Emília's Bisthday

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It was March 20th. A day known for being the beginning of spring (in Portugal) and for being International Happiness Day. However, it was day for Emília to remember how old she was. She was going to be 27 years old. For the past five years Emília had not celebrated her birthday with big parties. She did not care much about the date. But her parents and her friends did. If they would not so, she would spend her birthday day as a day like the others.

She woke up with her friends to enter the room singing "Happy Birthday to You". They brought milk with coffee and some toast and, stuck on the toast, a candle lit. At the end of singing they clap and Emília blew the candle.

Emília: Thank you all.

Bianca: Now eat and get dressed that we have to go home to your parents.

Emília: So, it's not supposed just to go there in the afternoon to eat something.

Bianca: Yes but they called and you have to go!

Emília: (suspicious) What's going on?

Anabela: We do not know.

Emília: You are very strange.

Cátia: Hurry up!

They began to give Emília's breakfast to see if it was faster but, as expected, it did not go so well. As soon as she finished eating, they took the dishes to the kitchen while Emília got dressed. At the end of the day they were on foot to Emília's parents' house, which was quite close to their house.

Emília: Mother, father! We're here!

Paula: Emília, (hugs her daughter) Happy Birthday!

Alfredo: My girl is already 27 years old. (greets Emília) Happy Birthday.

Emília: Thank you. But now can someone explain why I came here so early?

Paula: We just got an order for you and we were curious.

They all went to the living room and Emília saw the little brown box on the table. Paula grabbed it and handed it to Emília.

Emília: Wait? So much curiosity about an order? What have they you done?

Paula: Nothing! It was not us! Comes from London!

Emília looked at the box and confirmed what her mother had just said.

Anabela: Emília, open it at once that everybody is dying inside.

Emília looked around and noticed that everyone was looking at her. Surely they were wondering the same as she was. Who would that be? What would be in there? Emília sat down on the sofa and everyone followed her and surrounded her so they would not miss anything. She tore the brown wrap carefully until she had just a cardboard box. When she opened it had one more box. This time it was a colored box. Pretty colorful. On the cover it said "MIKA 4 Swatch" and if she had doubts about who had sent her that, she did not have any more.

Paula: Oh my God! Is it from Mika?

Emília nodded and opened the box. To everyone's amazement there was another box! However, it was not a box at all. It was round and looked like a tribal mask. She smiled and for a moment she remembered the drawings of Mika's house in America and the jewels of Zuleika.

Bianca: I hope there is not a box in there because I can not take it anymore.

Emília smiled and with all the careful in the world opened the box. Everyone leaned toward her to see what was inside. And there was the blue watch that seemed to have been drawn by tribes on a distant island.

Alfredo: A watch?

Júlia: It's so cute!

Bianca: I love it! But I'm suspicious. I love watches!

Paula: Was it Mika who did it?

Emília: It was. He and his older sister.

They continued to praise the watch and everything that came with it but Emília stopped listening. She was deep in thought.

# Flashback starts #

Mika and Emília were in the car talking about everything and anything else until Emília noticed the two watches on Mika's wrist.

Emília: Your watches are very cool. I had not seen those yet.

Mika: It just didn't happen. It was me and Yasmine who designed.

Emília: (surprised) Really ?! So, is not this from Swatch?

Mika: Yeah. It was for Swatch that we did. Like a special edition.

Emília: You mean this went on sale ?!

Mika: Of course. But only in some countries. France, England, Italy ...

Emília: What about Portugal?

Mika: Not Portugal.

Emília: (crosses her arms) That's very unfair!

Mika: I'm really sorry.

Emília: If one of the your watches disappear I will also say that I am sorry.

Mika: Ahah! Are they going to disappear?

Emília: One of them ... It's possible ... More exactly the blue ... There is a lot of criminal around ... Criminals who like blue.

Mika laughed and shook her head while Emília managed to remain serious.

#Flashback ends #

Paula: Daughter, are you listening to us or not?

Emília: Excuse me. I was thinking that I even told him I liked the watch, but I never thought he was caring about anything I was saying.

Bianca: It looks like he was.

Emília put the watch on her wrist and ended up explaining why it that type of drawing and why it did not have numbers. Mika had commented on such things from time to time.

When it was time for lunch Paula with the help of Júlia filled the table with cookies, cakes, chips and some sweets. In the center of the table was a teapot with tea and mugs.

Paula: Since you had you learn to like tea I made tea for you.

Emília smiled and her mother filled a mug for her and handed it along with the sugar. After putting a spoonful of sugar she took the mug to her mouth and drank.

Emília: My God!

Paula: What is it?

Emília: This is awful!

Paula: It's normal tea.

Emília: I don't want to know what tea it is. It sucks! Looks like I'm drinking pine needles!

Paula: I'm sorry. I thought you liked tea now.

Emília: And I like it. Mika's tea. And this is a long way from Mika's tea.

At dinner time, Emília received a message from Mika to talk to him on Skype after eating. From the message she ate much faster.


A/N: What did you think of the gift? I would love having that watch, they are so cool! I was as sad as she was when I heard that it had not been sold in every countrys. In the next chapter we will have their conversation on Skype. Vote and comment it.

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