Little friends

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Bianca, Cátia, Júlia, and Anabela were starting dinner when they heard the house door open and a voice.

"Is there room for one more at the table?"

They got up a little confused. That voice was not at all unknown. When they left the kitchen they saw Emília in the doorway with her suitcases. They dropped everything and came to her very enthusiastically and hugged her.

Bianca: What are you doing here ?!

Emília: I came early. Is there dinner for me?

Júlia: Oh! There's always!

Emília was at once settling things in her room, and then she sat down at the table with her friends.

Anabela: Did you tell anyone you were coming today?

Emília: No. The truth is that it was also a last-minute decision.

Bianca: Really? But did something happen?

Emília: Yes. This morning I ended up with Romeu and as we were a little afraid he would come after me, we thought it best if I came sooner, which is great because I was missing you.

Cátia: We missed you too.

Bianca: Yes, but let's leave the moment "cute little friends" for later because, of course, what everyone is wondering is what happened to Romeu.

Emília: He was always trying to control my relationship with Mika and I did not like it. But this morning he went over and showed everything he really thought. Surprise, surprise ... He's a disgusting homophobic who only knew how to insult Mika.

Anabela: (shocked) Are you joking ?!

Emília: I wish I was.

Júlia: What an idiot ... Oh, I'm sorry, Emília. It's still your ex-boyfriend.

Emília: No, no problem. Idiot isn't enough.

Bianca: And now the other question. Who is the "we" who decided that you came today?

Emília: Me and Mika, of course.

Júlia: What about Mika? How's he doing?

Emília: He is holding hiself. Within the possible. It's hard to think I'm leaving at a time like this, but it will not be long before his family is in London.

Júlia: Poor thing.

Anabela: Looks like a tornado of relationships happened in London.


Emília: But that does not matter now because I'm super happy to be here with you!

Dinner was long because they spent more time talking than eating. They all had news and Emília loved to hear all the stories of little events in the lives of her friends. However, they told them everything in a hurry because they found their stories insignificant and dry compared to what Emília had to tell. Emília told from the O.V.N.I.s in post it, until the crazy dances in the rehearsals, eventhe pranks made by Lola. They looked at Emília with wide eyes and big smiles in their mouths.

Anabela: Damn! You're lucky!

Emília: I do not want to be rude, but I agree. I loved this adventure. At least part of it. Now I have a music video to create and a vacation to enjoy.

Bianca: What if we went out ?

Emília: Sorry, but I'm too tired to that.

Bianca: You're right. I had not thought of that.

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