Walk by the river

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The next day Emília and Mika went for a walk through the magnificent city of Porto.

Emília: It's very strange this time be me showing you the city.

Mika: You're doing great.

Emília: It's like ... (while pointing) To your right you can see the  Douroriver, later we have the Dão Dinis bridge and in the left houses. In case of emergency opt for any exit because we are in the middle of the street.

Mika: See! You have a natural way for this.

Emília: When you fired me, you already know where to find me. Speaking of "firing" ... Have you heard from Richard?

Mika: Not really.

Emília: So what now? Have you got a replacement yet?

Mika: For now the place is occupied by Kate. You remember her? From castings?

Emília: Yes. Super demanding.

Mika: That's it. If we do not find anyone else, she'll be there and that's it. Another thing. I already read your story for the music video.

Emília: And what did you think?

Mika: I loved it and had some ideas to join yours.

Emília: What?

Mika: I have to discuss them with Guido first.

Emília: Just to torture me.

Mika: The question is ... Are you ready to go to Lisbon?

Emília: What do you mean?

Mika: The concert ... Remember?

Emília: When are we going?

Mika: A few days before the concert because we have an interview to do.

Emília: We have? You have!

Mika: No. They want both of us. After all, you are the reason for me to give this concert.

Emília: Mika, I do not know if that's a good idea.

Mika: You must know the program. It's called "5 para a meia noite*". (*5to midnight)

Emília: Are you kidding!?

Mika: No. Do you know it?

Emília: I love that show!

Mika: See!

Emília: But will I also be interviewed?

Mika: That's right.

Emília: What if I mess up?

Mika: It would be better. They get more audiences and I can spend a few days joking with you for it.

Emília: Mika (tapping on Mika's arm) ...

Mika: It will go well! You've done an interview before!

Emília: But it was a five minute interview!

Mika: It's going to be fun.

Emília: That's true.

Mika: Then done. Another thing. Start thinking about that you will play anything with me at the concert in Lisbon.

Emília: Ey! Do not you think you're abusing ?! You come here and you think you can order everything and everyone!

Mika: Basically.

Emília looked at Mika very seriously. Already he was smiling.

Mika: You know what it is? I missed bossing you. And to see you looking at me like someone calling me stupid with your eyes.

Emília: You know how to read my look very well. I do not know if that makes you happy.

Mika: (laughs) Come here.

Mika opened his arms but Emília made herself difficult. She crossed her arms and did not move. Then Mika approached her and hugged her. She tried to resist but she also hugged him.

Mika: Do not be stubborn ma belle.

Emília: That as come to stay, right?

Mika: Probably. (ends the hug) What if you had dinner tonight with me so I could talk to Guido of my idea for the video and you would know everything.

Emília: (pretends) I do not know. I have to see my schedule.

Mika: Besides, I have something for you there.

Emília: A gift?

Mika: Exactly.

Emília: In that case I have a little time for you.

Mika: What a liar.

Mika pushed Emília lightly and she pushed him harder. They were about to start one of their wars when a fan approached to take pictures and ask for autographs. Mika told her about the concert in Lisbon and she was thankful to Emília for bringing him. She also said many times that Emília was a lucky girl. Emília did not react to the compliments because she was a little embarrassed and did not know what to say.

They decided to pass the Dão Luís bridge to see the view and they did great. Already at the top Mika was pacing around and taking lots of pictures.

Mika: Em! This is beautiful!

Emília: It's not only beautiful. It is the most beautiful city in the world.

The two of them reached the railings of the bridge to look down.

Mika: Em, from 0 to 10 how much are you good at swimming?

Emília looked at him confused as he grabbed her by the waist as if to shoot her off the bridge. She clung to him and screamed.


Mika finally put her down while she laughed.

Mika: Let me disagree. I thought it was funny.

Emília: You know what would be funny? Losing you in an unknown city.

Mika: How would that ...

Before Mika had finished, Emília started to run across the bridge as quickly as possible.

Mika: Em!

She did not stop running and he went running after her. When she arrived at the end of the bridge Emília hid herself waiting for Mika to appear. When he appeared and did not see her, he stopped to breathe. Emília left her hiding place and went to Mika. She put her hands on Mika's waist, nipped at him and shouted "bu". He jumped up and turned back.

Mika: Very funny. I knew you would not take long to show up.

Emília: Why?

Mika: Because I'm spectacular.

Emília: That's right.

Mika: Oh my God! You're admitting I'm spectacular! (pretending to be shocked)

Emília: You're spectacular but that's not why I had to show up. You still have a gift for me.

Mika: Of course. I will pretend to believe. (He puts his arm on Emilia's shoulders) Let's go to the hotel, then, so you do not piss me off any more.

On the way, they found more fans who stopped them and Mika ended up exclaiming how they were so loving. They went to the hotel and decided that they would make dinner themselves. Like the last time, they grabbed the ingredients, jammed in the music, and started cooking while making a cheerful karaoke. They made spaghetti with meat. They sat at the table and when Mika served the food he sprinkled the sauce to him and Emília.

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: (laughs) Will we ever be able to eat together without fouling anything?

Mika: Better not wait too long for that.


A/N: This chapter sucks. Sorry for that.

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