So close and so far

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Emília was home on the couch when her cell phone rang. She thought it was her friends or parents who had forgotten to say something. They had been talking a few minutes ago about Mika's music video that had come out. Emília had some difficulty in explaining that they did not date at the time of the video and that the kiss had been a representation but the parents there eventually believed her word or at least stopped insisting that she had hidden their relationship since that time.

When she looked at the screen, she was surprised to see it was Mika. It was not strange to recive a call of him but it was strange to be at that late hour.

Emília: (answer) Hello?

Mika: (speaks softly) Hello. Were you asleep?

Emília: No. I was here on the computer to see some work stuff. Is something wrong?

Mika: It needs to be something wrong for me to call my girlfriend?

Emília: No, but it's late. It is not usual. I was worried when I saw your number.

Mika: And you should be because one thing is really happening.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: I miss you.

Emília: Mika, I'm a few miles from you.

Mika: But you're not here.

Emília: Very well observed.

Mika: Do not you miss me?

Emília: (smiles) Of course I do. Last night was torture. Did you hear the thunderstorm ?! I was terrified and, worse, alone.

Mika: Come here.

Emília: Mika, are you crazy ?! How would I do that ?!

Mika: You come here. Everything is sleeping except me and Zuleika. She'll open the door for you.

Emília: Wait there! Is Zuleika there with you?

Mika: Yes.

Emília: Now I see everything. You called me with that trick up your sleeve. You already had everything dealed with Zul.

Mika: (laughs) Is that a "yes"?

Emília: All right. When I'm at your door, I'll send a message to your sister. She must have her cell phone with her and in the silence mode.

Mika: (screams in a whisper) Yes! Deal. See you, my love

Emília: You're really smart. See you soon. Kisses. (turns off the call and puts her hand to her forehead) What have I gotten myself into.

Emília turned everything off, straightened her hair, put on her coat, and went to Mika's house. When she arrived she noticed how dark and silent everything was. She sent a message to Zuleika as agreed.

"Zul, I'm waiting for you here, Xo."

It was not long before she appeared and opened the door very carefully in her cuddly robe.

Zuleika: (whispers) Come in.

Emília came in and gave Zuleika a quick hug.

Emília: (whispers) You guys are completely crazy.

Zuleika: Shiu. I'm going to take you to Mika's room.

Emília was going to continue to protest but Zuleika motioned for her not to make a sound, so she just shut up and follow Zuleika to Mika's room.

Zuleika: (whispers) We've arrived. Do not make a sound.

Emília: Okay. (Embraces Zuleika) Thank you. See you tomorrow.

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