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Emília continued trying dresses but the better choices were from Mika until she getting undecided between a black and a red dress.

Emília: What now?

Mika: Now it's your choice. Black is more formal and red is fresher, younger.

Emília: Which one would you choose?

Mika: Me?! (laughs) None! They would not look good on me!

Emília: Good answer. I think I'll take the red one. I like this balloon-type cut more.

Mika: Okay. Is it done?

Emília: No. Now, i want to see some clothes on you.

Mika: Really?

Mika snorted in despair, Emília pushed him into a dressing room and fetched a shirt and trousers. Then she took him the clothes and sat down in a puff waiting. At that moment she checks a message from Richard.

"I'm at the mall where are you?"

Emília responded with the name of the store and a little later Richard was entering the door.

Mika: (leaves a little bit of the cabin) What do you think?

Emília, as she was at the end of the corridor and saw Richard approaching, sent Mika to come to her so they could see each other.

Mika used something very simple and a little different form de usual. A white shirt and blue jeans. When they  were already near Emília, she decided to comment.

Emília: You look very cute. (Turns her head to the side) Do not you think?

Mika, realizing she was not alone, slowed down to get to her and see Richard.

Mika: Richard? What are you doing here?

Richard: I was free and Emília said I could come. Is there a problem?

Mika: No!

Emília: There is! If you do not give your honest opinion about the clothes, you'd better leave. (Smiles)

Richard: Okay.

Mika: Em, why am I trying this?

Emília: For me to prove to you that you can dress a simple outfit and you do not usually wear it. Let's look at the two pieces. A shirt does not go to far to what you wear and white looks very well.

Mika: The white?

Emília: Yes. White and blue are your colors.

Mika: Why?

Emília: Why ... Richard, what do you think of white?

Richard: Me?

Emília: Yes, for him not to say it's just in my head.

Richard stepped forward and began to stare at Mika's chest while ranning a hand through his flaxen hair.

Richard: Maybe it will lighten your eyes and hair.

Emília: Good! Keep going.

Richard: Gives him shine. It is as if he as more light which gives an angelic look.

Emília raises her arm and gives high five to Richard.

Emília: He's right! He said ALMOST everything I was thinking.

Mika: Almost?

Emília: It lacked a detail. A t-shirt or white shirt is something very good to take to a concert. Fans love it! Do you know why? Because you are that person who sweats a lot and the clothes are white and end up glued to the body and all transparent.

Emília began to laugh and touched her elbow in Richard's arm, which, like Mika, was with a forced laugh. Joining that Mika was also blushing a little.

Emília: Now the pants. First, jeans is something you can use when it's hot our cold and looks good with everything. Then I'll explain why I chose this model.

Emília grabbed Mika's shoulders and turned him over.

Emília: (points Mika's ass) BOOM!

Mika: What are you doing?

Mika tried to turn but Emília grabbed him quickly so he would not move.

Emília: Shut up! Richard, notice how perfectly everything is here.

Richard looked very embarrassed and tried to say anything but only came out "aaa" until he could say something.

Richard: I think ... that ... that ... that ...  looks good.

Emília: Right!

Mika: (turns to Emilia) I see, I see. I bet Romeo would not like of you watching my ass. By the way, you look like my sister Paloma. You should meet her someday. I'll change my clothes.

Mika went to the changing room and Emília went to pay the dress with Richard.

Emilia: Richard, I really have to go. You wait for Mika and warn him?

Richard: Aaaa ... Okay.

Emily took the dress, gave Richard two kisses, and left.

Then Mika saw Richard leaning against the shop window outside.

Mika: The Emily?

Richard: She said she had to leave.

Mika's mobile phone the magazine.


"Do yourself wrong but not too bad;)"

Mika put the phone back in her pocket and looked at Richard with a small smile.

Mika: Well, I have to go rehearse. Are you coming?

Richard nodded and they went shopping together. In the distance a few reporters and fans approached. Among them a fan with his 17 years who asked for an autograph to Mika.

Mika: (grabs the notebook and the fan's pen) Sure, honey. What is your name.

Fan: Michaela.

Mika: (laughs) Are you kidding?

Michaela: (smiles) No. It really is my name.

Mika signed the notebook and handed it back.

Michaela: Thank you. You guys make a really cute couple.

Mika: (looks at Richard and then at the fan) We?! No! We are not ...

Michaela: Sorry. So they did.

The fan left smiling and Mika and Richard were one among-looking a little embarrassed at what had happened.

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