Emília: You should have accepted! Do not you realize he's jealous of my presence in your house ?!

Mika: Em, that does not make sense. You are a woman!

Emília: I'm glad you remembered me! Why did you not accepted?!

Mika: Could not i just not want to?

Emília: Pffffff ...

Mika: It was going to be a disaster!

Emília: Why?

Mika: I'm not good at dating stuff.

Emília: At least you realize it was a date.

Mika: Em, I'm not good at talking. I would just embarrassed myself.

Emília: So that's it! You are afraid!

Mika: Maybe.

Emília: M, have you heard your lyrics yet? You're great with words!

Mika: First, I'm singing and not talking. Second, I'm not doing it for him.

Emília: (smiles) Are you ashamed of talking to him?

Mika looked at Emília who had a big smile on her face.

Mika: Maybe. But why that face?

Emília: It's so cute!

Mika facepalmed while Emília looked like a child watching a puppy.

Emília: Promise me that you'll make up for the "no" you gave him.

Mika: I do not know ...

Emília: I'll help you!

Mika: (sighs deeply) Okay, okay. But it does not mean there's going to be something between us!

They arrived at the cafe where Pascal and Lola were sharing a drink.

Pascal: Bonjour.

Lola: Bonjour mes amis*.

*Good morning my friends.

Mika: So? What did you want to talk to us?

Lola: We have a ig new and we want you to be the first to know.

Emília: What ?!

Lola: Me and Pascal are getting married!

Mika: Really!?!?

Pascal: Oui.

Emília: Are we the first to know that?

Lola: Oui.

Emília: Why ?!

Lola: If we decided to take this step it was thanks to both of you.

Mika: And when will it be?

Lola: Not for now! It is only at the end of the tour that we will prepare everything for the ceremony.

Emília: Is it going to be in Paris ?!

Lola: Oui.

Emília: That's so romantic!

Lola: It's just because it's my home.

Emília: I feel so special to know first! And I'm SO happy for you!

Emília got up and the couple also rose to embrace her.

Mika: I'm VERY happy too. You deserve it but ... Lola, after you get married ...

Lola: No, Mika. Je ne vous abandonnerai pas. Je suis votre sœur aînée*. (* I will not leave you. I am your older sister)

Mika: Dieu merci, I would never survive without you.


Yey! Who is happy?! I am!

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