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They arrived at the restaurant and the smell of pizza invaded the air. Guido was soon recognized by the staff that when they saw with who he was, got a table upstairs where, in addition to being more comfortable, they had also a fantastic view of the city.

Waitress: Buonasera. Già sanno quello che chiederanno o vogliono vedere il menu?*

*Good evening. Do you know what you want or want to see the menu?

The maid appeared to be younger than Emília, and beyond her beauty she had a smile and bright eyes that made anyone feel welcome.

Mika: This to be well done should be Guido to choose.

Guido: I do not mind. Do you want me to choose?

Guido made the request to the maid imperceptibly for Emilia. First because it was all done quietly and second because it was in Italian. It didn't take long until the first pizzas began to arrive. When the maid put one of the pizzas near Mika, Emília noticed that she was shaking, and as she was sitting in front of Mika, she leaned over the table to speak to him.

Emília: M, I think you should say something to the girl who is serving us.

Mika: What do you mean? Did I do something?

Emília: No. But the girl is super nervous about serving you.

Mika: Really ?! I did not notice.

Emília: But it is. Try tomake a feel  confortable. I'm feeling bad for her.

Mika: Okay, okay.

The maid came back with the drinks.

Mika: Mi dispiace (reads the plaque on the lapel of the maid)Giovanna, come si può resistere a mangiare le pizze?*

* Sorry ... Giovanna, how can you resist eating the pizzas?

Giovanna: Chi ti ha detto che ho resistito?*

*Who told you that I do resist?

Mika: E 'impossibile per una donna elegante mangiare pizze.*

* It is impossible for such an elegant woman to eat pizzas.

Giovanna: (very embarrassed) Grazie *.


Mika: (smiling at the team) Her smile... So sweet.

Giovanna: (covers her open mouth in amazement) Thank you.

Mika: (turns to Giovanna) Do you know English ?!

Giovanna: Yes ... a little.


Mika: I was caught. I'm sorry I was messing with you but my friend noticed that you were nervous and was trying to make you feel better. So do not be nervous. No need to be.

Giovanna: It's because I'm a big fan and my colleagues made me come to serve you and ...

Mika: They made you come?!?!?

Giovanna: Che non è quello che volevo dire!!!*

*That was not what I meant.

Mika: I understood (he runs his hand over the maid's arm) Relax!You're too young foe such stress.

Giovanna: Sono 21.*

*I'm 21 years old.

Emilia: She said she's 21 ?!

Mika: Yes! And you've been working here for how long?

Giovanna: 2 years. But, in principle, I do not stay much longer.

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