It's Zac Efron!

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Mika woke up and was clutching Emília. He did not remember hugging her during the night, and knowing that she would be frightened by the situation, he let her go as slowly as possible so as not to wake her. Luckily she just woke up when he was getting out of bed.

Mika: Good morning.

Emília: Good morning.

Mika: Did you sleep well?

Emília: Not really.

Mika: There makes two of us. It's everything all right?

Emília: Yes. My problems. And you?

Mika: I'm ok. Nothing special. I'll make breakfast to go to the movie recordings.

They ate breakfast almost always in silence. Sometimes Emília could feel Mika's gaze on her but when she looked at him, Mika looked away immediately.

They went to the car and Emília turned on the radio. He began to play "Counting Stars" of "One Republic" and Emília increased the volume and began to dance. It was difficult but Mika was eventually infected with Emília's energy. First he smiled, then laughed, and finally danced the way he could because he was driving.

They arrived at a simple street in Milan that was forbidden the passage to the recording of the film. Emília and Mika passed security and the first person to approach them was the director who greeted them quickly and continued his running from one side to the other. Mika had already been told what to do. He was going down the street, the other actor, who represented a rising musician, was going to go up the street. Their paths crossed, they greeted each other and the actor asked Mika if everything was all right and vice versa. Nothing special. It was actually a very smart move on the part of the director. Emília was familiar with these marketing strategies. Those film seconds were going to take a lot of Mikafreaks to the movies to watch the movie.

Emília stood behind the chambers and Mika walked up the street. What is not Emília's astonishment when she sees that the actor who was going to play those miserable seconds with Mika was Zac Efron! After recording, Mika and Zac came back to meet the team together. Emília watched them approach her and made a bright smile.

Mika: Emília, I'll introduce you to Zac Efron. Zac, it's Emília, my best friend.

Zac: (gives Emília a kiss) Nice to meet you.

Emília: It's my pleasure. I did not know the movie was with Zac Efron.

Mika: I now know that the idea of ​​my appearance was from Zac!

Emília: Did you ... already know each other?

Mika: Yes.

Zac: And we had not seen each other for a long time. When I heard that Mika was around, I thought it would be a good way to get back together.

Mika: And I thank you for this opportunity and for remembering me.

Zac: You think I'd forget you ?!

Mika: It's been a long time, so ...

Zac: But I've never forgotten you.

There was a little uneasy silence. Emília's eyes widened, and she almost stopped breathing, looking at each other without moving anything beyond her eyes.

Zac: Are you going to stay in Milan for a long time?

Mika: Not really. I have to go to Paris soon.

Zac: I'll stay until the end of the recordings, so ... if you want ... my number is the same. Tell me anything to meet and catch up.

Mika: I can not promise you anything. I'll be busy, but ... Yes. One of these days we have to do something.

They called Zac to continue working. He kissed Emília and kissed Mika. Emília and Mika went to the car and no matter how much Emília tried to keep her cool she could not.

Emília: What was that ?!

Mika: What was what?

Emília: Hello?! Zac Efron flurting with you!

Mika: What?!

Emília: No, no, no! Do not pretend you did not notice it because it was so obvious! What happened between you two?

Mika: Nothing.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) Mika.

Mika: There was really nothing. We were friends but you know how this is. One working from one side to the other. Could not keep the friendship.

Emília: But he never forgot you. (smiles at Mika)

Mika: Em, do not start with that.

Emília: But what's the problem now ?! It's Zac Efron! Are you crazy ?! He's cute, you already know each other and you have a friendship, he's bisexual, he's definitely interested in you and he's cute.

Mika: You already said he was cute.

Emília: I know. It's because it's doubly cute!

Mika: (smiles) Yeah, he's very cute. If you want, you can have him. Who is a good friend, who is it?

Emília: I do not want Zac Efron for anything.

Mika: Neither do I, you see!

Emília: But why?

Mika: Do you have to have a "why"?

Emília: When it involves Zac Efron yes. And it has to be a big "why".

Mika: I'm not interested in him. As simple as that.

Emília: How come someone is not ... (turns her head to Mika and raises an eyebrow) Do not tell me that we have Moorish on the coast?

Mika: Moorish?

Emília: It's a Portuguese expression that i translated. I'm basically asking you if there is any more number in this equation that is escaping me.

Mika: (frowns) Em...?

Emília: Damn Mika! Are you in love with someone ?!

Mika made a small but strong braking all of a sudden and Emília grabbed her belt so she would not be projected.

Emília: Jesus!

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: So? Are not you going to answer me?

Mika: Em, what I have to say is that I do not want any man right now.

Emília: Even if this man is Zac Efron ?!

Mika: Even being Zac Efron.

Emília asked nothing more. It was quite visible to her that he was hiding something and it hurt her a little. They were supposed to have a relationship without secrets. However, she decided not to press him. Maybe he would tell her when he felt more comfortable.


A/N: Mika really appeared in a movie for about 3 seconds and that inspired me to write this chapter. Did you like the appearance of Zac Efron? Do you think there will be anything between them? Would you like if they had something? This is almost exploding everything!

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