I can't

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"Os teus pais contaram-nos do encontro com o Mika por isso saímos para vos deixar à vontade. Voltamos tarde ;). PS: Não deixem roupa espalhada pela casa."*

(*"Your parents told us about your date with Mika, so we left to make you more comfortable, so we came back late ;). PS: Do not leave clothes all over the house. ")

Mika: What does it say?

Emília: They are out and arrive late.

Mika: Portuguese is a very strange language. So much words to say just that.

Emília: (smiles) Yeah. You want something?

Mika: I wanted to go to the bedroom. Can we?

Emília: (raises an eyebrow) Are you sure you're not drunk?

Mika: What? (embarrassed) No! That's not what I meant! I meant to stay there and talk, something like that.

Emília: "Something like that"?

Mika: Come on, let's go or not? I'm already embarrassing myself too much.

Emília: You're not. (grabs Mika's hand) Come on then, you lazy.

They went to the bedroom and each of them grabbed their pajamas.

Emília: I think I'll take a shower quickly.

Mika: That would be really nice right now.

Emília: (going to the bathroom) Are you inviting yourself to come and join me?

Mika: (nervous) N-no!

Emília: Too bad. I would allow it.

Mika continued to move things around without any sense just to not to have to face Emília.

Emília: You do not need to blush. I'm just messing with you.

Mika: (softly) And I'm the one who's drunk.

Emília: I heard that!

Emília took a shower in five minutes andMika followed her, who took twice as long. At last he came out of the bathroom with his pajama bottoms and his hair still a little wet. Emília was sitting inside the blankets with a book in her hand.

Emília: I thought you were going to be ready for the Brit Awards.

Mika: (sits up in bed) Maybe I would be a little cold.

Emília: (closes the book and puts it on the side table) You would be successful. The fans would love it.

Mika: But they love anything. Already the people who were going to interview me were capable of not finding much funny.

Emília: I do not know. (approaches her face to Mika's neck ) You would go smelling good. (kisses his neck) And everyone loves smelling people.

Mika: You're smelling good too.

Emília: Does that mean i could go like that, too? We would be both crazy.

Mika: It would not be very fair. You have too many clothes.

Emília: (looks quickly at Mika) You want me to go with less clothes?!

Mika: Sure, because I ... (opens his eyes and mouth) No, wait! (speaking hastily) What I wanted to say was that I had less clothes and it was unfair and ...

Emília, seeing that he was beginning to blush and would not shut up with that explanation, grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him.

Emília: Have you ever been told that you talk too much?

Mika: Some times, yes.

Emília smiled and settled on him so that she could kiss him better. As soon as she did, she felt him shrink. Emília began to kiss Mika's neck and he was clinging to the blankets of the bed with his breathing too fast. Emília began to worry about his nervousness.

Emília: Are you okay?

Mika: Yes.

Emília was more rested and bent to continue her session of kissing.

Mika: No!

Emília stopped inches from Mika's neck and backed away.

Mika: I mean ... I'm sorry, but we'd better stop it here.

Emília left Mika and sat down next to him.

Emilia: Okay, it's time you explained to me what's going on.

Mika: What do you mean? Nothing is going on.

Emília: I do not accept that answer. You've refused me too many times and I want to know why.

Mika: Sorry, I do not want you to get angry but I'd rather not talk about it.

Emília: Mika, we always talked about everything without shame and I did not want that to change.

Mika: Okay. If that's what you want. (clears throat and takes a deep breath) I ... I can not.

Emília: You can not? (worried) Do you have any problems ?! Why did not you ever tell me !?

Mika: Wow wow wow !! No! That's not it! I can. This particular case is that it's being tricky for me.

Emília: Can you stop talking in code, please?

Mika: (speaking quickly) I've never been in bed with a woman, okay ?!

Emília: Excuse me, but that's a lie. You're in bed right now with one.

Mika: (rolls his eyes) Em.

Emília: I was just trying to relieve the tension.

Mika: It's not helping.

Emília: I'm sorry. But what is the problem? You can not because ... you're not attracted to me?

Mika: What ?! Are you crazy ?!

Emília: Maybe you're really confused and you really like me but not enough for this to happen. Maybe you're really homosexual and that's it.

Mika: Stop! That's not it! I feel completely attracted to you. It's not that I did not want to do it but ... I never did. I'm just insecure.

Emília: What ... are you afraid?

Mika: I do not know what to do. I do not want to hurt you and I do not want you to ... that ... you know.

Emilia: No, I do not know.

Mika: I do not want it to be bad. I do not want to do things badly and I do not want you to leave me.

Emília: Mika, I love you. Whatever happens that will not change.

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: You do not have to apologize. I love you, I'll wait. But you do not need to be thinking about the worst scenarios because when it happens I know it's going to be okay.

Mika: So ... Are not you upset?

Emília: (hugs Mika) Of course not. And I'm so much happier that you told me the truth.

Mika: I feel much better myself, too. (smiles) Have you noticed that even though we are in a relationship now, nothing really has changed between us?

Emília: Yes. Maybe we've always been in a relationship but we did not know.

Mika: Maybe that was it. (kisses Emília 's head) Good night Em.

Emília: Good night, M.


A/N: Now you see his stress. Do you think he will overcome his fear? What would you do to help him if you were Emília?

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