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On the morning of the next day Emília went to the theater where it would carry out the casting. At the door it was already a long line of dancers to try their luck. Emília came in and already preparing the table for the jury was Richard. He walked from one side to the other to change the position of things by millimeters. He looked like a madman. Maybe he was a little crazy but who is not? Although he was an elegant man. Because of the dance he exercised a lot you could noted that he cared about his fitness. He was tan, had hair gel with auburn tips and bright green eyes.

Richard Emília! Go around to the bottom of this corridor on the right door and see if Mika needs help, please!

Emília turned and followed the hall to the door with the letters "dressing room".

Before she taps the door it opened which made her jump with fright.

Mika: Emília ?! Sorry, I did not know you were here.

When Emília looked at Mika with those glasses, that wig and fake mustache she let out such a big laugh that echoed throughout the hall. That laughter made Mika laugh.

Emília: I'm sorry.

Mika: Why?

Emília: For laughing.

Mika: Do not apologize to me for laughing! Laughter is great!

They went to the jury table where, beyond Richard, was Kate, a dancer who had already participated in several Mika's music videos.

Emília: (sits on the edge next to Mika and whispers) Mika, I will not know how to choose one. I do not understand any of this.

Mika: Do not worry, I do not know too. That is why we have professionals (points to Richard and Kate on their right)

Richard: Can we start?

Everybody gave permission to begin the casting and Richard shouted at the boy on the edge of the stage so that he began to send dancers in.

As go into all kinds of dancers, Emília was becoming aware of the amount of talent in that room. Ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, ballroom dancing every dance stepped that stage. Richard and Kate commented the most. They made speeches full of technical words and always criticized so that they could improve their performances although sometimes thy were a little impolite, especially Kate. Mika, or Mike, as it was presented to the candidates, was singing softly all the songs passed and could not keep his ass in the place. That man looks like a kid! He's job was evaluate the presentation, stage presence and the commitment and passion for what they did. Sometimes Richard had to give it a touch on the arm for him to shut up because they could recognize his voice. Already Emília, barely spoke. She did not know what to say and not found herself competent to evaluate. Shee spoke only to answer the question posed by Mika: "And you Emília, what do you think?".

They found dancers that made theirchins fallen. Dancers who breathe dance. But also, dancers not even oxygen seemed to breathe. The most striking was a young 27 year old who when asked what he danced defined it as a "own style". Did not lie. Richard and Kate's eyes widened and maintained their attitude towards such a strange figure. Emília tried hard to keep a straight face but Mika did the same. He began to laugh and laugh and his five yearschildish laughing was so contagious that Emília covered his nose but could not help dropping a few giggles. At the end of the performance Mika wiped the tears of laughter.

Richard: What I have to give you is not good news. If this is really what you want for you still have much to work with. But really A LOT! Kate?

Kate: I've always heard that if you don't have nothing nice to say you better don't say anything so I will not say anything. Mike?

Mika: (serious) I wanted to thank you ... for coming ...

Everyone looked at him surprised and suspicious.

Mika: Thank you. (Smiles) I enjoyed myself immensely. Just for that it was worth you coming. Emília?

Emília: Ahhhh ... Yes ... Thank you ... I think.

At the end of all the performances they dialogued about who would hire to join the flashmob.

Mika: It's the end?

Richard: Yes. It's done.

Mika: (grabs the paper and goes to the to of the chair) END! (Throws the papers to the air) Oooo!

Emília: Mika, i did not want to spoil the party but ... there are papers in there with the numbers of who we want to contact.

Mika: (static) Yeah ... Shit...

Although they were the only two in the room, they heard the voice of Lola screaming.

- Mika! Get rigth know out of the chair and pick up the papers!

Mika obeyed while Emília looked around to try to catch sight of Lola but without success.

Emília: How did she know ?!

Mika: Lola? She knows everything.

#I suck at french. Let me know what do you think about the fanfiction?#

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