What i want is not there

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They went to the hotel talking with good humor.

Emília: Do you want to go up?

Romeo: (smiling) Can I?

Emília: If you want.

Romeo: Yes. Why not ?!

Emília went to get the room key and went up with Romeo. When they reached the room Emília struck first and Romeu frowned.

Emília: (openning the door) At least he left the room decent.

Romeo: Who?

Emília: Oh, sorry! I'm here with Mika.

Romeu: But how? There's only one bed!

Emília: Well ... do not judge us but we have slept together.

Romeo: In the same bed ?!

Emília: Okay, I know, it's strange but if you think there's nothing wrong. Mika is a homosexual. It's like sleeping with a brother. But I realize you do not feel good. In the eyes of society it is, at least, strange.

Romeo: I do not see anything wrong with that.

Emília: (smiles) Really ?!

Romeo: I think it's strange, I have to admit, but I do not think sleeping with someone else is wrong. Even less when that person can not feel anything for us. Right?

Emília: I think so. (Gets up quickly) Sorry, I did not even offer you anything to drink or eat.

Romeu got up while Emília turned to the kitchen area.

Emília: What do you want? (messing things up on the table) There's tea, coffee, milk ... wait! I found Wisky!

Romeo: Emília, let it be.

Romeu went to Emília and grabbed her fist by turning her to him.

Emília: But do you not want anything?

Romeo: I want . But what I want is not there.

Emília: Oh, I'm sorry.

Romeo: (laughs) No, Emilia, you do not understand.

Emília: No?

Romeu laid a hand on Emília's face and she was caught between him and the table. He leaned on slowly until their noses touched and kissed her gently. The kiss was suddenly interrupted by someone opening the door. They walked away and saw Mika enter.

Mika: Maybe I should not have come already.

Romeo: No, Mika! Please! It's your room! I also have to go. Emília, I'll call you later.

Emília accompanied Romeo to the door and said goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek. As soon as she closed the door, she leaned against it, smiling.

Mika: I was going to ask how the ride went, but I think your face says it all.

Emília: It could have been better if you came in seconds later!

Mika: Sorry! I could not guess!

Emília: I'm joking with you.

Emília sat down on the couch beside Mika and put her legs up so that she pressed her knees to her chin.

Mika: Are you going to tell me?

Emília: There's nothing to tell.

Mika: Liar!

Emília: Okay! He kissed me! Just that!

Mika: Just ?!

Emília: You're right. Who do I want to fool? I'm in the clouds right now!

Mika: See! Who is your friend, who is he?

Emília smiled and rolled her eyes. Mika hugged her, pulling her to him and she finally laid her head on his legs. They spent some time talking and laughing until Emília got up to ask for dinner to the room service. They knocked on the door and Mika went to open it, while Emília was preparing the table for the meal.

Mika: Look Em, dinner comes with bonus.

When Emília looked, she saw the servant pushing the cart with the food, and behind him came Lola.

Emília: Lola, have you had dinner?

Lola: Not really.

Mika: Have dinner with us.

Lola: Okay.

Emília put another seat on the table and they sat down while Mika served dinner.

Emília: (puts a mouthful to her mouth) Lola, how's Pascal doing?

Lola: All right.

Suddenly, Emília's cell phone started ringing and she took it out of her pocket and saw who it was.

Mika: I bet it's Romeo.

Emília: (stands up) You're jelouse.

Lola would start asking questions about what was happening but as Emília had gone to the corner of the room answer the call Mika motioned for Lola to shut up.

Emília: Hello?

Romeo: Emília, it's Romeo.

Emília: I know. Are you all right?

Romeo: Yes. I hope I did not call at a bad time.

Emília: It's never a bad time to talk to you.

Romeo: (laughs a little) I ... I wanted to ask you ... if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow.

Emília: Yes, it sounds good.

Romeu: Good. I'll pick you up at 8 pm.

Emília: Okay.

Romeo: See you tomorrow.

Emília: See you tomorrow.

She shuts off the call with a big smile and when she looks at the table Mika and Lola are staring at her waiting for her to say anything what made her slow down and smile back to the table.

Mika: What's the deal now?

Lola: Does anyone want to explain what's happening?

Mika: Emília?

Emília: Well ... (says very fast) Mika and Richard are in love!

Mika: Hey! Emília and Romeo kissed!

Lola: (opens her eyes) Oh my God! Did you kiss !? I want details!

Mika: (laughs out loud) You're in trouble!

Lola: Do not be laughing that the night is a child and I just leave here when I know everything about the bouth of you.

Mika: Hey! Damn! (crosses his arms with a sulky face)

Lola: (very enthusiastic) I love this! You can start Emília.

Emília and Mika ended up having to tell everything about their love lives. Lola said they were both predictable. She had noticed Emília's enthusiasm about Romeo, and everybody was suspicious about Mika. She just left after everything was cleared. Like people used to say: "they can take Lola out of Paris but they can not take Paris out of Lola".


I hope you are enjoying.

What do you think about Emília and Romeu?

Everybody has a friend like Lola, am i right?

Thank you :)

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