I will always be here

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A/N: The video above is the song that Mika will sing if you want to listen.

At the entrance of the cinema Emília saw something for sale that made her stop to buy. After a minute at the counter she continued her run. When she left the cinema it was raining but she did not stop. She tightened her coat and ran out of the theater. She went as fast as possible to Mika's house. Luckily it was not very far. About five minutes later Emília arrived at her destination. She knocked on the door and Lola opened it immediately.

Lola: Emília, it's good that you've arrived.

Emília came in and saw Mika sitting at the piano playing  Intoxicated. Lola noticed that Emília was dripping and trembling.

Lola: Go to him and I'll get you a towel.

Emília went towards Mika who continued to play without reacting to her presence.

Mika: "Totally depressing, you treat me like a fool,
Am I caught up in the reasons,
For the stupid things you do."

Emília stood behind Mika listening to him and could not help but tear away.

Mika: "So intoxicated, theres nothing I can say,
And I feel as if I'm bleeding,
From a thousand miles away"

Emília wrapped her arms around Mika's neck and hugged him from behind.

Mika: "All the stars- fading, so are mine,
All the tears-breaking, so must I."

After a while with Emília pressing Mika hard and grabbing his arms Emília dropped Mika and sat next to him. They looked into each other's eyes and Emília wiped Mika's tears. Trying to appear softly came Lola who laid a towel on Emília. Emília smiled at her and she left without saying anything.

Emília: I almost forgot. I got something for you.

Mika: What ?!

Emília got up and went to her suitcase.

Emília: Close your eyes.

Mika: Em!

Emília: Come on, do as I'm telling you.

Mika finally obeyed and Emília took what she had bought from her suitcase and returned to the front of Mika.

Emília: You can open it.

Mika opened his eyes and saw Emília with a friendly smile and in her hand had nothing less, than a big lollipop. Mika smiled and grabbed the lollipop.

Emília: You better sunk too hard on that lollipop.

Mika: Our love it's gonna get me down.

Emília: Because I will not let love gets you down.

Mika: A lollipop is always a good medicine for a broken heart.

Emília: That's exactly what I thought when I saw it.

Mika: There is only one thing that goes beyond is healing power.

Emília: What?

Mika: An Emília.

Mika looked into Emília's eyes. Although he already felt better, he still had a sad look and his eyes were red from crying. Emília lightly touched his face and when she touched him, he closed his eyes as if that made her touch feel better.

Emília: Mika, you can date a thousand men and not stay with any of them but one thing I assure you. I will always be here.

Mika: Is that a promise?

Emília: Without a doubt.

Mika: I also promise you'll never get rid of me.

Emília smiled and approached him. They hugged each other tightly and were in that embrace what seemed like an eternity. It was only interrupted by a voice.

- May I join you too?

They left and saw Lola a few feet away with the face of an abandoned puppy. They laughed and opened their arms so that Lola fits in the embrace.

Emília: As much as I'm enjoying this moment, I have to go and take a shower because I'm still cold.

They finished the hug and rose from the piano bench.

Mika: You've been in the rain since the cinema?!

Emília: Of course, did you want me to come how?!

Mika: So what about Romeu?

Emília: It was there. I went running. I'll send him a message saying it's everything okay.

Mika: How crazy!

Emília: I'm going to take a shower and I'll be right back.

Mika: You will be really back again! I will not be able to fall asleep already and you could keep me company.

Emília: All right. I'll be right back.

Emília went to the bathroom, Lola said goodbye and went to bed and Mika stayed on the sofa watching TV. It was not long before Emília appeared in her pajamas and sat down on the couch beside Mika.

Mika: You smell good.

Emília: (laughs) I took a shower. Is not that supposed to? I'm sorry to ask you this but ... Now that you're done with Richard, he's fired?

Mika: No!

Emília: But will not it be difficult for you toget along with him normally after all this?

Mika: It's going to be hard to get along with, but I'm not going to "get along withhim" normally. That would only be untrue on my part because, of course, nothing will ever be as before between us. But he is a great choreographer and that is why he works with me and not because we are friends or not.

Emília: You're right. That is very professional of you.

Mika lay down on the couch and laid his head on Emília's legs. They watched a movie because Mika argued that he was not sleepy but soon fell asleep. He was exhausted from crying and with Emília running his hands through his hair he fell asleep in an instant. However, Emília was sitting on the couch and not in a very comfortable position to sleep. She lifted Mika's head very carefully and stepped out from under him. Luckily he was in such a heavy sleep that nothing would wake him. As the couch was quite wide she went over Mika's body without touching him and lay down behind him. Within seconds she was asleep.


A/N: In part this is real. When I'm angry or sad about something, a lollipop makes miracles. And you? How do you heal a broken heart? Comment and vote.

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