First Ultrasound

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Emília: So, we go to Portugal, we tell them the news and then we go to England, we tell your family and we start working for another tour.

Mika: Sounds good to me. I mean, more or less. I don't want you to work hard.

Emília: Mika, I told you, I'm not sick. I'm Pregnant.

Mika: And when are we going?

Emília: I don't know. When do you want to go?

Mika: (smiles) Never.

Emília: (laughs) I know but ... That is not an answer.

Mika: (makes an abandoned puppy expression) Can we stay one more night?

Emília: (smiles and runs a hand through Mika's hair) Of course we can. We have to tell Fedez. I think he has to know this whole story.

They invited Fedez to dinner with them and told him the whole story. From the Christmas gift, through the marriage and ending in pregnancy. Fedez listened quietly and without reaction.

Mika: So Fedez? Aren't you going to say anything? You are the first to know!

Fedez: Congra-tu-lations !! Sorry! I'm in shock! But I'm really happy for you. And have you been to the doctor?

Mika: No. We'll go in Portugal which is the first place we go.

Fedez: When you know the sex you know what you have to do. If it's a boy, it would be an honor for him to have my name.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) Fedez, that won't happen. Sorry.

Fedez: Well, I tried.

At the end of dinner Fedez warned again that if they needed anything they would just have to ask and wished them all the luck in the world for all that was to come and went away.

Mika and Emília went to bed. Emília lay down while Mika finished brushing his teeth. Mika came out of the bathroom and saw Emília lying looking at the ceiling and fidgeting with her hair. Emília noticed Mika standing looking at her and laughed.

Emília: What is it?

Mika said nothing. He approached the foot of the bed and, consequently, Emília's feet. He put an arm on either side of Emília's body and climbed across Emília's bed and body until he was face to face with her. They kissed as Emília clung to Mika's hair and Mika clung to Emília's legs. Suddenly Mika got off Emília and she was a little surprised.

Emília: Why did you stop?

Mika: I don't want to hurt the baby.

Emília: You weren't hurting me.

Mika: But it could hurt what we did next.

Emília: (Turns sideways to Mika and puts a hand on Mika's face) You wouldn't. (kisses Mika's cheek followed by neck) You can continue.

Mika smiled and reached out to grab Emília's waist but she escaped him and went to the opposite end of the bed laughing. Mika dragged his body to Emília. When he got up to put his body back on Emília's body he was going to put a hand on Emília's other side but as she was on the edge of the bed the hand had no place to land and Mika eventually passed Emília and fell off the bed . He even got up very quickly since Emília couldn't stop laughing at the situation.

Mika: Do you think it's funny?

Emília just nodded. She couldn't talk, just laugh.

Mika: You'll see!

Mika sat on Emília's legs, because he was afraid to sit on her belly, and began to tickle her.

Mika: Now you have reason to laugh.

Emília begged him to stop and he did what she asked him to do and lay back on her and kissed her as before.

The next day, Emília and Mika caught the plane to Portugal very early because they wanted to go to the doctor first.

They were eventually caught by some journalists at the hospital door which would become very difficult to explain but at that moment they meant nothing.

In the waiting room, Mika was leaning forward to rub his fingers. Emília grabbed his hand, smiled at him, and felt him relax a little. The doctor called them and they went to the room.

Emília lay down on the stretcher and Mika sat beside her. They put a cold gel on Emília's belly to do the ultrasound and she shivered.

Mika: Are you ok?

Emília: (laughs) Of course I am! The gel is cold. It was just that.

Mika: Sorry. I had no idea the gel was cold.

Emília laughed and the doctor laughed too.

Doctor: I see that is your first child.

Mika: (makes a nervous smile) Is that so predictable?

Doctor: Don't worry. I'm used to new parents. I'm just going to probe Emíilia's belly to see the baby.

The doctor passed the probe and began looking for the baby while looking at the screen.

Doctor: Here it is.

They both looked at the screen and saw what looked like an egg.

They both looked at the screen and saw what looked like an egg

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Mika: Is this my baby?

Doctor: It is. This black spot is where he is.

Emília looked at Mika's face and saw that he was slack-jawed and frowning. Emília could not resist and had to laugh at his expression.

Mika: What is it?

Emília: Were you expecting to see a baby ?!

Mika: No, but ... This is also strange. When can we know the sex of the baby?

Doctor: Sometimes you can tell by the eighth week, but the precise result is around the fourth month, that is, the sixteenth week.

Emília: Mika, I don't want to know the sex.

Mika: Don't you wanna ?!

Doctor: Right now the baby is three weeks, so you have time to decide that. The most important thing I have to tell you is that everything is fine. As for the mother, you know, no smoking, no alcohol, no more polluted environments and no stress. If you already did it is to live life normally. As for the father, avoid stress.

Mika: Can my stress hurt the baby?

Doctor: No, but it harms you and you don't have to. It's all right. Chill out.

Emília: (laughs) Thank you doctor.

The doctor greeted Emília and Mika and they left the hospital with a few more journalists asking why they went there.

No one knew they were back, so Mika and Emília decided to show up at Emília's parents to surprise them at dinner time.

Emília opened the door of the house and they went to the living room in silence.

Emília: (entering the room) Do you have dinner for two more?

Everyone rose from their seats and went to hug Emília and Mika.


A/N: Sorry for the delay but i sarted working so i'm busy. Hope you keep reading :)

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